1832 Creek Nation census
I names

Names: A    B    C-Cho    Chu-Cus    D    E    F    G    H    I    J    K    L    M    N    O    P
Q R    S-Sc    Se-Sn    So-Sy    T-Te    Th-To    Tu-Ty    U V    W    X Y Z    Surnames

Names of heads of families No. Town
I ark ho pie 67 Tuskeega
I dic co Harjo 27 Corn House
I e pe 35 Kialege
I farny Yoholo 14 Kohomutkigartskar
I hitch y 88 Hillabee
I ho bie 59 Kohomutkigartskar
I lick char 51 Arbiccooche
I oake 39 Chearhaw
I ock ho miga 49 Autanga
I spanny Harjo 19 Arbiccooche
I tar ho ie 23 Chehaw
I to si Ho gar 85 Tallisee
I yar ho me 31 Chattoksofke
I yar ho me 22 Chattoksofke
Ic che Hargo 71 Ottise
Ich car kaw 40 Tallisee
Ich che haw 82 Tuckabatcha
Ich che Yoholo 49 Thlobthlocco 1
Ich cleach? war che 19 Luchipoga
Ich ho hea 72 Luchipoga
Ich ho kie 38 Oakchoy
Ich hoie 151 Luchipoga
Ich hoie 311 Tuckabatcha
Ich hos Fixico 75 Clewalla
Ich hos Fixico 141 Luchipoga
Ich hos Fixico 45 Tuckabatcha
Ich hos Hargo 66 Ottise
Ich hos Harjo 58 Arbiccooche
Ich hos Micco 69 Luchipoga
Ich hos Yoholo 5 Tuckabatcha
Ie mar mie Fixico 56 Luchipoga
Il le ga by 24 Ufaula
Il lin dar 82 Tallisee
Il lis Fixico 51 Fish Pond
Il lis Harjo 11 Fish Pond
Il lis Harjo 49 Kiamulga
Illis Fixico 13 Hickory Ground
Illis Fixico 51 Tallisee
Illis Fixico 35 Toakpafkar
Illis Harjo 29 Oaktawsarsey
Illis Hargo 3 Thlobthlocco 1
Illis Heargo 87 Tuckabatcha
Illis hoth le boyar? 333 Tuckabatcha
Illis Yoholo 59 Thlobthlocco 1
Im bal a de 115 Hillabee
Im bo a di ga 86 Arbiccooche
Im bo ar fi go 4 Talledega
Im bo hie 53 Wewoakkar
Im bo hoat tie 74 Tuckabatcha
Im Far lin nar 96 Luchipoga
Im fit tar Harjo 53 Thlakatchka 5
Im fit ter Harjo 89 Chockolocko
Im ma Hargo 48 Tuckabatcha
Im mar mic ke Yoholo 55 Tallisee
Im me ter 81 Arbiccooche
Im mi art tee 61 Thlobthlocco 1
Im mi ha 98 Tallisee
Im mo li gey 41 Fish Pond
Im mo mi 43 Weogufka
Im mun nar lee char 51 Thlakatchka 5
Im par lar te 21 Thlakatchka 5
Im Parsa 75 Wewoakkar
Im Parsee 67 Thlobthlocco 1
Im po nar ye 240 Cussetaw 3
Im Pollart die 161 Tuckabatcha
In che 34 Coweta 4
In chok i key 104 Eufaula 1
In chun gar 35 Sowgahatchcha
In clannis Hargo 14 Clewalla
In Git Tal ar 115 Ufaula
In hal hagar 133 Ufaula
In heach kar 117 Luchipoga
In hi yar Hargar 100 Luchipoga
In ho kie 25 Coosawda
In ho matta hoth la boga 35 Thlobthlocco 1
In le ti key 11 Eufaula 2
In luck ho e 91 Kialege
In lum mar ley 462 Cussetaw 6
In narth nar 129 Luchipoga
In ne har co choke co ne 42 Arbiccooche
In ne har Fixico 55 Luchipoga
In ne har Fixico 16 Ufaula
In ne har lic co che 43 Arbiccooche
In ne har wocco ligar 97 Fish Pond
In ne haw 9 Wewoakkar
In ne haw Fixico 8 Pochishachcha
In ne ho ga 51 Kohomutkigartskar
In no e gey 37 Emarhe
In no ger 20 Hitchopartarga
In no ki e gey 89 Talledega
In nun die 116 Luchipoga
In sar Kie 78 Ottise
In tar ney 357 Cussetaw 5
In tarse ke 67 Hatchet Creek
In te narse ho ye 8 Cussetaw 1
In Thlanis Hargo 43 Chehaw (principal chief)
In thlar nis Harjo 17 Coweta 5
In to bie heach Kar 99 Tallisee
In to sark ey 13 Oswichee
In Tuck hoie 378 Tuckabatcha
In tul kar 61 Coweta 4
In tus se ki a 39 Hitchopartarga
Ing koo tar 7 Chehawah
Is cal ike Harjo 2 Hitchopartarga
Is car kie 46 Kohomutkigartskar
Is che he 56 Sockopartoy
Is che law he 29 Hatchet Creek
Is chim be 42 Hillabee
Is cho ko lar gee 106 Chattoksofke
Is chote kar 103 Thlakatchka 1
Is cow ob be 19 Hitchopartarga
Is cow op pe 18 Tallipsehogy
Is fan ar te E lig ger 8 Emarhe
Is fan nis kar 83 Tallisee
Is fanny Emarthlar 38 Arbiccooche
Is fanny Emarthlar 72 Clewalla
Is fanny Emarthlar 10 Hatchchechubba
Is fanny Harjo 2 Hatchchechubba
Is fanny Harjo 78 Wewoakkar
Is fanny Tustunnugga 7 Talmachussa
Is far ka 63 Thlobthlocco 2
Is far ne Emarthlar 62 Chockolocko
Is far ne Emarthlar 4 Cussetaw (principal chief)
Is far ne Emarthlar 40 Cussetaw 1
Is far ne Emarthlar 68 Rabbit
Is far ne Fixico 92 Chattoksofke
Is far ne Fixico 12 Tallipsehogy
Is far ne Harjo 168 Cussetaw 2
Is far ne Harjo 12 Eufaula 2
Is far ne Harjo 42 Hatchet Creek
Is far ne Harjo 93 Thlakatchka 1
Is far ne Micco 13 Coweta 2
Is far ne O boy 13 Chockolocko
Is far ne Yoholo 17 Chockolocko
Is far ne Yoholo 24 Hillabee
Is far ne Yoholo 73 Rabbit
Is far ne Yoholo 56 Talledega
Is far ne Yoholo 40 Weogufka
Is far ne Yo ho lo 235 Cussetaw 3
Is farney Fixico 70 Arbiccooche
Is fi at te 30 Ekundutske
Is fi ga 34 Arbiccooche
Is fi ho ka 63 Arbiccooche
Is fo le che 67 Hitchetee
Is fo le che 50 Oswichee
Is ful Ho ge 27 Sockopartoy
Is ful ho ke 52 Thlakatchka 1
Is hal lot ta 2 Toakpafkar
Is hat up ho gey 1 Chattoksofke
Is ho latta 88 Ottise
Is ho ni yay 20 Oswitchee
Is ho ye 35 Oswitchee
Is kar bot kie 123 Tallisee
Is kar de 129 Chattoksofke
Is kar ne 109 Chattoksofke
Is kin har 37 Thlakatchka 1
Is ko e che 538 Cussetaw 7
Is ko nok ke 29 Hitchopartarga
Is ko wab be 75 Chockolocko
Is ko ye che 63 Hitchetee
Is ko you 19 Chehawah
Is kun ne 46 Coweta 1
Is lot ke 85 Coweta 5
Is lot key 80 Oswitchee
Is lot te 61 Oswitchee
Is mar ta 52 Sowoccolo
Is mar yar 23 Oswitchee
Is mo gi gey 55 Fish Pond
Is mo ma chey 363 Cussetaw 5
Is mu di ga 74 Hillabee
Is nar gof te 104 Chattoksofke
Is panny Hargo 18 Talmachussa
Is par ho le 6 Weogufka
Is par lart kie 173 Tuckabatcha
Is par le 13 Thlakatchka 3
Is par ne Fixico 3 Hatchet Creek
Is par ne Yoholo 6 Hatchet Creek
Is par ne Yoholo 159 Kialege
Is pe ye 41 Oswitchee
Is po hie 335 Tuckabatcha
Is poke Yoholo 12 Pockentallehasse
Is se ho gey 17 Hitchopartarga
Is sey 6 Hihagee
Is shaw way 79 Fish Pond
Is she we lo ya 46 Tolowarthlocko
Is soo le ge 106 Hillabee
Is stud die 110 Tallisee
Is swor ne Harjo 63 Rabbit
Is ta jar go Hargo 82 Clewalla
Is tal loch er 38 Ufaula
Is tar fu ho gey 5 Fish Pond
Is tar ho kie 85 Ottise
Is te Char ho we 153 Cussetaw 2
Is te mar char nar 196 Cussetaw 2
Is te Marth lar 91 Chattoksofke
Is te Me char 234 Cussetaw 3
Is te mi Ho ke 29 Fish Pond
Is te mo har ye 21 Eufaula 2
Is te mo si ye 81 Thlakatchka 1
Is te mun eath lig gy 34 Hitchopartarga
Is ti e che 85 Chockolocko
Is tick a funna Yoholo 83 Clewalla
Is tim ar sie 46 Talmachussa
Is tim mee? hun got ta 89 Arbiccooche
Is tim mi hi ka 47 Ekundutske
Is tim mie Fitz Tarkie 117 Tallisee
Is tim y ke 69 Eufaula 1
Is tin he thli che 87 Coweta 5
Is tin ho pi er 339 Cussetaw 5
Is tin liga 32 Clewalla
Is to hi e ge 78 Hillabee
Is to hitch che go 66 Chearhaw
Is to ho liga 33 Kohomutkigartskar
Is to o liga 90 Clewalla
Is tuf fun fuck ee 60 Chearhaw
Is tun lo fo Hoga 124 Tuckabatcha
Is war he 4 Chockolocko
Is war ke 36 Pockentallehasse
Is wi ga 48 Wewoakkar
Is wi gar 122 Ufaula
Is wok e char 27 Coweta 5
Isaac Brown (alias Har so te) 52 Coweta 1
Isfanny Yoholo 44 Clewalla
Ispanny Hargo 27 Ottise
Isto fi gee 60 Chattoksofke
It carcha Yoholo 127 Ufaula
It char Wi key 31 Oswichee
It char Yoholo 16 Thlakatchka 1
It cotta Hargo 7 Sowgahatchcha
It kad de Hargo 274 Tuckabatcha
Itch ko 32 Chockolocko
Its har po 195 Cussetaw 2
Ituddy? Hargo 69 Ottise
Ivy Scott 11 Ekundutske