A few records of Creek Indian reserves and improvements

(Last updated July 27, 2003)

Below are a few small miscellaneous lists of Creek Indian reserves and improvements to their reserves in the East and the West.

According to the Treaty of March 24, 1832 every head of a Creek family (according the the 1832 Census) could select a one-half section of land to be reserved from sale for their use for five years, unless sooner disposed of by them. These reserves could be conveyed (sold) to any other persons for a fair consideration. At the end of five years, all the Creeks entitled to these selections, and desirous of remaining, could receive patents, from the United States.

In the lists of reserves below the town, number, and name are the same as on the 1832 Census. The letter followed by three numbers is the legal description (location) of the reserve; whether the reserve is in the North/South/East/West part of a section, the section, the township, and the range.   A ledger listing all the individual reserves; the Indian's name, legal description of reserve, and to whom sold, can be found on Oklahoma Historical Society microfilm, rolls CRN 1 and 2.

Eastern Reserves:

Western Reserves: