"Abstracts of Colonial Wills of the State of Georgia, 1733-1777"

Page 11:

John Barnard; Wilmington Island, Savannah, Gentleman; wife, Jane - all horses, cattle, slaves (except Indian slave, Harry), if she remains a widow she is to get all the profits of all the moneys that shall be raised from the stock and debts which I have in the Indian Trade, for the maintenance and the education of my two sons, Timothy and William, until they are 21, each son is to have 1/4th of stock and money. Other 1/2 to wife is she remains a widow. On her death, her share is to be divided between the sons.

Son, Timothy, entitled by deed of gift from Richard Kent, (to) 500 acres of land on Wilmington Island.

Son, William, a tract of land, 500 acres on Wilmington Island.

Indian Slave, Harry. His freedom after 2 years service to Jane Barnard, or upon her death, if it is sooner.

Executors: Noble Jones, Esquire , of near Savannah; Samuel Marcer, Savannah.
Witnesses; William Stephens, Newdigate Stephens and Charles Watson.

Dated 29 January, 1747
Probated 8 September, 1757
Recorded 9 September, 1757.

[4 more children were born after will was made.]