1832 Creek Nation census
E names

Names: A    B    C-Cho    Chu-Cus    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P
Q R    S-Sc    Se-Sn    So-Sy    T-Te    Th-To    Tu-Ty    U V    W    X Y Z    Surnames

Names of heads of families No. Town
E as? aicco Hobie 69 Tuckabatcha
E bock kie 32 Tallisee
E buc kar lat kar 313 Tuckabatcha
E cey 43 Conchartetie
E char ge Emarthlar 15 Rabbit
E char ye 53 Sowoccolo
E charse Harjo 69 Fish Pond
E charse Yoholo 26 Coweta 5
E charse Yoholo 491 Cussetaw 7
E charse Yoholo 27 Thlakatchka 1
E cho (or Judy) 95 Chattoksofke
E cho E fo lo war 21 Eufaula 1
E cho E kar 125 Eufaula 1
E cho Emarthlar 24 Coweta 1
E cho E marth lo che 113 Eufaula 1
E cho Fixico 49 Eufaula 1
E cho Hargo 8 Tawwarsa
E cho Harjo 39 Chehawah
E cho Harjo 23 Eufaula 1
E cho Il le Harjo 27 Eufaula 1
E cho Nar che Harjo 105 Eufaula 1
E cho Yoholo 126 Eufaula 1
E cho Yoholo 4 Kialege
E chos tu Yoholo 147 Tuckabatcha
E chum Emarthlar 88 Weogufka
E darth lie 195 Tuckabatcha
E far Emarthlar 7 Cussetaw (principal chief)
E far Emarthlar 67 Tallase Hatchee
E far Emarthlar 62 Talledega
E far Emarthlar 101 Toakpafkar
E far Fixico 59 Coweta 5
E far Harjo 14 Oselarneby
E far Tus ke ne haw 13 Coweta (principal chief)
E far Tus tun nuck ee 35 Thlakatchka 1
E far Tustunnugga 1 Tawwarsa
E fo lo Yoholo 68 Chehawah
E ful o Harjo 4 Oswichee
E far Tustanlugga 62 Ufaula
E far Tus tun nuck ee 477 Cussetaw 7
E fus te gey 100 Weogufka
E gin natch a 56 Chattoksofke
E har Thlar 52 Autanga
E hat tau 76 Luchipoga
E here? 72 Arbiccooche
E hi e marth loo che 66 Rabbit
E ho mar ter 56 Rabbit
E ho mer 80 Oswichee
E kar sar me 202 Cussetaw 2
E karse Harjo 158 Cussetaw 2
E ke sey 77 Coweta 5
E kin gar 25 Chehaw
E kis ke 23 Oswichee
E lar 27 Coweta 4
E le yon tar 181 High Log
E ley 44 Chehawah
E lit di ga 28 Oaktawsarsey
E lo ho ne 30 Oswitchee
E lo se 277 Cussetaw 4
E mar me Harjo 57 Eufaula 1
E mar to ko 530 Cussetaw 7
E marth Harjo 34 Kiamulga
E marth lar 102 Arbiccooche
E marth lar 10 Hatchet Creek
E marth lar 6 Oselarneby
E marth lar 86 Talledega
E marth lar 16 Tawwarsa
E marth lar 15 Tolowarthlocko
E marth lar At ke 11 Emarhe
E marth lar Char har ne 94 Thlakatchka 1
E marth lar Chart ee 200 Eufaula 1
E marth lar Chopko 18 Hitchopartarga
E marth lar Co cho ko ne 1 Coweta 5
E marth lar Had ke 385 Cussetaw 6
E marth lar Harjo 35 Chockolocko
E marth lar Harjo 18 Coweta (principal chief)
E marth lar Harjo 7 Cussetaw 1
E marth lar Harjo 196 Eufaula 1
E marth lar Harjo 23 Hickory Ground
E marth lar Harjo 9 Sowoccolo
E marth lar Hatka 37 Tallisee
E marth lar Hatka 322 Tuckabatcha
E marth lar Thlock o 82 Oswichee
E marth lar Tus tun nuck 109 Kohomutkigartskar
E marth lar Tus tun nuck ee 2 Cowyka
E marth lar Tus tun nuck ee 18 Eufaula 2
E marth lar Yoholo 84 Clewalla
E marth lar Yoholo 381 Cussetaw 6
E marth lar Yoholo 14 Hillabee
E marth lar Yoholo 84 Kialege
E marth lar Yoholo 90 Wewoakkar
E marth lo chan ne 58 Talledega
E marth lo che 77 Chattoksofke
E marth lo che 3 Cowyka
E marth lo che 39 Kiamulga
E marth loo che 316 Cussetaw 5
E marth loo che 93 Kohomutkigartskar
E marth loo che 41 Weogufka
E marthlar Yoholo 34 Toakpafkar
E mo nar ye 157 Eufaula 1
E ne har cho ko ne 47 Chattoksofke
E ne har Emarthlar 100 Hillabee
E ne har Emarthlar 40 Hitchetee (principal chief)
E ne har Fixico 52 Coweta 5
E ne har Fixico 412 Cussetaw 6
E ne har Fixico 29 Emarhe
E ne har Fixico 385 Tuckabatcha
E ne har jis kar Harjo 9 Eufaula 1
E ne har Thlock E marth 148 Eufaula 1
E ne har Thlock o Harjo 60 Eufaula 1
E ne har Thlock o Yo ho 56 Eufaula 1
E ne har Tus ke he ne haw 38 Tolowarthlocko (principal chief)
E ne har Tus tun nuck ee 26 Eufaula (principal chief)
E ne har Wop pe lig ger 10 Kiamulga
E ne he Emarthlar 89 Fish Pond
E ne he Emarthlar 160 Kialege
E ne he Emarthlar 26 Kiamulga
E ne he Emarthlar 53 Sockopartoy
E ne he Mar Thloo che 602 Cussetaw 7
E ne he Marth lar 35 Coweta 5
E ne he marth loo che 36 Hillabee
E ne he marthlar 20 Chattoksofke
E ne ho che 408 Cussetaw 6
E no lick ho gar 199 Tuckabatcha
E note nugga 13 Wewoakkar
E par sars 47 Tuckabatcha
E Pock Ka lo diga 174 Tuckabatcha
E sar ho kie 172 Tuckabatcha
E sar ke 17 Cowyka
E sar key 75 Chehawah
E sar par 24 Chehawah
E sar par Harjo 162 Eufaula 1
E schow we 566 Cussetaw 7
E si e ga 198 Tuckabatcha
E thlo mar 50 Sowoccolo
E ti a 121 Toakpafkar
E to te 179 Cussetaw 2
E Toat Yoholo 34 Conchartetie
E tom my Tustunnuckee 24 Eufaula 1
E wun nar 280 Cussetaw 4
E wy che 7 Hatchet Creek
E wy nok ke 61 Talledega
Each e nay 16 High Log
Each hos Fixico 186 Tuckabatcha
Each hos Hargo 6 Luchipoga
Eas tee char co Micco 7 Tallipsehogy
Eas tee Charco Chopko 10 Cussetaw (principal chief)
East ee Char ko Harjo 110 Eufaula 1
East in nog e 63 Hillabee
Ech has Fixico 71 Tallisee
Ech hos Hargo 7 Coosawda
Ech hos ti Hargo 6 Tallisee
Echo 33 Arbiccooche
Echo ar chular 62 Luchipoga
Echo Emarthlar 21 Emarhe
Echo Emarthlar 15 Kohomutkigartskar
Echo Emarthlar 23 Tallisee
Echo Emarthlar 46 Thlobthlocco 1
Echo Fixico 9 Autanga
Echo Fixico 102 Fish Pond
Echo Fixico 48 Hickory Ground
Echo Fixico 19 Tallisee
Echo Fixico 20 Tuskeega
Echo Hargo 99 Clewalla
Echo Hargo 25 Tallisee
Echo Hargo 29 Tuckabatcha
Echo Hargo 30 Tuskeega
Echo Harjo 44 Oselarneby
Echo Harjo 12 Toakpafkar
Echo mie 88 Arbiccooche
Echo was tie Hargo 165 Tuckabatcha
Echo Yoholo 38 Autanga
Echo Yoholo 27 Kohomutkigartskar
Edward James 20 Autanga
Efar Yoholo 49 Luchipoga
Eli Berryhill 62 Thlakatchka 4
Elijah Carr 31 Hitchopartarga
Eliza 18 Conchartetie
Eliza 34 Eufaula 2
Eliza 100 Tuckabatcha
Elizabeth Cornels 379 Tuckabatcha
El sey Perryman 5 Eufaula 1
Em pe thle 102 Euche
Emalth Hargo 45 Thlobthlocco 1
Emarth Harjo 9 Conchartetie
Emarth Harjo 3 Oselarneby
Emarthlar 11 Tuskeega
Emarthlar Harjo 31 Conchartetie
Emarthlo che 9 Coosawda
Emarthlo che 25 Hickory Ground
Emarthlo che 48 Luchipoga
Emarthlo che 7 Thlobthlocco 1
Emarthlo che 109 Toakpafkar
Emarthlo che 193 Tuckabatcha
Emarthlo che 18 Wewoakkar
Emarthlo che harney 22 Thlobthlocco 1
Emarthlo Chopco 128 Tallisee
Emarthlo Harjo 25 Oaktawsarsey
Emarthlo Harjo 28 Toakpafkar
Emarthlo Yoholo 31 Oaktawsarsey
Enar he ne har 45 Eufaula 2
Epar Hargo 11 Sowgahatchcha
Es lo che 105 Toakpafkar
Es sa war ney 81 Euche
Eso mi che 27 Tawwarsa
Eth la ma 46 Autanga
Eu far ko we 26 Euche
Eu fau la Fixico 1 Hitchopartarga
Eu fau la Harjo 527 Cussetaw 7
Eu fau la Harjo 99 Eufaula 1
Eu fau la Harjo 5 Hitchopartarga
Eu fau la Harjo 15 Thlakatchka 5
Eu fau la Micco 87 Hillabee
Eu fau la Micco (alias Wm. Massey) 47 Thlakatchka 4
Eu fau lee Fixico 62 Hatchet Creek
Eu foo li ke 522 Cussetaw 7
Eu ko lay ko ko we thlar nay 39 High Log
Eu lo ho tay 13 Euche
Eu par ho yi thle 23 Hotallehoyar
Eu par le ti kay 33 Thlakatchka 5
Eu po li ka 61 Hillabee
Eu po yi thle 16 Chehawah
Eu pok ko lo ti ke 136 Cussetaw 2
Eu pus ser 41 Chehawah
Eu? hoke way 19 High Log
Eue har Emathlar 19 Ottise
Eue har Micco 18 Ottise