John Barnard and Jane Bradley family 

(last updated 11 Nov 2019)




John Barnard was born in England.  John had a brother named Edward Barnard. Jane Bradley was the daughter of William Bradley.   In 1744 John Barnard was granted 500 acres on Wilmington Island, Chatham county, Georgia. It was on this land that John and Jane's children were born and raised. In 1755 and 1756 John was granted additional acreage on Wilmington Island. John died "Sep. 7, 1757" in Chatham county, Georgia.  Jane died in October 1794 on Wilmington Island, Chatham county, Georgia.

John Barnard "came to Savannah, Georgia about 1743 in command of a Regiment called the 'Rangers' and held commission till his death."   In January 1747 John became bound to William Bradley of Westminster, London, England for £500 to be paid July 20, 1747 under the penal sum of £1000.  In 1748 John acted as attorney for William Bradley regarding lots in Savannah.  Evidently the £500 was never paid and in 1755 in the court of Pleas in the province of Georgia William Bradley won a judgment against John for £1000 and 63 shillings.      One of John's tracks of land comprising 600 acres was later seized and sold in 1760 for the non payment of the debt to William Bradley. [notes]
Son Timothy Barnard was born "Nov. 3, 1745" in Chatham county, Georgia.  He married a Euchee Indian woman.  Timothy died in July 1820 on his plantation in the Creek Nation, Georgia, now in Macon county. [Children according to Thomas Woodward.]

  • Pheloga/Fulloke/James "Jim" Barnard. He was the "oldest son, a cripple through life".

  • William "Billy" Barnard. He was the second son. He married Peggy Sullivan.  
    • Davy Barnard  [David Barnett?]
    • Tom Barnard  [Thomas Barnett?]
    • Epsy Barnard
    • Nancy Barnard
    • Sukey Barnard

  • Timpoochy/Timboche/John Barnard was born about 1783.  He was the third son. He married an Indian woman.  He died circa 1841 near Fort Mitchell, Alabama.

  • Cussene Barnard. He was the fourth son. He had an Indian wife and settled in Arkansas [Oklahoma?].

  • Michy Barnard. He was the fifth son.

  • Buck Barnard. He was the six son.

  • Mary "Polly" Barnard. She was the oldest daughter. She married Joe Marshall.

  • Matoya Barnard. She died unmarried.

  • "Himanhidge" Barnard.

  • "Yuccohpee" Barnard.
Son John Barnard was born "Nov. 12, 1750".  He became a major in the Revolutionary War.  He married Lucy Turner.  John died "June 10, 1819" on Wilmington Island, Chatham county, Georgia.  
  • Timothy Barnard was born 1775.  He married Amelia Guerard
  • Lucy Wilmington Barnard was born about 1780.  She married Henry C. Jones and Charles O. Screven.
  • Mary E Barnard
  • John Washington Barnard.  John died after 20 Nov 1826 (the date of his will).  He married Ann Christianna Shad.  Ann died after 16 July 1850 (the date of her will).
  • James Barnard was born est. 1790.  He married Catherine Guerard.
  • Henrietta Barnard was born est. 1794.  She married Stephen Williams.
  • Georgia A. Barnard.  She married Murdock Chisholm.
Son William Barnard. He married Sarah ? Sarah died Jan. 10, 1808, age 46.  William "died in New York" circa 1825.
  • Frances Barnard.  She married John Cooper.
  • Mary Louisa Barnard.  She married Samuel Adams.
Son Robert Barnard was born circa 1758.  
Dau. Elizabeth Barnard was born 1747-57.  
Dau. Jane Barnard was born 1747-57.  

Records and Notes:

"Woodward's Reminiscences" 1856 (page 109):

" Now, let us go back to family names - maybe some one will want to write hereafter, and I will furnish them at least a few names of persons who have, and are yet living.

Timothy Barnard, an Englishman, was a trader and interpreter for many years. I knew him well - he had an Uchee woman for a wife, and raised a number of children.

Jim was his oldest son, and a cripple through life;

Billy was the next, and married Peggy Sullivan, a daughter of Sullivan who was the owner of the negro Bob that was said to be concerned in the murder of the Kirkland family at Murder creek, from which the creek took its name. Bob was the father of Caesar, who was with Gen. Dale in the canoe fight. The mother of Caesar was old Tabby, who was stolen from a man by the name of Cook in Georgia many years back.  Billy's and Peggy's children were Davy, Tom, Epsy, Nancy and Sukey.

Timpoochy, the third son, had an Indian wife; he commanded the Uchees in Gen. Floyd's night fight, and was as lion-hearted as Gen. Zachary Taylor.

Cuseene, the fourth son, had an Indian wife, and emigrated to Arkansas;

Michy, the fifth son, a fine soldier, got drunk one night at his camp and was burned to death;

Buck, the youngest, was a smart half breed; he packed horses for me while I was assisting Gen. Watson in running the line between Georgia and Florida; he was murdered not far from Sand Fort by an Indian.

Polly, his oldest daughter, married Joe Marshall. She was killed by a horse. The only son she had by Marshall was John, who commanded the five Indians that burned the last stages and killed Hammel and Lucky in Russell county, in 1836.

The next daughter was Matoya, a very pretty woman; she died single, but was courted by Daniel McGee, of old Hartford, Ga. "

Creek Indian "Barnett" family = Barnard family.

In 1937 Thomas Barnett, aged 55, testified for the Indian Pioneer History project.

"The Barnett name was Barnard before taking on the present way of pronunciation. Dave Barnett and Timbochee Barnett witnessed the mishap of the shipload of Muskogee-Creek Indians that were being brought to the new country from their old homes in Alabama and this is what Dave Barnett has told:

" When we boarded the ship, it was at night time and it was raining, cloudy and dark. There were dangerous waves of water. The people aboard the ship did not want the ship to start on the journey at night but to wait until the next day. The men in command of the ship disregarded all suggestions and said, "the ship is going tonight." 

The ship was the kind that had an upper and lower deck. There were great stacks of boxes which contained whiskey in bottles. The officers in charge of the ship became intoxicated and even induced some of the Indians to drink. This created an uproar and turmoil.

Timbochee Barnett, who was my father, and I begged the officers to stop the ship until morning as the men in charge of the steering of the ship could not control the ship and keep it on it's course but was causing it to go around and around.

We saw a night ship coming down the stream. We could distinguish these ships as they had lights. Many of those on board our ship tried to tell the officers to give the command to stay to one side so that the night ship could pass on by. It was then that it seemed that the ship was just turned loose because it was taking a zig-zag course in the water until it rammed right into the center of the night boat.  [This must be about the sinking of the Monmouth carrying Creek Indians to Oklahoma.]

Then there was the screaming of the children, men, women, mothers and fathers when the ship began to sink. Everyone on the lower deck that could was urged to go up on the upper deck until some of the smaller boats could come to the rescue. The smaller boats were called by signal and they came soon enough but the lower deck had been hit so hard it was broken in two and was rapidly sinking and a great many of the Indians were drowned.

Some of the rescued Indians were taken to the shore on boats, some were successful in swimming to shore and some were drowned. The next day the survivors went along the shore of the Mississippi river and tried to identify the dead bodies that had been washed ashore. The dead was gathered and buried and some were lost forever in the waters.

Timbochee, my father, at the time of the accident had a bag of money which he had brought with him from the old country. He reported that he had dropped it into the water. He afterwards gave this report to the officials on the following day of the accident. The officials recovered the bag which contained a great amount of gold and paper money. He kept the gold but he turned the paper money over to the officials who promised to dry them for him and return to him. This they did."

Dave Barnett was buried in old Tuckabatchee town (tulwa) seven miles east of the present Hanna, Oklahoma."