[M574, roll 61, special file 207]

Special File 207, claims arising out of the Creek Indian Emigration, 1827-38.

(Last updated May 14, 2004)

This is an index to the contents of "Special File 207" found on National Archives microfilm M574, roll 61.   Special File 207 contains claims arising from the Creek emigration, 1827-38. There are claims for sevices rendered, provisions supplied, and losses during emigration. Names and items are listed according to the frame number on the microfilm.

See also BIA inventory, Entry 98, regarding "Special Files".   For a summary of many of the claims in "Special File 207" see this schedule.


Other emigration related claims not in Special File 207

A letter from William Armstrong and James R. Stephenson regarding claims of property lost during emigration, Oct. 24, 1836.