[M234, roll 225, frame 194-96]

Rec. 1 Jany 1837

Choctaw Agency
Oct 24 1836

C. A. Harris
Comr. of In. Affs.


In compliance with instructions, the Creek Indians were notified that we had been directed by the department, to investigate and report upon, certain claims which they set up as due from the Government of the United States, for property lost and left in the old nation; and for stock and supplies furnished the emigrants; and services rendered by those who emigrated to the Western Creek nation.  The meeting was held at Fort Gibson; and was numerously attended.  It was evident that the Creeks expected other claims investigated than those herewith enclosed, being the same received from the Department.  They state that their claims not investigated were forwarded on, or left by their delegation when last in Washington, we however proceeded to act on those sent us; and discovered immediately that their claims were such, as in all probability, had been already settled by the accounts of the Emigrating Agents, Crowell and Walker, it is mere conjecture whether or not this is the case, but it is certainly clear that the claimants are entitled to compensation from the Agents; and as they placed such confidence in them believing as they state, that they were acting for the Government, it seems extremely hard that they should be the sufferers.  We stated to the Creeks that there was but little doubt in our minds that the claims had been settled and paid to Crowell & Walker, by the United States; and if they ever received any remuneration it would be owing to the liberality of the Government.  We have no hesitation in stating that the provisions and articles charged were generally furnished - which independent of the particular evidence attached to each claim, was the unanimous declaration of the Chiefs present.  You will discover that each claim has attached thereto, the best and only evidence that could be procured, as to delivery, prices and amount of articles furnished - they are unable to obtain any other proof, as these were furnished when it was impracticable to have had any other except their own, or the emigrating Agents who are not in the country, the claims are all rejected ------ and embodied together besides evidence which is annexed to each claim, some few of the claimants have died; some were absent; and others had no additional proof to offer.  Col. Rector then the Sub Agent was absent, we have delayed sending the claims on until now believing that if anything could be done for the claimants, that it would be through Congress. 

We have the honor to be
Your Obt. Servants

Wm. Armstrong
Act. Supt. West Tery.

Jas. R. Stephenson
Capt. U. S. Army
Disbg. Agt. Ind. Reml.