1832 Creek Nation census
Se-Sn names

Names: A    B    C-Cho    Chu-Cus    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P
Q R    S-Sc    Se-Sn    So-Sy    T-Te    Th-To    Tu-Ty    U V    W    X Y Z    Surnames

Names of heads of families No. Town
Se an nock ee 23 Ekundutske
Se ar kar bie 133 Luchipoga
Se arth li bie 66 Luchipoga
Se ath li ga 36 Ekundutske
Se ath lie jar 67 Toakpafkar
Se? both Ka 20 Clewalla
Se che to ke 52 Chehawah
Se chock e 21 Hotallehoyar
Se co li ga 59 Hatchchechubba
Se do i e 105 Chattoksofke
Se e gey 48 Talledega
Se er Sit lia 54 Pockentallehasse
Se gith ley 69 Hatchet Creek
Se har par yay 49 Hitchetee
Se hat ke 27 Hillabee
Se he che pe 54 Coweta 5
Se he che pe 44 Tolowarthlocko
Se he gi gaw 25 Pockentallehasse
Se he lar che 85 Weogufka
Se hin eithlar 237 Tuckabatcha
Se hitch kar 56 Chearhaw
Se hith li a 2 Weogufka
Se ho ath la 296 Tuckabatcha
Se ho bi a 46 Ekundutske
Se ho both Clarna 53 Hatchchechubba
Se ho e i gey 5 Kiamulga
Se ho ga 91 Tuckabatcha
Se ho jach cha 186 Tallisee
Se ho kar 16 Oswichee
Se ho mar Harjo 14 Emarhe
Se ho mar le che 76 Thlakatchka 1
Se ho par ye 81 Coweta 1
Se ho yi che 66 Thlakatchka 1
Se hol latter 120 Luchipoga
Se ie che 350 Tuckabatcha
Se ke stee 73 Thlakatchka 4
Se ker 611 Cussetaw 7
Se ki yar pe 18 Oswitchee
Se ko ho we nay 7 High Log
Se ko i ge 94 Chattoksofke
Se ko? sar 159 Tallisee
Se lar chee 39 Tolowarthlocko
Se lee ko 38 Chehawah
Se li che 90 Coweta 5
Se lit ca 8 Chearhaw
Se man ar ta ke 13 Hatcheechubba
Se mar he chi ke 521 Cussetaw 7
Se mar ho me 7 Coweta 4
Se mar ke 127 Chattoksofke
Se mar par har mi ga 25 Tawwarsa
Se mar po ke (alias Tommy) 49 Thlakatchka 4
Se mar to ko 76 Chehawah
Se mar war 454 Cussetaw 6
Se marth lar 38 Emarhe
Se me he chi che 77 Coweta 1
Se me ho sar 26 Eufaula 2
Se me no ke 21 Cowyka
Se me te tar ye 59 Hitchetee
Se mer sey 8 Hotallehoyar
Se mi he thle 78 Hitchetee
Se mi ke (or Mary) 619 Cussetaw 7
Se mo kar gay 40 Talledega
Se mo thli che 46 Coweta 4
Se mop pe ho ye 29 Hatcheechubba
Se mun nut skay 15 Hitchetee
Se nar (Grayson) 394 Cussetaw 6
Se naw he 91 Weogufka
Se ne chi che 71 Thlakatchka 1
Se nich e 68 Coweta 5
Se nip ke 145 Eufaula 1
Se noche ho e 12 Hillabee
Se nok kar 20 Hotallehoyar
Se nup pie 37 Sowgahatchcha
Se o par key 144 Eufaula 1
Se oth le go 56 Chockolocko
Se Kubie 35 Chearhaw
Se sy par 16 Talledega
Se tar koanth sar nay 97 High Log
Se tar we 32 Talmachussa
Se taw le 89 Weogufka
Se te mar sa 59 Thlobthlocco 2
Se te? pi ke 340 Cussetaw 5
Se wach ee 47 Pockentallehasse
Se war lot ho ga 21 Corn House
Se ye ki che 91 Eufaula 1
Se yo lo gey 81 Chockolocko
Se mo ka pe?? 560 Cussetaw 7
Seaborn F. Jones 17 Autanga
See ap e li che 209 Cussetaw 2
See ar too chee 57 Hitchetee
See har ni kay 43 Oswitchee
See har par ye 13 Coweta 1
See he i ga 289 Tuckabatcha
See Hoga 16 Corn House
See li che 5 Hotallehoyar
See mar lar 97 Cussetaw 2
See nar 70 Thlakatchka 1
See nitch a 15 Pahlochokolo
See o ko ba?? 20 Thlaketa (principal chief)
See o ti che 12 Hotallehoyar
See tar ne 107 Thlakatchka 4
See thle far ke 38 Oswitchee
Sem i no le 41 Eufaula 1
Sem mi ho ke 83 Chattoksofke
Sen nar chi ke 43 Coweta 1
Sen te war 153 High Log
Seo Mar 318 Tuckabatcha
Sfar ne Emarthlar 390 Cussetaw 6
Sfar ne Fixico 6 Coweta 5
Sfar ne Fixico 111 Cussetaw 2
Sfar ne Harjo 197 Eufaula 1
Sfar ne Harjo 36 Thlakatchka 5
Sfar ne Tus tun nuck ee 607 Cussetaw 7
Shack on shar nay (alias Tobey) 119 High Log
Shack un shar 50 Euche
Shar ka nay 165 High Log
Shar Quar har 9 High Log
Shark ho with lar nay 41 Euche
Sharl te nay 42 Euche
Shat tar thli ke 493 Cussetaw 7
She ar ko a 54 Euche
She ats yar 56 Euche
She? ats yar 41 High Log
She har lar te 117 Eufaula 1
She hi ya 5 Hatcheechubba
She ho te 76 Thlakatchka 4
She mar har ke 29 Hitchetee
She me ke 55 Sowoccolo
She me lar 35 Oswichee
She mothe li o che 3 Sowoccolo
She nar ye?? 40 Coweta 1
She of fun nar gey 61 Chearhaw
She par ke 164 High Log
Sho far har ke 30 Hatcheechubba
Sho lote ko ka 30 Tolowarthlocko
Shock ho e thlar 2 Oswitchee
Shock ho no chi che 73 Thlakatchka 1
Sholt te 45 Chattoksofke
Shoo Quar har 25 Euche
Shoo u tar 76 High Log
Shoof key 163 High Log
Shou war ney 103 Euche
Shu shi ye 40 Euche
Shup par ke 66 Euche
Shy ar po nay 136 High Log
Si a me ge 44 Talledega
Si am ho ge 62 Tallase Hatchee
Si ar 407 Cussetaw 6
Si ar ho 567 Cussetaw 7
Si ar kay 78 Eufaula 1
Si e pe 40 Eufaula 2
Si he ga 136 Luchipoga
Si he ga 69 Wewoakkar
Si he gey 70 Hatchet Creek
Si hi Kit liga 136 Tuckabatcha
Si hoke 14 Toakpafkar
Si ke na 31 Coosawda
Si key 36 Cussetaw 1
Si mot ta 123 Toakpafkar
Si nar ho thle 46 Chehawah
Si ob bie 30 Cubihatcha
Si u far kon te nay 61 High Log
Si u to nay 56 High Log
Si ye chi che 247 Cussetaw 3
Si/Li ke te che 592 Cussetaw 7
Si ye har tar?? 559 Cussetaw 7
Siash Yoholo 10 Tuckabatcha (principal chief)
Sic co kie 19 Coosawda
Sik ak har lay 43 High Log
Sik it taw a 16 Tallipsehogy
Sik ko mar yhe 12 Hitchetee
Sike hi yar thlar nay 173 High Log
Sil lup hogar 52 Wewoakkar
Sim an alt? 61 Chockolocko
Sim an not te gey 91 Chockolocko
Sim bo he ga 126 Toakpafkar
Sim e saw 102 Weogufka
Sim fo lo ke 468 Cussetaw 6
Sim ho ya 68 Kohomutkigartskar
Sim hoie 61 Wewoakkar
Sim hul ga 125 Tallisee
Sim lum mie 72 Tallisee
Sim ma har ga 21 Sowgahatchcha
Sim ma ho ga 29 Corn House
Sim mar 17 Coweta 1
Sim mar bo kar 133 Kialege
Sim mar gar kie 132 Ufaula
Sim mar hie 70 Wewoakkar
Sim mar hoak tie 225 Tuckabatcha
Sim mar la 17 Chehaw
Sim mar sie 64 Hickory Ground
Sim mar te 112 Chattoksofke
Sim mar tul kar 53 Thlakatchka 4
Sim mart to nie 124 Tallisee
Sim me 437 Cussetaw 6
Sim me car 184 Tallisee
Sim me ho de 48 Emarhe
Sim me ho ga 71 Wewoakkar
Sim me ho gey 74 Chattoksofke
Sim me not tee 18 Rabbit
Sim mi e 43 Autanga
Sim mi hoie 52 Hatchchechubba
Sim mi hoie 26 Toakpafkar
Sim mi of ke 60 Chockolocko
Sim min not 73 Hatchet Creek
Sim mit ko lee 146 Tallisee
Sim mo li ga 66 Hillabee
Sim mo me 41 Pockentallehasse
Sim mo naw he 32 Hatchet Creek
Sim mo si ar 107 Luchipoga
Sim mok qua ger 52 Emarhe
Sim mun nar te 24 Thlakatchka 3
Sim mun ni che 33 Wewoakkar
Sim mut ter 90 Fish Pond
Sim noot hoie?? 120 Ufaula
Sim o par ye 26 Talledega
Sim war he 38 Fish Pond
Sim wok i go 99 Chattoksofke
Sin da 119 Ufaula
Sin dar ga 130 Tuckabatcha
Sin e char 573 Cussetaw 7
Sin e lach e 174 Eufaula 1
Sin hi Hat? ke 76 Oswitchee
Sin ho mar har ke 50 Chattoksofke
Sin ho Mijar? 41 Talmachussa
Sin ho ni thle 32 Eufaula 2
Sin ho yar ne char 12 Thlakatchka 2
Sin ich hoie 70 Thlobthlocco 1
Sin kaw he 73 Tallase Hatchee
Sin ken ha 44 Kialege
Sin li che 16 Thlakatchka 5
Sin mi e char 138 Kialege
Sin nar gof tie 256 Tuckabatcha
Sin narth lar 12 Thlobthlocco 2
Sin ne 54 Sockopartoy
Sin ni gi ga 129 Tuckabatcha
Sin no che 18 Coosawda
Sin no che 196 Tuckabatcha
Sin no ga 122 Hillabee
Sin Picka? Barnard 5 Thlobthlocco 2
Sin tag ga ha 39 Thlobthlocco 2
Sin tha 61 Tuskeega
Sin tha Yo ho lo?? 17 Hickory Ground
Sin thlar he 598 Cussetaw 7
Sin ti ho ke 523 Cussetaw 7
Sine mat tie he che 30 Chearhaw
Sine mo meachar 232 Tuckabatcha
Siney 161 Luchipoga
Sing cool kar 71 Oswichee
Sing kar ke 467 Cussetaw 6
Sing kar ke 25 Thlakatchka 3
Sing kar ye 61 Chehawah
Sing ko a ho ge 71 Eufaula 1
Sis e py 31 Toakpafkar
Sis o ker 39 Rabbit
Sis se ber 80 Hatchet Creek
Sis se Yoholo 98 Chockolocko
Sis ti ce? 26 Corn House
Sis to thle 610 Cussetaw 7
Sister 42 Tuskeega
Sit har lay 109 High Log
Sit? ko lar gey 40 Pockentallehasse
Sit ta heech che 77 Kialege
Sit ta wi ga 44 Arbiccooche
Sit te He gey 20 Kiamulga
Sitch cho di ca 122 Kialege
Sitchey? Cornoles 15 Tuckabatcha (principal chief)
Sith lo ge che 25 Oakchoy
Skar ke 36 Euche
Skar te 35 Coweta 4
Ske? nar he 20 Eufaula 1
Skim mo we 70 Chearhaw
Skin is so go 4 Ufaula
Skin ni a 29 Oselarneby
Slar fo che 13 Conchartetie
Slar hie 28 Cubihatcha
Sli kay 39 Talledega
Slin cha ne le ke 128 Cussetaw 2
Sloke pus? ke Micco 35 Hillabee
Slow ar ke 92 Thlakatchka 4
Smar he 191 Cussetaw 2
Sme gar 7 Kialege
Smed 27 Clewalla
Snock af tar 47 Toakpafkar
Snow 215 Tuckabatcha