25 Nov 2023 - I am trying to update and expand these old Rootsweb pages and
most have been greatly expanded in the past few years. Recently I had to
move my website from Rootsweb where it was for 20+ years to my own paid webspace.
In 2024 Rootsweb is locking down old websites so they can no longer be
updated so the site needed to be moved. I do as much real research as possible and take the time to track down source documents and draw conclusions based on actual documents, circumstantial evidence, cluster data and now DNA evidence. I have been researching my ancestry off and on since 1991. Many lines are very difficult to research and there are still many brick walls. I am on Ancestry and my main tree is "Lance's family tree" I have added links to some new pages attempting to document possible DNA segment triangulations. At the bottom of this page are links to my public shared Google Drive folders that contain important photos and documents. My Pedigree Chart My Gedmatch kit number is A299781. Gedmatch style color bar generator |
DNA triangulation can be used work out which specific DNA segments are common to specific ancestral lines or ancestral couples. The method involves comparing chromosome match data in a spreadsheet. Currently Ancestry has the largest DNA database but it does NOT let you see the actual segment data. It also adds smaller likely erroneous segments matches into your total centimorgan count which can make distant matches report closer than they really are. The only method to obtain and view actual Ancestry segment data is to download your DNA data and then upload that file to a 3rd party website like Gedmatch (preferred) or FTDNA. While Gedmatch is a smaller database than Ancestry it contains user-submitted kits from multiple DNA websites. The steps are: