[M574, roll 61, frames 907-914]
[Special file 207]

Property lost in the Monmouth sinking on 31 Oct. 1837.

Creek Emigrants section

" Schedule of slaves, money, and other property alleged to have been lost by the Creek Indians on the 31st October 1837 by the sinking of the Steam Boat Monmouth off Prophet's Island on the Mississippi River, on board of which together with their property they were embarked for emigration. "

Page 1

No. Names of Claimants No. of
Value of
Value of Sundries
consisting of clothing,
goods, & c.
Amount of
1 Jim Boy 3 2400.00 _56.00 1826.00
2 Inchlan nis Hadjo     _43.00 9650.00
3 David Barnett     _50.00 2000.00
4 Peggy Barnett 9 4600.00 200.00  
5 Nancy Barnett  2 1800.00 _40.00  
6 Rhody Sullivan 8 4000.00 521.00  
7 Anny Cornels 2 1600.00 250.00  
8 Betsey Riley 3 2600.00 _21.00  
9 To? me dul kar?? 2 1200.00    
10 Low char Barnett 3 2200.00 _05.00 55.00
11 Fox 2 1600.00 _05.00 25.00
12 Thomas Barnett     _45.00 210.00
13 Spoak oak Hadjo     _64.00 4.00
14 Ar chu la Hadjo     75.00  
15 Peach/Peath Hadjo     30.00  
16 Loat ca     20.00  
17 Sal pal la ca     30.00  
18 Son ne te he     30.00  
19 Oak fus ca Hadjo     80.00  
20 Lo chi Hadjo     96.00 50.00
21 Yar tar war Hadjo     10.00 50.00
22 Oak co len dar     20.00 50.00
23 Lit tif Fixico     50.00  
24 Yoholo Fixico     19.00 25.00
25 Ne ho mar ta Fixico     100.00  
26 Cot chi Hadjo      50.00  
27 Osiah Yoholo     82.00 24.00
28 Soath la       6.00
29 Emarthlar Charna     112.00  
30 Is ho an na     13.00  
31 Sin ho li ga     124.00 50.00
32 Ne har locco Hadjo     60.00 200.00
33 Fushatche Yoholo     100.00  
34 Lum ma     17.00  
35 Ho po eath? li       30.00
36 Ar he gish ca Hadjo       65.00

Page 2

No. Names of Claimants No. of
Value of
Value of Sundries
consisting of clothing,
goods, & c.
Amount of
37 Co nip Hadjo     210.00  
38 Cle tommy Hadjo     11.00  
39 So we? ta Hadjo     12.00 65.00
40 Se gith la     52.00 10.00
41 Tom marth Hadjo     36.00 35.00
42 Is chos Fixico     18.00  
43 Ne ar Locco Hadjo     20.00  
44 Ho poth eath le Hadjo     73.00 80.00
45 Con char ta Hadjo     35.00  
46 As se Yoholo     216.00 125.00
47 Oak fus ca Hadjo     140.00 33.00
48 Co nip Yoholo     68.00 15.00
49 Tal en? tus e ki ah     100.00  
50 Water bo Yoholo     69.00  
51 Hotulga Hadjo     380.00 755.00
52 Nancy     50.00 100.00
53 Louisa     206.00 120.00
54 Suckey     674.00 726.00
55 Cur se ter Emathlar     120.00  
56 Hotulga Yoholo     280.00 300.00
57 Micco Hadjo     405.00 465.00
58 No cos Hadjo     501.00  
59 Betsey     80.00  
60 Som ma le     84.00  
61 Sar bo ca       100.00
62 Sin tarch car     150.00 100.00
63 Cubitche? Emarthlar     127.00  
64 Spoak oak Yoholo     12.00  
65 Thlath lo Hadjo     151.00 610.00
66 Tal lope Hadjo     40.00 330.00
67 Peggy     128.00 10.00
68 Marchar       200.00
69 Cotchar hoth la boier?     17.00 20.00
70 Pow was Hadjo     4.00 5.00
71 Fick er lum ga       78.00
72 Sal a ditch ho ea?     36.00 10.00

Page 3

No. Names of Claimants No. of
Value of
Value of Sundries
consisting of clothing,
goods, & c.
Amount of
73 Spoak oak Hadjo     90.00 30.00
74 Spoak oak Yoholo       8.00
75 Ar fus Hadjo     10.00 20.00
76 Ho la     30.00  
77 Tallassee Emarthlar     20.00  
78 Co ar locco Yoholo     6.00 60.00
79 Ne har Hadjo     275.00 330.00
80 Tustanugga Emarthlar     54.00  
81 Co nip Fixico     60.00 70.00
82 Phillip     180.00  
83 Sin shack e? Barnett     150.00 1950.00
84 Ac cal to way     165.00 1500.00
85 Martha Barnett     750.00 1067.00
86 Jackson Barnett     143.00 600.00
87 Billy Barnett     194.00 800.00
88 Fatch ar     136.00  
89 Simon     83.00  
90 Tallassee Hadjo     544.00 30.00
91 Hoboie     400.00 1000.00
92 Co warp ho gar     350.00  
93 In clanis Hadjo     320.00  
94 To se oak ca     290.00  
95 Par was Hadjo     90.00 44.00
96 Ne har Fixico     414.00  
97 Oak fus ca Hadjo     190.00 80.00
98 Me har ke     50.00  
99 Ar se ga     185.00  
100 Oak coas ca Hadjo     210.00 52.00
101 Choc co lin? lis he ne har     72.00  
102 Fitz tuck ca     105.00 155.00
103 Eufalla Tustanugga     41.00  
104 Pow was se Yoholo     17.00  
105 So lar fi ga     16.00  
106 Cle walla Hadjo     54.00  
107 Ar water li gar     30.00 60.00
108 Yar kin haw     108.00 39.00

Page 4

No. Names of Claimants No. of
Value of
Value of Sundries
consisting of clothing,
goods, & c.
Amount of
109 Fushatch Hadjo     19.00  
110 Ar par ga     20.00 45.00
111 Oswitch Fixico     360.00 250.00
112 Lo chi Yoholo     20.00 60.00
113 Mart ho he     110.00  
114 Lors ca     50.00  
115 Ar to li ga     64.00 64.00
116 Tar ton na     29.00 27.00
117 Oak chi Yoholo     96.00  
118 So ho ea     50.00  
119 Milla     90.00  
120 Sil low way     5.00  
121 Tug en ni he     7.00  
122 Chock ca ga     20.00  
123 Em ma he     58.00 100.00
124 Tick ca car     80.00 85.00
125 Tal mars Hadjo     600.00 650.00
126 En ne har Fixico     35.00  
127 Pow was ho bo eath le     93.00  
128 Yar har Fixico     90.00  
129 Cho Fixico     300.00 50.00
130 Chon ner     65.00  
131 Lot ta Yoholo     165.00  
132 Nock co ma     23.00 10.00
133 Sower? noke Hadjo     119.00 45.00
134 Mar boak Ca     80.00  
135 Cho we pa     120.00  
136 No cose Hadjo     80.00  
137 Par sar ca??     100.00  
138 Ar dick car Hadjo     100.00 40.00
139 Toat he sar     70.00  
140 Pow was Yoholo     20.00  
141 Che wela Hadjo     180.00  
142 Tal ma ches Fixico     34.00  
143 Marchar     400.00 600.00
144 Co ar locco     240.00  

Page 5

No. Names of Claimants No. of
Value of
Value of Sundries
consisting of clothing,
goods, & c.
Amount of
145 Spoak oak Yoholo     51.00  
146 Cubietche? Fixico     31.00  
147 To mi li ga     109.00  
148 Chick ca go     50.00  
149 Fick har car     106.00  
150 Hillis se Yoholo     86.00  
151 Argit to Yoholo       160.00
152 Ar fo loat car     34.00  
153 Mo ki he     170.00  
154 Co nip Fixico     20.00  
155 Ar war li ga     25.00  
156 Folo diga     40.00  
157 It cut ta Hadjo     60.00  
158 Osiah Yoholo     82.00  
159 Emar Hadjo     170.00  
160 Co we cos Hadjo     5.00  
161 Eliza Goodwin     200.00  
162 Puf ney     50.00  
163 Fin na hi he     15.00  
164 Sa line     100.00  
165 Co fun na     45.00  
166 Susan Barnett     162.00  
167 Andrew     30.00  
168 Venis     94.00  
169 Binak?     50.00  
170 Dick     86.00 25.00
171 San tul Hadjo     283.00  
172 Mary     130.00  
173 Muscogee Barnett     70.00  

Amount brought from page 1, $40520.00
page 2,     8717.00
page 3,   13727.00
page 4,     6018.00
page 5,     2633.00
Total Amount,   71615.00

  We the undersigned Principal Chiefs of the Creek Indians nation and Head men of the Towns to which the within names Indians belong, do certify that the foregoing schedule contains a true statement of Slaves, money, and other property lost by said Indians at the time of the sinking of the Steamer Monmouth off Prophet's Island on the 31st October 1837 in the Mississippi River on board of which they were embarked together with their families and property for Emigration.

Given under our hands this 26th day of April 1837.

Jim Boy
David Barnett

Burent Dubois
Jas. L. Alexander
Jas. Islands, Interpreter

  The undersigned hereby certify that the individuals whose names are affixed to the foregoing certificate annexed to the within schedule of property lost by Emigrants are Principal Chiefs of the Creek Indian nation and Head Men of the Thlobthlocko and other towns

Given under our hands this     day of April 1838.

Rowley McIntosh
Ho po e thlo Yoholo
Siche Colonels
James Islands
Fose hatchee Micco
Ne har Yoholo
John McIntosh

Barent Dubois
Jas. L. Alexander
Jas. Islands, Interpreter

  I certify that I embarked the Creek Chief Jim Boy and his people composed? of the warriors and their families who had been in the Voluntary service of the United States in Florida on the Steam Boat Monmouth at New Orleans for emigration West on or about the 26th October 1837 - that while ascending the Mississippi River the said boat was sunk, whereby a loss of many lives and much if not all the property on board was lost, consisting of negroes, money, clothing, goods, cooking utensils, & etc.

See my report in Indian Dept. dated Nov. 4, 1837 to the ???

T. T. Sloan
Lt. & Disb'g Agent

Washington City
April 26, 1838

Wreck of the Steam Boat Monmouth
Nov. 1st 1837

  We the Captain, mate, Engineers & Pilots on board of said Boat at the time of the wrecking of her in the employment of the Alabama Emigrating Company in transporting Creek Indians up the Mississippi River and had on board five hundred Indians or more, at the time she went to pieces.

  We do certify on honor that we do not believe that the Indians saved of their property the value of one hundred dollars and that we have been delegently engaged in getting some things from the wreck for their comfort at the special request of Mr. Felton the Govt. officer and Col. W. A. Campbell the agent of the Alabam Em. Company.

M. L. Eastman, master
John Gunn, mate
Mason ??, 1st Engineer
L. D. Slith?, 2nd Engineer
?? Hart, Carpenter
Thomas Donagan, Pilot

April 24th 1838

  We whose names are hereunto subscribed do certify that the Indians who were on board of the Steam Boat Monmouth when she was wrecked were wealthy - that they lost their cooking utensils, money and thirty or thirty-five negroes, the property of said Indians. We were in company with the Indians, knew them & their property, & saw them embark on board of said boat, and arrived at the wreck shortly after the occurence took place & witnessed their destitue and miserable condition..

Noah Felton
Conductor Creek Emigration

Wm. A. Campbell
Ast. Al. E. Co.