William and Elizabeth Bradley family 

(Last updated 16 Sep 2019)

& Mother

William Bradley was born in England.  He married Elizabeth ____ .  Elizabeth died "June 13, 1837."  William died after July 8, 1766 a resident of "Lee Street, Red Lyon Square in County Middlesex, London, England."

* William was sent to teach agriculture.  He embarked Oct. 20, 1735 and arrived in America in Feb. 1736.  He was given a grant of 500 acres on Nov. 17, 1735. 

Son James Bradley. He was a physician. He died before 1761, a resident of South Carolina.  
Dau. Jane Bradley.  She married John Barnard.  Jane died in October 1794 on Wilmington Island, Chatham co., GA.    
Dau. Martha Bradley. She married Isaac Young.  Martha died in 1795 in Savannah, Chatham co., GA.  
Son Richard Bradley.  
Son Robert Bradley. He died before 1761, a resident of South Carolina.  
Son William Bradley. He was a surgeon in London, England.  

* from "A list of Early settlers to Georgia"

Bradley Family notes

"Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State of Georgia 1733-1777"

William Bradley, Lee Street, Red Lyon Square, County of Middlesex, Gent. Wife: Elizabeth, household goods, plate, linen, furniture, all for the extent of her life; to son, William, at her death. Son: William, London, surgeon, all real estate in Georgia, South Carolina, "or any other part of America," all to be sold and profits to William to be divided as he sees fit among himself; my son, Richard; my dau Jane Barnard, widow; Martha Young, wife of Isaac Young, all of the province of "Georgia in South Carolina." Spanish bonds, obligations, other demands upon the crown of Spain amounting together to the sum of 240,000 pounds Sterling and upwards, to be paid son, William. William to divide this amount as he sees fit among the following: my wife, Elizabeth; my son, Richard; my dau, Jane Barnard, widow; my dau, Martha Young; my dau-in-law, Elizabeth Lister Bradley. Remainder of the estate to William. Exor: son, William. Wit: Mary Susan, Thos. Metcalf, W. Creser. (Will "extracted by William Fuller, Proctor in Doctor's Commons.") As last will of William Bradley, late of the Parish of St. George (Georgia).

D: 8 July 1766. P: 28 March 1768. R: 27 Sept. 1769. pp. 321-323 WBA.

"Colonial Georgia Genealogical Data 1748-1783"

Bradley, William, the younger, surgeon, Size Lane, London, gave Power of Attorney to Isaac Young, planter, Savannah, to settle property of William's brother Robert Bradley, deed., Carolina (lot in Savannah and 500 acres at Augusta, Ga.); his brother James Bradley, Doctor of Physick, deed., Carolina (lot and farm in Savannah); and his brother Richard Bradley, Carolina (lot and farm in Savannah). Wit.: Henry Yonge. Feb. 20, 1761. (sworn to in 1769) (R, p. 371)

Bradley, William, Jr., London, wrote letter to "brother" Isaac Young, Savannah, Ga., and said that he had "lately married", and had provided for his father for the previous five years. Richard Bradley, his brother, notarizes Wm.'s signature, in Ga. Sept. 3, 1763. (R, p. 373) Bradley, William, Great Britain, (brother of James Bradley, surgeon, deed., Savannah, Ga.), by his attorney, Isaac Young, Savannah, sold lot in Savannah in 1764 to Jonathan Bryan (lot granted in 1762 to Jas. Bradley). Deed signed by Isaac Young and Richard Bradley. Wit.: Wm. Stephens, Jno. Jones, Jr., Samuel Parley. Recorded 1770. (R, p. 377)

Bradley, William, surgeon, Clock Lane, London, devisee and executor of Wm. Bradley, st., deed., of Lee St., Red Lyon Square, Middlesex, by his attorney, James Read, Savannah, sold to George Houston, Christ Church Par., Ga., 500 acres in Christ Church Par., granted 8/13/1762 to Wm. Bradley. Wm., Sr. made his will in 1766 and gave Ms property to: son, Wm. Bradley, surgeon, London; to son, Richard Bradley, Ga.; to dau., Jane Barnard, widow, Ga.; and to dau., Martha Young, wife of Isaac Young, Ga. Apl. 25, 1777. (JJ, pp. 218,224; R, p. 208)

"Georgia Genealogical Magazine"

(p.356) ISAAC YOUNG and MARTHA his wife, of Longcut? Farm, Christ Church Parish, planter, to GEORGE GALPHIN of Silver Bluff, S.C., planter, and JOHN MOREL of Savannah, merchant, as Trustees. Trust deed dated Aug. 16, 1760, conveying 600 acres on southeast side of Wilmington Island in said parish, also 500 acres on same Island bounded s. e. by Richard Kent, south by Warsaw River and west by creek leading to Tybee River; also lot 116 in town of Hardwick, size 76½  x 113½ feet, all being lately the property of John Barnard of Wilmington Island, deceased. It is recited that said property was sold by Matthew Roche, Provost Marshal, at public sale, to said Isaac Young as the property of said deceased under certain judgments for debt, having been so sold Aug. 14, 1760, at which time said lands were sold together with a number of slaves, 35 cattle, 18 horses, hogs, plantation tools and implements, sailing-boat, household goods, &c., all of which personal property is conveyed to said trustees along with said lands. The judgment for debt was in favor of William Bradley of Westminster, England, issued against JANE BARNARD, widow and Admx. with the will annexed, on estate of said JOHN BARNARD, dec'd who died insolvent. It is stated that said JOHN BARNARD was survived by his widow the said JANE, and their sis children TIMOTHY, WILLIAM, JOHN, ROBERT, ELIZABETH and JANE BARNARD, all said children being minors; "and whereas, the said Jane, widow as aforesaid, is the only sister of said Martha Young, and the said Isaac and Martha are desirous of making some provision for the support of said widow and her six children, they do now make this deed to said Trustees in trust for the use and benefit of said Jane and her children. The Barnard homeplace was on the said 500-acre tract. Said land and personal property is conveyed on condition that it being held for the use long as she lives, and after her death (the said Timothy, the oldest son, having already been provided for) the said homeplace tract of 500 acres to go to said WILLIAM BARNARD the second son, and his heirs and assigns; the 100 acre tract and town lot to go to JOHN BARNARD the third son, he already having had 300 acres; and 600-acre tract to go to ROBERT BARNARD the fourth son; with provisions made for said two daughters. The slaves and other personal property to be equally divided, after their mother's death, between all the said children or the survivors of them. It is furthermore conditioned that out of the income of said property or estate the Trustees shall pay an annuity of 300£ at the rate of 20£ annually on Jan. 1st., to said Isaac Young as Trustee for his two daughters ELIZABETH MARY YOUNG and WILLIAM YOUNG, minors, and to them after they are of age. Witnesses: Thomas Hooper and Thomas Burrington. Probated by latter before David Montaigut, J.P.

(p.865) GEORGE HOUSTON, by his indenture of release dated Apr. 25, 1777, - releases WILLIAM BRADLEY from any liability on account of sale by him to Houston of 500 acres in Christ Church Parish on Little Ogeechee River, claimed by Sir William Baker; property having been deeded by James Read of Savannah, Attorney-in-fact for said William Bradley of Cloak Lane in London, surgeon, the latter being devisee and residuary legatee and sole executor of William Bradley, late of Lee St., Red Lyon Square in County Middlesex, England, Gent., dec'd, conveyance dated Apr. 25, 1777, the title being in dispute. Witnesses: James Robertson, Alexander McGoun. Probated by Robertson before William Stephens, Q.W.

(p.897) WILLIAM BRADLEY of Clark Lane, London England, devisee, residuary legatee and sole executor of WILLIAM BRADLEY, late of Lee St., Red Lyon Square, in County Middlesex, Gentleman, deceased, to GEORGE HOUSTON of Christ Church Parish. Deed dated Apr. 26, 1777, conveys 300 acres in said parish bounded south by marshes of Little Ogeechee River, east by Frederick Shaffer and Frederick Fam, west by Edmond Tannett and Francis Davis (or Parish?) Said deceased left a will dated July 8, 1768, executed in County Middlesex, England, devising all his lands in Ga. and S.C., to his son the said grantor, with provisions for the support of testator's son Richard Bradley and testator's daughters Jane Barnard, widow, and Martha Young wife of Isaac Young of Ga. Deed signed by James Read as attorney-in-fact for grantor. Witnesses: James Robertson, Alexander McGoun. Probated by latter before James Whitefield, J.P. Deed executed in Savannah, Ga.