Gedmatch graphical segment calculator

(Last updated 20 May 2023)

Pressing "Generate" with no numbers inputted shows a test bar.      
Chr Highest positions
from Gedmatches
color bar
HTML code
(td widths should add up to 200)
1 249,222,527  
2 242,737,341  
3 196,351,215  
4 190,915,650  
5 178,640,760  
6 170,919,470  
7 158,811,958  
8 143,145,442  
9 140,145,149  
10 131,941,265  
11 134,934,063  
12 133,777,645  
13 115,103,150  
14 106,020,366  
15 102,398,631  
16 90,149,922  
17 81,041,077  
18 78,015,180  
19 59,087,479  
20 62,912,463  
21 48,090,629  
22 51,211,392  
23 155,092,794

CSS code used:

Here is the CSS code needed to make segments colors (arbitrary) and set minimal padding (mandatory).  Gradients could also be replaced with a background image.

Website used to generate color stripe code.

How the color bars are calculated:

Lowest and highest chromosome match positions used are found in my and other's Gedmatches.  The actual calculations assume the starting position of 1.   A starting position of 1 or 100,000 makes little or no difference in the color bar generated anyways.  It's not known if Gedmatch calculates starting with 1 or a larger number.  Assuming the Gedmatch bars represent absolute positions along the chromosomes it would make sense to start at position 1.  The chromosome tips may or may not be used in matching.  The highest position is the most important.

The process is take the highest value (total chromosome length), divide by 200 (desired color bar pixel length) to get the value it was divided by to shrink down to 200.  Use that new number and divide that into the matching segment start position and the matching segment end position to approximate scaled down pixel lengths.  Then generate the HTML code to produce a small color bar (in a table row) that can be dropped into other pages.  Each chromosome requires a different division number because the lengths are different.  Calculated segments lengths in pixels are either exact or within 1 pixel of what Gedmatch calculates.

Lowest position
in Gedmatches.
Highest position
in Gedmatches.
Estimated divider
used in Javascript to
shrink to 200 pixels.
1 72,017 249,222,527 1246112  
2 18,856 242,737,341 1213686  
3 63,411 196,351,215 981756  
4 74,983 190,915,650 954578  
5 48,534 178,640,760 893203  
6 148,878 170,919,470 854597  
7 140,018 158,811,958 794059  
8 714,648 143,145,442 715727  
9 36,587 140,145,149 700725  
10 135,708 131,941,265 659706  
11 202,856 134,934,063 674670  
12 197,841 133,777,645 668888  
13 21,546,144 115,103,150 575515  
14 20,426,742 106,020,366 530101  
15 22,427,966 102,398,631 511993  
16 101,263 90,149,922 450749  
17 8,547 81,041,077 405205  
18 132,301 78,015,180 390075  
19 276,245 59,087,479 295437  
20 63,799 62,912,463 314562  
21 14,670,124 48,090,629 240453  
22 17,075,353 51,211,392 256056  
23 1,370,495 155,092,794 775463  

Highest position calculated from highest matching segment position of DNA matches for Lance Hall and others.  Total lengths may be slightly higher with other people.  Highest 5, 13, 16, 17, and 23 from Phyllis.  Highest 6 from Kimberly Pr*****.

Calculations example:
Chromosome 5 Mathew Ad*** Gedmatch <td> lengths are 142 pixels (1-143), 34 pixels (145-176), and 24 pixels (177-200) // 128336024 (start) - 159270713 (end)
178640760 / 200 = 893203.8 //
128336024 / 893203.8  = 143.68 // 159270713 / 893203.8  = 178.31

Chromosome 4 Mannon match is 55 px, 22 px, 123 px (200 pixels total) // 52,784,678 (start) 73,781,518 (end)
190915650 \ 200 = 95457  |  52784678 / 56th px = 942583 | 73781518 / 78th px = 945916

Chromosome 9 Tammy Ba** match <td> is 35, 77, and 88px // Values are 24746335 (start) and 78645045 (stop)