Williams family notes

(Last updated 19 April 2021)

John Williams (1811-1888) has been difficult to research because he traveled far from his birthplace.  His birthplace was either Tennessee or Kentucky or possibly even both because of the changing of the border between Tennessee and Kentucky.  See "Walker Line". 

Neither John's possible parents or possible siblings have been identified despite the multiple erroneous leads repeated on Ancestry. 

On the 1880 Texas Census (Collin County) the question of parent's birthplace is asked and John Williams' father is listed as being from Kentucky and his mother from Tennessee but it's not know if he gave that information himself or even if his own knowledge remembered many years after the fact would be accurate.

His own birthplace varies between Kentucky and Tennessee on several census records. This maybe a clue though that he was born and lived in an area very close to the border of Kentucky and Tennessee.

The only known information about John Williams before Missouri is that he appears to have come from Tennessee.  This is ascertained by the fact that the birth ages and birth places of his known children indicate he was residing in Tennessee from at least 1836 to 1839.  A search of the 1840 Tennessee census reveals only ONE John Williams household in all of Tennessee where the ages groups of the children match the known ages of his children up to that point. The other census entries are nowhere near correct. See below:

1840 Tennessee, Overton County, page 44, line 22
John Williams, head of household
Age groups:Matches with known children: 
2 males aged 0-4Allen Williams age 1, George Williams age 4.
2 males aged 5-9John H Williams age 6, Joseph Williams age 7.
1 male aged 30-39 John Williams age 29.
1 female aged 0-4Martha Williams age 3.
1 female aged 20-29Rebecca Williams age ??.

There are no obvious other Williams families living near him on 1840.  The early marriage records for Overton County were destroyed.

There is a possible clue to relatives by looking at his neighbors in 1840 and finding that same block of neighbors in 1850. The following extract shows that in 1840 John Williams was living near the  Armes/Ames and Colston families.  While John Williams had moved to Jasper County, Missouri by 1850 he appears to have been replaced by another Williams family surrounded by the exact same Armes/Ames and Colston families.

Page Line 1840 Census, TN, Overton County
(46) 5 John W Thurman
(46) 15 Robert Aimes
(46) 16 Wilson T Harvey
(46) 17 Henry Martin
(46) 18 Archibald Amies [Arms]
(46) 19 James Colston
(46) 20 Susannah Coltson
(46) 21 Alfred Johnson
(46) 22 John Williams
(46) 23 John Aimes [Arms]
(46) 24 William Aimes [Arms]
(46) 25 Hannah Jennings
(46) 26 Rachel Dale
(46) 27 Elijah Ruschet
(46) 28 Jestin Holoman [Holman]
(46) 29 Sarah Barksdale
(46) 30 Hugh Kile
(47) 2 Perleton Watson
(47) 3 Robert Clary
(47) 4 John Rutledge
(47)7 Ezekiel Jennings
(47)8 Francis Jennings
(47)10 Thomas Kilman
(47)13 Joshua Watson
(47)14 Henry Kilman
(47)16 Martin Kilman
Page No. 1850 Census, TN, Overton County
(96b) 391 Thomas Ashlock, 60, VA
(96b) 392 Robert Clary, 40, KY
(96b) 393 Abram Sevier, 43, TN
(96b) 394 Jessie Ashlock, 30, TN
(96b) 395 Perlexton Watson, 39, VA
(96b) 396 Francis Jennings, 37, N.C.
(97a) 397 Archibald Armes, 64, N.C.
(97a) 398 Martin Armes, 34, TN
(97a) 399 Thomas Williams, 44 KY
  + John Williams, 82 VA
(97a) 400 John Armes, 39, TN
(97a) 401 Milton Colston, 19 , TN
(97a) 402 James Colston, 39, TN
 + also Susan Colston, 67, N.C.
(97b) 403 William Armes, 36, TN
(97b) 404 Allen Thurman, 29, TN
(97b) 405 Joseph Thompson, 36, VA
(97b) 407 James Killman, 32, TN
(99a) 425 Perrin Watson, 41, S.C.
(99b) 434 Ezekiel Jennings, 61, MD
(99b) 435 Wesley Killman, 29, TN
(99b) 436 Levin Killman, 55, N.C.
