Lee - Daniel DNA triangulation project

(Last updated 12 May 2024)

Autosomal DNA matches using Gedmatch / FTDNA / My Heritage /23 and Me chromosome data.

While these DNA connections don't actually prove the common DNA is from the Lee line it seems to be the shortest path looking at their trees.  Only DNA segment triangulation using Gedmatch or other websites with a chromosome browser can prove for sure.  Real names have been masked a bit for privacy.

Centimorgan (cM) matches below 7cM are only 50% reliable matches.

Lee Y-DNA Surname Project

  Matches User Gedmatch
or website
Chr cM SNPs Start
  Descended from:
Lance Hall Melissa Goye** A752437 1 7.9 839 32277199 38734768
Cluster with Merrie Rey**** (Andrew Lee desc.)
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 2 12.3 1572 71830689 81086610   Lee and Eldridge
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 2 12.1 1900 102688853 117426163   Lee and Eldridge
Lance Hall Merrie K Rey***** A840428 4 20.4 235 146314357 166040374
Andrew & Margaret Lee... William Lee... Betsey McGeorge
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 5 11.1 1032 38139 3743335   Lee and Eldridge
Lance Hall Joyce Hen** 23 and Me 7 11.8 2630 79856411 93405569
Andrew Lee & Peggy Daniel ... Daniel Lee... Mary Wilson
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 7 20 1506 151857009 159070969   Lee and Eldridge
Lance Hall Kendra Atkins A866761 10 30.3 5756 11306421 30816383
unknown // Matches Marvin W H*** (Lee desc.)
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 14 8.3 1026 52645803 58524606   Lee and Eldridge
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 15 12.1 1183 12565232 19824638   Lee and Eldridge
Lance Hall     China R*** Fer*** My Heritage 15 7.0 1408 32510510 34517995
Both Lee & Daniel lines.
Lance Hall Deborah L**  A428990     16 10.1 1359 58945684 72228506
Andrew & Margaret Lee… James Harvey Lee.
Lance Hall Phyllis M YX2779539 18 34.2 2422 4025719 15102421
Andrew & Margaret Lee... Philip Lee... Angeline Lee Mannon
Lance Hall ELH [Harr] A820555 18 13.7 1144 4025719 7384445
Andrew Lee... John Lee... China Miracle... SaRena Risner
Lance Hall Deborah L** A428990     18 17.5 1035 4047094 8275857
Andrew & Margaret Lee… James Harvey Lee (per Thru-lines)
Lance Hall Stanley Sur*** A908281 18 22.3 1463 4047094 9765612
[kit removed, on Ancestry, no usable tree]
Lance Hall      China R*** Fer*** My Heritage 18 16.9 4352 4195991 9869011
Both Lee & Daniel lines.
Lance Hall Marcy Lee A084633 18 22.9 1458 4204376 10028001
Andrew & Margaret Lee... Stephen Lee
Lance Hall Jacob C Sur*** A106147 18 16.9 997 4320326 8360362
[kit removed]
Lance Hall Marvin W H*** A692640 18 20.3 1708 4777539 9838349
Andrew & Margaret Lee… Margaret Lee Webb
Lance Hall Phyllis M YX2779539 18 14 1844 18618070 32623599
Andrew Lee... Philip Lee... Angeline Mannon... Robert M.
Lance Hall Linda Hoog** My Heritage 18 9.5 5376 34984578 45729989
Andrew Lee & Margaret Daniel... David Lee... Sarah Cox (1835)...
Lance Hall Erma Lee Say*** My Heritage 18 28.5 13952 34984578 60729348
David Lee (1851 KY)... Ella E Lee (1898)...
Lance Hall Joyce He*** My Heritage 18 28.5 13952 34984578 60729348
Andrew Lee & Margaret Daniel... David Lee... Mary Ann Edds...
Lance Hall Kirby Mann** 23 and Me 18 27.5 5463 36001458 60708726
Andrew Lee... Angeline Mannon... George P Mannon... Oscar M.
Lance Hall Joyce He*** 23 and Me 18 27.5 5454 36020002 60708726
Andrew Lee... David Lee... Mary Edds... George W Edds
Lance Hall ELH [Harr] A820555 18 22.8 4199 43869179 60798015
Andrew Lee... John Lee... China Miracle... SaRena Risner
Lance Hall Marvin W H*** A692640 18 9.4 1341 56033914 60802931
Andrew & Margaret Lee… Margaret Lee Webb
Lance Hall     China R*** Fer*** My Heritage 19 7.4 1792 50029582 52365654
Phyllis A Ronnie C Mane** A612573 21 22 2579 22073572 36357352   Lee and Eldridge
      Chr cM SNPs       Segment Calculator


(Last updated 12 May 2024)


Henry Mannon Matches @ Ancestry: They share matches to: Notes:
Henry Mannon
(Andrew Mannon desc.)
P.B. (by allison11490)
(Elizabeth Manning desc.)
Robin Cros** (Andrew & Margaret Lee... Dicey Lee Webb) P. B. and Robin should not match.
Henry Mannon
(Andrew Mannon desc.)
Roxie Thom**
(Elizabeth Manning desc.)
chj592002 (Andrew & Margaret Lee... Pearson Lee)
Jabe Smith (Margaret "Peggy" Lee Webb)
Henry Mannon
(Andrew Mannon desc.)
Henry Mannon
(Andrew Mannon desc.)
(Elizabeth Manning desc.)
Robin Cros** (Andrew & Margaret Lee... Dicey Lee Webb)
chj592002 (Andrew & Margaret Lee... Pearson Lee)