Hypothetical Mannon family of Harlan County,
Kentucky and Claiborne County, Tennessee

(Last updated 22 Feb 2024)

    Andrew Mannon
md. circa 1808

     Mary "Polly" Foster
md. circa 1808
Sister of Rutha Mullins?
  Gabriel Vaughn?
James Claxton?
Andrew Mannon?

    Andrew Mannon
md. circa 1808
    Elizabeth Evans (?)
(aft. 1791)


  Sarah "Sally "Mannon
Never married?
    William Manning *
md. Elizabeth Grimes
    Andrew J Manning (1814)
William H Manning (1820)
unknown daughters?
        Rebecca Mannon*
                                          Nancy Mannon
(c. 1816/18-1890+)
md. Henry Claxton

    Mary Mannon
(c. 1833/37)
    Minta Mannon (1831)
Clara Mannon (1833)
Mary J Mannon (1835)
Eliza J Mannon (1837)
Andrew Mannon (1840)
Nancy Mannon (1842)
Sarah Manning (1844)
Matilda Manning (1846)
... more
    DNA matches to many
descendants of Andrew
and William Manning
        Mark Mannon
      Elizabeth [Clark]
(c. 1835/37)
                Rebecca and Nancy
moved to Hancock
County, TN by 1850
and lived next to
William Manning.
      Andrew Mannon
[Eldridge Y-DNA]

DNA matching indicates Andrew Mannon (1842) and Elizabeth [Clark] (1835/37) had to have been at least half-siblings.

* William Manning descendants appear to have no legit Eldridge DNA matches.


Divorce file of Andrew Mannon and Mary Foster

The Honorable Joseph Eve Judge of the fifteenth Judicial district in chancery Atty your orator Andrew Manning humbly complaining Sheweth unto your honour that he intermarried with a Miss Polly Foster about 17 years since with whom he lived in the bond of affection about two years & has fondly hoped to pass(?) his life in union & harmony with her but to his mortification he discovered that she was in the habit of intimacy with other men and at the last mentioned time she abandoned the bed & board of your orator & has since lived in an indiscriminate course of adultery up to the present time & has had 3 children since she left your orator, and that she still continues to live and persue an adulterous life regardless of her marriage pledge the **** of your orator. Therefore is that the common-wealth's *** of suffer i**** **** the said Polly Manning defendant & after **** the *** you will decree that the Your Orator he decreed & that he may henceforth be sole & separate form the Defendant & such other and further relief as he may be able to & in duly he will pray & O.

The deposition of Mahala McCoy for the complainant Andrew Mannon.

The Clerk of Harlan County, KY. the within is filed this 20th of November 1826.
G Brittain.

The deposition of Mahala McCoy taken at the house of Robt. ****** in the County of Harlan and state of Kentucky on the 28th day of October 1826 agreeably to the notice hereto annexed to be read as evidence on the part of the Complainant Andrew Manning in a suit in Chancery now depeneding in the Circuit Court for the County of Harlan. Wherein Polly Mannon is defendant, The deponent being of lawful age and first duly sworn deposeth and saith

Question by the Complainant [Andrew Manning]

Question 1th: Did or did you ever know any man to be in bed with Polly Mannon before the separation of myself and Polly Mannon or not?
Answer: I did see James Claxton in bed with her.

Question 2th: Did she never tell you that the boy child she had whilst we lived together was not Andrew Mannon's?
Answer: I heard her say it was not Mannon's child.

Question 3rd: Did she not say Gabriel Vaughn was the father of the child?
Answer: She did.

and further the deponent saith not Mahala McCoy, her X mark

Harlan County To wit:

The foregoing deposition of Mahala McCoy was this day taken subscribed and sworn to by the said Mahala McCoy Before the undersigned Justice of the Peace for said County at the time and place and for the purpose stated in the Caption thereof given under my hand this 28th day of October 1826 Rob't George


The answer of Polly Manning to a bill in ***** exhibited against her in a Harlan Circuit Court by Andrew Maning this respondent states that it is true as alleged by the Complainant that she intermarried with the complainant about the time mentioned in his bill and that they have been separate about 16 years - That she is now living in the state of Tennessee & does not  expect to live with the complainant any more and that she is willing if your honor the ***** to give him a divorce & such other & furthering order as may see proper and Right

Polly Manning

Knox, Bell, Harlan and Whitley Counties, KY
Claiborne County, Tennessee and Lee County, Virginia


Mount Zion Baptist Church

On the second Saturday of April 1869 Rob Camp Baptist Church released the following from their fellowship:

H. Clarkson (Fairwix nephew through Henry, decd)
Mary Clarkson (Mary Martin, wife of E.H. Clarkson, through Margaret Herrell and Anson Martin, Margaret Herrell remarried to Joseph Bolton)
William Mannon
Elizabeth Mannon
Mary Muncy (probably Agnes Muncy Clarkson’s relative)
Clarissa Hill
Sarah Shefley (Fairwix daughter, married to Robert Shiflet)
Farwix Clarkson
Agnes Clarkson
Nancy Furry (Fairwix granddaughter through son James, decd)
Elizabeth Clarkson (Elizabeth Speaks, wife of Samuel Clarkson, son of Fairwix)
Margaret Clarkson (daughter of Samuel Clarkson and Elizabeth Speaks Clarkson, Margaret would marry Joseph Bolton Jr. in 1873)
William Bolton (son of Joseph Bolton)
James Bolton (son of Joseph Bolton)
John Grimes
Catherine Grimes
Joseph Bolton (husband to Margaret Herrell Martin, father to William and James)
