Andrew Lee & Zachariah Lee

(Last updated 12 May 2024)

Lee Y-DNA Surname Project

Andrew Lee & Zachariah Lee
Y-DNA STR Values

PANEL 1 (1-12)
Marker DYS393 DYS390 DYS19 ** DYS391 DYS385 DYS426 DYS388 DYS439 DYS389I DYS392 DYS389II ***  
Value 13 23 14 10 11-14 12 12 12 13 13 28 
PANEL 2 (13-25) 
Marker DYS458 DYS459 DYS455 DYS454 DYS447 DYS437 DYS448 DYS449 DYS464      
Value 16 9-10 11 11 25 14 19 29 15-16-17-17     
PANEL 3 (26-37) 
Marker DYS460 Y-GATA-H4 YCAII DYS456 DYS607 DYS576 DYS570 CDY DYS442 DYS438   
Value 11 21 19-23 16         16 12   
PANEL 4 (38-47)
Marker DYS531 DYS578 DYF395S1 DYS590 DYS537 DYS641 DYS472 DYF406S1 DYS511      
PANEL 4 (48-60) 
Marker DYS425 DYS413 DYS557 DYS594 DYS436 DYS490 DYS534 DYS450 DYS444 DYS481 DYS520 DYS446
Value                 12     13
PANEL 4 (61-67) 
Marker DYS617 DYS568 DYS487 DYS572 DYS640 DYS492 DYS565          

Per Lee Y-DNA Surname Project

Zachariah Lee of Botetourt County, Virginia

Zachariah Lee - Revolutionary War Pension application.

The microfilm copies are extremely faded and difficult to read but here is what I was able to transcribe from the first page of the second application with [notes] added from a different transcription linked below:

" Virginia the County of Botetourt

At the Court continued and held at the court house for the County of Botetourt on Tuesday the 12th day of November 1833.

On this 12th day of November in the year of 1833 personally appeared in Open Court (------ being a court of record for Botetourt County) Zachariah Lee now a resident of Botetourt County and State of Virginia age about 67 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his Oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benefit of the Provisions of the Act of Congress approved June the 7th 1832 that he was born in Albemarle County he thinks in the year 1765 and his Father? with the applicant removed when he was about four years old to Rockingham County State of Virginia. When this applicant was about fourteen years old he volunteered for service under the Command of Captain Michael Coker, was marched to near  Richmond where he joined a Regiment under the Command of Colo William Harris and served in the lower part of Virginia and was marched to different places but applicant being entirely illiterate does not recollect all the encampments not knowing any thing of the Geography of the County, the applicant states that he served six months certainly and knows he was detained  for service sometime afterwards till new recruits came ---- in the Tour and then returned to Buckingham and remained about three weeks and when he was drafted into Service under the Command of Captain James Frazier and Rendezvoused at Rockingham Court house under the Command of Capt William Harris and from there marched to Petersburg, VA then from there to Hobbs Hole [on Rappahannock River, near Tappahannock] ---- or near which last named place the applicant was in a skirmish with the enemy and received a wound from a Musket Ball & Buck Shot in his leg which disabled him for some time, he states that he served six months this Tour and afterward he returned home and remained a short time and was again Drafted into service under Captain Jeremiah Beazly and Rendezvoused at Rockingham Court (next page) house and was again attached to the regiment under the command of Col William Harris and marched to the Campaign of Carolina and remained for six months for --- Campaign he was in the Battle of Guilford [15 Mar 1781] ...  "

Full transcription of the first application by C. Leon Harris (some differences):

Bolling (Bowling) Lee and Zachariah Lee are
Y-DNA matched to Andrew Lee