Thlutho Fixico (aka David Fields)

(Last updated 29 March 2021)


Thluthlo Fixico &
first wife:

Thluthlo / Thutho Fixico (David Fields) was born in the 1820s in Alabama. His parents are not known but he did have two brothers named Hulbuta and Wotco Fixico. Thlutho's Creek tribal town was Hutchechuppa (or Alabama) according to some records. He had at least two wives. The name of his first wife is unknown and his second wife was Sawiky, daughter of Lahta/Holarter Yahola. Thluthlo died after 1882. It is not known where he is buried. His children are listed in records as Fixico and Fields. Sawiky died November 1901.  [notes] Notes:
Dau. Lasley Fields was born about 1840 Creek Nation, Indian Territory. She married "Hopiyee". Lasley died March 10, 1932.
  • Manna Fields was born about 1874. She married John Lewis. Manna died before 1932.
??? unknown Fields - This child had children.
  • Taylor Fields was born about 1872. He married Lydia and Melinda Fife. Taylor died March 1, 1945.
  • Mitchell Fields was born about 1889.
  • Annie Fields was born about 1881. She married Sarhilla (Lewis).
Son Artus Fields ("Artus le homartie") was born about 1850 Creek Nation, IT. He married Waite. Artus died March 20, 1911.  

Thluthlo Fixico and
Sawiky (Yahola):

Thluthlo / Thutho Fixico (David Fields) was born in the 1820s in Alabama. His parents are not known but he did have two brothers named Hulbuta and Wotco Fixico.

Sawiky/Sawika was the daughter of Lahta/Holarter Yahola.  Holarter/Lahta/Lotter Yahola was born around 1822 in the Creek Nation, Alabama. It is not known who his wife was or how many children he had. His tribal town was Kailigee. He died after 1882.

Sawiky's Mitochondrial DNA haplogroup is A2.
Son Stepney Fields was born about 1866. He married Lucy, daughter of Big Ben. Stepney died 1895-99.
  • Punskee Fields was born "Feb 25, 1897". He married Louisa Watson, 1917. Punskee died June 4, 1940 and was buried Fields family cemetery, Okmulgee co., OK.
Son Stephen? Fields was born about 1867. He died ????  
Dau Janilla/Jenalee Fields was born 1868-70. She married Chenaske and Leitka Tiger. She died March or July 1913 possibly near Price, OK.
    children by Chenaske
  • Eblo Field was born about 1888.
  • Jesse Field was born about 1890. Jesse died "Feb. 16, 1910".
    children by Leetka Tiger (Catcher Yahola).
  • Mattie Tiger was born about 1897. She married Josiah Harjo, June 20, 1916.
  • John Tiger was born Feb. 3, 1901. John died 1913.
  • Johnson Tiger was born Feb. 3, 1901. He married Kiccie Buckley and Ella Marshall.
  • Nancy Tiger was born Oct. 15, 1904. She married Johnson Harjo. Nancy died July 29, 1947.
  • Daniel Tiger
  • Charley Tiger was born Feb. 24, 1907. Charley died Aug. 1984.
  • Cinda Tiger was born about 1912. Cinda died July 1915.
Dau Selie/Sarah Fields was born 1871-72. She married John Simmons, George Asbury, and Cussehta "Keso" Yahola. Selie died on or about 17 Aug 1934 and was buried on her land allotment north of Weleetka, OK.  Her grave is marked with her first name and year of death written in cement.  [Find-A-Grave]
    children by John Simmons.
  • Kogee Simmons was born 1895. She married William Fisher. Kogee died Feb. 27, 1928.
  • Sam Simmons was born March 13, 1902. Sam died "Oct. 10, 1918."
    children by George Asbury.
  • Eliza Asbury was born Feb 24, 1905.
  • James "Jimmy" Asbury was born Feb 20, 1907.
  • Jane Asbury was born 1909.
Dau Liddie / Lydia Fields was born 1877-75. She apparently never married. She died after 1911.  
Son David Fields was born 1877-78. He married Mary Sevier on 16 July 1901. David died after 1911.  
  Dicey Fields was born about 1880. She married Sam Randall. Dicey died after 1911.
  • Emma Randall was born about 1893.
  • Ida Randall was born May 1895. She married Taylor Johnson.
  • Amy Randall was born Jan. 28, 1900. She married John Berryhill. Amy died March 7, 1983.
  • Willie Randall was born March 6, 1902.
  • Roman Randall was born Nov. 17, 1904. He married Annie Island. Roman died July 18, 1944.
  • ? Randall
Son Thomas Fields was born about 1882. He married Kizzie Sugar on July 25, 1905. Thomas died May 2, 1945.
  • Johnson Fields was born Nov. 3, 1919.
  • Sampson Fields was born 1920.
  • Lucille Fields was born Jan. 4, 1923.