[M640, roll 4, frames 532-38]

Roll of Claims against the Great and Little Osage Indians presented to and acted upon by William Armstrong Acting Superintendant Western Territory and directed to report --- the same by Order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs..

(The names have been compared and corrected to the original claim.  All claimants are male except where noted as female by [f.]  If the claim was signed by someone other than the claimant their name is noted in the Remark column.  The original claims are part of "Special File 192" and can be found on microfilm M574, roll 56, frames 448+.  This transcription is appended with the microfilm frame numbers of the original record on microfilm.) 

Indian Territory Claims: 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5
Missouri Claims

NoClaimantsResidenceTime of DepredationKind of property injured or destroyedAmount or
Remark [frame]
1Lt L B NorthropFort Gibson1834Damage on horse 50.0050.00   448
2Wah shin ga & Nah hi ka mo [Pyankishaws]Creek Nation1839Sundries375.00 375.00R. 451
3Alexander JohnsonCherokee Nation1833Horse100.0050.0050.00  453
4Jesse Chisholmdo1837do150.00 150.00R. 457
5Taildo1825Horses125.0080.0045.00  459
6Mikedo1832Horses200.00100.00100.00  461
7John Rogersdo1832 & 1833Cattle549.00320.00229.00  465
8Susannado1824 or 1825Horses160.0080.0080.00  463
9Scon tah hido1834ditto150.0075.0075.00  468
10Joel M Bryando1836, 37, 38 & 39Corn, horese, hogs,  cattle, & c2520.001025.001495.00   
11Tallowdo1832 or 1833Horse100.00 100.00R. 470
12Gillis Bagdo1834ditto80.00 80.00R. 472
13Thomas & James Rogersdo1837 & 1838Horses, cattle & hogs 1345.00455.00890.00  474
14Nancy Rogersdo1833 & 1839Cattle & hogs559.00279.50279.50  580
15Leonard Foxdo1820?Horses & skins140.0070.0070.00  477
16Betsey Knifedo1835One horse100.0050.0050.00  479
17I se sa ti eskedo1832 & 1833One horse90.0040.0050.00  481
18Bears Nestdo1833Horse225.00160.0065.00  483
19Mr. Rainstopperdo do140.0080.0060.00  485
20Big Acorndo1832do140.0080.0060.00  487
21Deer Killerdo1832do100.0050.0050.00  489
22Walter Graves & partydo Skins & tallow132.00100.0032.00  491
23Dutchdo1833Horses200.00100.00100.00  493
24Skilleedo1833One horse100.0050.0050.00  495
25Bosom Puppydo1833ditto75.0040.0035.00  500
26Bears Nest do1833do75.00 75.00R. No of page sent to Washington 502
27Patridge Gravesdo1833do80.0040.0040.00  505
28Hawk Raincrowdo1833do85.0040.0045.00  508
29Adamdo1833do75.0040.0035.00  510
30Do te kant nahdo1833do60.0030.0030.00  512
31George Crapodo1832 or 1833Horses210.00120.0090.00  514
32James McNairdo1839do250.00150.00100.00  516
33Jesse Chisholmdo1838do150.00 150.00R. 518
34Charley Landrumdo1838do190.00100.0090.00  538
35Nelson B Grubsdo1834Hogs & cattle39.0035.004.00  541
36Half SummerSeneca1833Two cows & calves24.0016.008.00  543
37Henry Smithdo1833One horse40.0040.00   545
38Little Town Spicerdo1833do50.0040.0010.00  547
39Thomas Brantdo1833do120.00100.0020.00  549
40Rossillia ChouteauOsage1838Horses, mules & cattle1435.00 1435.00R. 580
41Whorton RectorArkansas1838Mules900.00630.00270.00  551
42Antoin Ranaqui?do1823Merchandise & c1836.501200.00636.50  580
43James PoolMissouri1834Two horses250.00150.00100.00  554
44Joel Harrell, claims for the use of John NixJackson co., MO1828Sundries480.00 480.00No proof 556
45Garret Hensley 1829Horses160.00 160.00No proof 580
46An cha ticka beeChoctaw Nation183-One horse, saddle bridle100.00100.00   570
47Katydo -- horses350.00220.00130.00  572
48Capt Charleydo Two horses280.00100.0080.00  574
49John Washington do One horse80.0050.0030.00  576
50Mah tah hahdo One horse50.0050.00   578
51Tus hin ub beedo Five horses3--.00250.00-  580