Names: A B C-Cho Chu-Cus D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Q R S-Sc Se-Sn So-Sy T-Te Th-To Tu-Ty U V W X Y Z Surnames
Names of heads of families | No. | Town |
Absolom Islands | 14 | Coweta (principal chief) |
Alexander Tutt | 32 | Hitchopartarga |
Anny Cornoles | 184 | Tuckabatcha |
Anny Sullivan | 178 | Tuckabatcha |
Barrant Duboise | 181 | Tuckabatcha |
Ben Burgess | 138 | Eufaula 1 |
Ben Posey | 65 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Benjamin Marshall | 88 | Coweta 1 |
Benjamin Walker | 8 | Cubihatcha |
Betsy Piegeon | 10 | Cubihatcha |
Betty Cornoles | 369 | Tuckabatcha |
Betty Riley | 1 | Tuckabatcha |
Billy (Grayson) | 430 | Cussetaw 6 |
Billy Barnett | 263 | Cussetaw 3 |
Billy Fife | 11 | Chockolocko |
Billy Reddick | 28 | Coweta 2 |
Billy Scott | 42 | Ekundutske |
Bob Cornels | 11 | Tuckabatcha (principal chief) |
Charles Elliott | 18 | Autanga |
Charles Lane | 109 | Tuckabatcha |
Charles Merril | 88 | Ufaula |
Charles Miller | 12 | Hitchopartarga |
Charles Steel | 71 | Tallasse Hatchee |
Charles Weatherford | 21 | Autanga |
Col. John Stidham | 1 | Sowoccolo |
Dan'l Asbury (alias Cho lar Fix i co) | 397 | Cussetaw 6 |
Daniel Bruner | 29 | Conchartetie |
Daniel G. Watson | 27 | Ufaula |
Daniel Gray | 79 | Hitchetee |
Daniel Johnston | 77 | Thlobthlocco 1 |
Dannel Townsend | 8 | Ufaula |
David Barnard | 20 | Tuckabatcha (principal chief) |
David Hale | 16 | Autanga |
David Marshall (alias Ko we marth lar) | 18 | Coweta 1 |
David Piegeon | 19 | Cubihatcha |
David Walker | 230 | Tuckabatcha |
Dick Cornels | 28 | Tuckabatcha |
Dick Spiller | 147 | Cussetaw 2 |
Edward James | 20 | Autanga |
Eli Berryhill | 62 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Elijah Carr | 31 | Hitchopartarga |
Elizabeth Cornels | 379 | Tuckabatcha |
Ellic Burgess (alias Al e ka) | 228 | Eufaula 1 |
Els ey Perryman | 5 | Eufaula 1 |
Fanny Lovett | 24 | Cussetaw 1 |
Fieldin Scroggins (husband of Sally) | 14 | Cussetaw 1 |
George Grayson | ||
George Scott | 55 | Ufaula |
George Stiggins | 54 | Autanga |
Gideon Arthur | 108 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Hanna McGirth | 65 | Tuskeega |
Harriet Barnard | 78 | Euche |
Henry Clay | 72 | Tallase Hatchee |
Henry Marshall | 1 | Coweta 2 |
Homer Cornels | 179 | Tuckabatcha |
Isaac Brown (alias Har so te) | 52 | Coweta 1 |
Ivy Scott | 11 | Ekundutske |
Jack Barnard | 97 | Euche |
Jack Fish | 69 | Tallase Hatchee |
Jack Stidham | 4 | Sowoccolo |
Jackson Doyell | 71 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Jacob Beavers | 15 | Coweta (principal chief) |
James Berryhill (alias Me ko li kay) | 45 | Thlakatchka 1 |
James Callahan (husband of Amanda) | 4 | Cussetaw 1 |
James Perryman | 119 | Eufaula 1 |
James Grayson | 23 | Hillabee |
James Hutton | 42 | Nohohuntthegartskar |
James Island | 12 | Coweta (principal chief) |
James Kelly | 51 | Chearhaw |
James Marshall | 5 | Coweta 2 |
James McFarland | 37 | Hickory Ground |
James McGilvary | 23 | Tuskeega |
James Moore | 5 | Thlakatchka 5 |
Jenny Barnard | 88 | Euche |
Jerry? Redmouth | 24 | Hickory Ground |
Jesse Hill | 32 | Tallase Hatchee |
Jim Barnard (or Ful lo ke) | 59 | Euche |
Jim Fife | 1 | Chockolocko |
Jim McQueen | 303 | Tuckabatcha |
Jimey Holloway | 603 | Cussetaw 7 |
John Barr | 34 | Hickory Ground |
John Berryhill | 63 | Thlakatchka 4 |
John Calhoun | 89 | Hillabee |
John Carr | 117 | Thlakatchka 1 |
John Grayson | 119 | Hillabee |
John Island | 57 | Coweta 5 |
John Leisco | 9 | Chockolocko |
John Marshall | 3 | Thlobthlocco 2 |
John McFarland | 38 | Hickory Ground |
John McQueen | 372 | Tuckabatcha |
John Moore | 9 | Thlakatchka 5 |
John Perryman | 77 | Eufaula 1 |
John Rily | 43 | Ekundutske |
John Robeson | 107 | Eufaula 1 |
John Sims | 25 | Hotallehoyar |
John Smith | 31 | Ufaula |
John Steel | 38 | Conchartetie |
John Ward | 63 | Tuskeega |
Johnathan Isaac | 120 | Thlakatchka 1 |
Johnny Thompson (alias Johnny Thlock o) |
25 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Joseph Brown (or Kot tar thlar ) | 18 | Cussetaw 1 |
Joseph Carr | 33 | Cussetaw 1 |
Joseph Goowin | 22 | Tuskeega |
Joseph Marshall | 19 | Coweta (principal chief) |
Joseph P. Cook | 93 | Ufaula |
Joseph Pieggieon | 13 | Cubihatcha |
Joseph Wheeler (husband of Mary) | 3 | Cussetaw 1 |
Josey Marshall | 7 | Coweta 2 |
Joshuah W. Harmon | 15 | Autanga |
Judy Tooly | 371 | Tuckabatcha |
Katey Moore | 6 | Thlakatchka 5 |
Kitty Barnard | 91 | Euche |
Lewis Manack | 28 | Tuskeega |
Lizzy Burgess | 226 | Eufaula 1 |
Lizzy Grayson | 121 | Hillabee |
Lucy Burgess | 152 | Eufaula 1 |
Lucy Marshall | 6 | Coweta 2 |
Lucy Mims | 41 | Cussetaw 1 |
Lucy Powell (alias Lucy Had ke) | 46 | Coweta 5 |
Lucy Prince | 119 | Thlakatchka 1 |
Mahaley Tooley | 26 | Cubihatcha |
Major Hardridge (husband of Ste mon ar ke) | 224 | Eufaula 1 |
Margaret Barnard (or Tailthe your nay) |
76 | Euche |
Martha Powell (alias Lucy Lar nee) | 47 | Coweta 5 |
Mary Wills | 23 | Cubihatcha |
Matthew Marshall | 2 | Coweta 2 |
Mi hee Reed | 78 | Thlobthlocco 1 |
Michael Stidham | 5 | Sowoccolo |
Milly Brown | 96 | Euche |
Mus co gee Doyell | 72 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Na ho ga Ward | 67 | Hickory Ground |
Nancy Barnett | 101 | Tuckabatcha |
Nancy Moore | 8 | Thlakatchka 5 |
Nanny Barnard | 93 | Euche |
Nanny Miller | 86 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Nimrod Doyell | 70 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Old Mrs. Marshall (alias Hits kar tay) | 4 | Coweta 2 |
Paddy Carr | 23 | Cussetaw 1 |
Peggy Durant | 50 | Hickory Ground |
Peggy Elliott | 21 | Clewalla |
Peggy Moore | 7 | Thlakatchka 5 |
Peggy Sulivan | 102 | Tuckabatcha |
Peter Anderson | 1 | Cubihatcha |
Phil Grayson | 22 | Hillabee |
Polly Cane | 58 | Tuskeega |
Polly Fitzgerald | 17 | Cussetaw 1 |
Polly Gooldsby | 64 | Thlobthlocco 1 |
Polly McGilvery | 57 | Tuskeega |
Polly Miles | 19 | Autanga |
Rachael Spiller | 9 | Chattoksofke |
Richard Rush | 45 | Rabbit |
Richard Tarvin | 79 | Thlobthlocco 1 |
Robert Rogers | 472 | Cussetaw 6 |
R. Royster, a white man. (husband of Lucy Lock o) |
51 | Thlakatchka 1 |
Sally Kogee | 10 | Chockolocko |
Sally Stidham | 2 | Sowoccolo |
Sally Townsend | 7 | Ufaula |
Sam Brown (or San he har par Quar har) | 17 | Euche |
Sam Clark | 247 | Tuckabatcha |
Sam Low | 353 | Tuckabatcha |
Sam McIntosh (or Te nar kar) | 617 | Cussetaw 7 |
Sam son Grayson | 10 | Hitchopartarga |
Samuel Hale | 14 | Autanga |
Samuel Manack | 10 | Tuskeega |
Samuel Sizemore | 17 | Coosawda |
Samuel Smith | 291 | Tuckabatcha |
Sandy Grayson, jr. | 8 | Chattoksofke |
Sandy Grayson, senior | 116 | Hillabee |
Sandy Jusong | 4 | Tallisee |
Sandy Perryman | 92 | Chehawah |
Seaborn F. Jones | 17 | Autanga |
Sear Hardridge (husband of Fan ny) | 26 | Cowyka |
Sin Picka? Barnard | 5 | Thlobthlocco 2 |
Sitchey? Cornoles | 15 | Tuckabatcha (principal chief) |
Sucky Cornoles | 368 | Tuckabatcha |
Sucky McGeehe | 35 | Hickory Ground |
Tal le Fife | 88 | Chockolocko |
Thomas Barefoot | 6 | Cubihatcha |
Thomas Berryhill | 60 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Thomas Carr | 9 | Coweta 1 |
Thomas Foster | 53 | Tallase Hatchee |
Thomas H. Gray | 31 | Sowgahatchcha |
Thomas Marshall | 8 | Coweta 2 |
Thomas Piegeon | 9 | Cubihatcha |
Thomas W. Berryhill | 64 | Thlakatchka 4 |
Tim poo che Barnard | 31 | Euchee (principal chief) |
Tom Barnett | 261 | Tuckabatcha |
Tom Carr | 86 | Ufaula |
Tom ger Cornels | 358 | Tuckabatcha |
Tom Low | 192 | Tuckabatcha |
Vardy Jolly | 27 | Cubihatcha |
W. J. Shumo | 19 | Clewalla |
Walter Grayson, jr. | 10 | Chattoksofke |
War too le Burgess | 208 | Eufaula 1 |
Wat Grayson | 7 | Chattoksofke |
Widdow Cornels | 31 | Cubihatcha |
William Barnard | 32 | Euchee (principal chief) |
William Barnard | 13 | Thlobthlocco 2 |
William Berryhill | 61 | Thlakatchka 4 |
William Grayson | 123 | Hillabee |
William Jugant | 26 | Ottise |
William Low | 375 | Cussetaw 5 |
William Marshall | 3 | Coweta 2 |
Wm. Massey (alias Eu fau la Micco) | 47 | Thlakatchka 4 |
William McGilvery | 25 | Hickory Ground (principal chief) |
William McGirth | 7 | Cubihatcha |
William Moore | 618 | Cussetaw 7 |
William Powell (alias Cho fe Harjo) | 45 | Coweta 5 |
William Stidham | 6 | Sowoccolo |
William Walker | 22 | Cubihatcha |
Winchester Doyle | ||
Zachariah McGirth | 376 | Tuckabatcha |