[M234, roll 225, frames 202-06]

Schedule of property lost and left in the Old Creek Nation.

The actual claims can be found in Special File 207.   Schedule (summary).

" The following is a List of Claims for property lost and left in the Old Creek Nation and for stock and Supplys furnished for the use of the emigrants, and service rendered, by those who emigrated to the Western Creek Nation. "

No. Names Towns Description of Property lost or destroyed Valuation Remarks
1 Joseph Smith Wocho koy Town Two blankets - one belt - four yards homespun 21.50 Dead - no additional proof could be procured
2 Joseph Smith      "       "       " 20 head of hogs - 2 head stock cattle - 1 cowbell 72.00 Dead - no additional proof could be procured
3 Affee      "       "       " 10 head cattle - 20 head of hogs - 10 bushels corn  95.00 Absent - probably dead - no additional proof could be procured
4 Thomas Bruner      "       "       " 43 head beef steers - 137 head stock cattle - 20 head hogs - 25 head horses - one broad axe - 2 bells 2649.50 James Bruner certifies that he knew when the horses were lost, their value & c. and that Thomas Bruner was paid in part, by Mr. Walker, for his acct as stated
5 Thomas Bruner      "       "       " For use of waggon 64 days in emigration 128.00 James Bruner heard the bargain made - see certificate appended
6 Rebecca Bruner      "       "       " 6 iron pots - 1 frying pan - 1 cotton machine - 1 loom - 8 blankets - 115 yds homespun - 1 axe - 1 auger - 1 set of pewter plates - 1 set knives & forks - 2 pair cotton cards - 2 feather beds 251.00 See appended, James Brown certificate.
7 Dinah      "       "       " 3 cows & calves - 2 sows - 7 barrows 54.00 absent - no additional proof
8 Ispan a yoholo      "       "       " 500 lbs pork - 6 bushels corn 23.00 See Spo ho kee ya ho lo's certificate appended to acct.
9 Ho tul gee E mar lo      "       "       " 45 head of hogs 90.00 See Hos pat ack harjo's certificate appended to acct.
10 Jane Moor      "       "       " 1 loom - 10 bee hives - 2 iron pots - 1 frying pan - 2 slags - 1pair loom harness - 20 head hogs 82.00 Supposed to be dead - no additional proof could be procured 
11 Arbarker Fixico      "       "       " 34 head hogs - 7 bushels corn 71.50 See certificate appended to account
12 Betsy Vann      "       "       " For the use of waggon 64 days in emigration 128.00 Dead - no additional proof could be procured
13 Samuel Bruner      "       "       " For the use of waggon 64 days in emigration 128.00 Chihalika Mico's certificate appended to account
14 Tu hel attee      "       "       " 2 blankets - 1 tuck comb - 1 pair ear rings - 2 shawls - 20 yds cotton cloth - 15 ditto - 3 dress deer skins - 4 lbs coffee 36.00 Dead - no additional proof could be procured
15 Sharper (a black man)      "       "       " 7 head of hogs 14.00 Che ka lika saw the hogs delivered to the Agent
16 Vica Reed      "       "       " 2 shawls - 1 pair silver wrist bands - 6 yds ribbon - 1 feather bed 24.25 See certificate of Chis ka lika Mico, appended to account
17 Silvanus Bob      "       "       " 31 head of cattle 155.00 Dead - no additional proof could be procured
18 Cowe Emarthle      "       "       " 4576 lbs of beef - 147 lbs of pork 212.39 Absent - no additional proof could be procured
19 Betsy Vann      "       "       " 112 bushels corn - 1641 lbs pork - 465 lbs beef - 956 lbs bacon - 112 head cattle - 60 head of hogs 837.07 Delivered in presence of witnesses as per certificate appended
20 William      "       "       " 313 lbs beef - 15 bushels corn 20.02 Delivered in the presence of James Bruner as per certificate appended
21 Janne Moore      "       "       " 64 bushels corn 32.00 See certificate appended to account
22 Talmas Hargo      "       "       " 315 lbs beef - 3 bushels potatoes 14.10 Delivered in  the presence of Ho tul kee Emarthla, as per certificate
23 Rosy      "       "       " 107 lbs bacon - 4 bushels of corn 12.70 Absent - no additional proof could be procured
24 Thomas Bruner      "       "       " 90 bushels corn 45.00 Furnished in James Bruner's presence
25 Hotulgee Emarthla      "       "       " 22½ bushels of corn - 7 bushels potatoes 14.50 See certificate of Talmas Hargo
26 Jonah      "       "       " 15 head of hogs 30.00 As per certificate appended
27 Ni to ho me chee      "       "       " 9 bushels of corn 4.50 See certificate appended to account
28 Red Mouth      "       "       " 7 head cattle - 12 head hogs - 2 horses 159.00 No additional proof
29 William (a black man)      "       "       " 7 head of cattle 35.00 See certificate appended
30 Samuel Bruner      "       "       " 326 lbs beef - 100 bushels corn - 200 lbs pork * 72.66 See certificate appended 
31 Maria Reed      "       "       " 20 lbs bacon - 90 lbs pork - 24 head cattle  125.20 See certificate appended
32 Cha Killer      "       "       " 5 bushels corn - 5 bushels potatoes - 2½ bushels corn 11.12½ See certificate appended
33 Manuel (a black man)      "       "       " 16 bushels corn 16.00 See certificate appended
34 Char lon Hargo      "       "       " 810 lbs beef - 18 bushels corn 40.40 See certificate appended
35 William Hardridge Jur      "       "       " 1280 lbs beef - 20 lbs pork - 26 bushels corn 81.05 See certificate appended
36 Talasee Hargo      "       "       " 1 horse lost in the service of the U. States 60.00 No additional proof
37 Pott Hargo Ufally Town 6 head of hogs - 11½ bushels corn 29.50 Delivered to Mr Walker in the presence of Atassee Yoholo - see certificate
38 Beaver     "        " 2480 lbs beef - 42 bushels of corn - 900 sugar canes 159.56 Beef delivered in the presence of Isaac Perryman - as per certificate appended
39 Sin he chee     "        " 3 head of stock cattle - 8 head hogs - 50 bushels of corn 92.00 Corn & beef & hogs delivered in the presence of Beaver & Isaac Perryman
40 Caseatee Hargo     "        " 120 bushels of corn 120.00 See certificate appended to account
41 Tars kee Hargo     "        " 25 bushels of corn - 5 head of hogs 40.00 See certificate appended to account
42 Conchato Tustonege     "        " 1 hog - 12 bushels corn - 1½ bushels of rice 21.00 Delivered in the presence of Yakata Yoholo
43 So hit ker     "        " 3 head of hogs - 10 bushels of corn - 3 bushels of rice 25.00 Delivered in the presence of Yakata Yoholo
44 Tommy     "        " 500 lbs beef 20.00 Delivered in the presence of Isaac Perryman
45 William Perryman     "        " 7 head cattle - 1 hog - 85 bushels corn 132.00 Delivered in the presence of Isaac Perryman & Beaver
46 Isaac Perryman     "        " 2 head stock cattle 12.00 Delivered in the presence of Beaver
47 Polly Gray     "        " 4125 lbs beef - 60 bushels corn - 2 bee hives - 6 head of geese 241.00 Beef & corn delivered in the presence of Silas Hardage & Akata Yoholo
48 Benjamin Perryman     "        " 7 head cattle - 9 head hogs - 65 bushels corn - 5 bushels rice - 10 bee hives - 1 waggon - 200 sugar canes 248.90 See certificate appended to account
49 James Hardridge Sen.     "        " 3120 lbs beef - 300 bushels corn - 2500 sugar canes 554.80 See certificate appended to account
50 Colly (black boy)     "        " 180 lbs pork - 10 bushels corn 19.00 See certificate appended to account
51 Hilliby Tustunuggee     "        " 10,050 lbs beef - 350 bushels corn 752.00 See certificate appended to account
52 P--ter     "        " 7 bushels corn - 4 bushels potatoes 11.00 No additional evidence
53 Crazy Beaver Big Spring Town 350 lbs beef 14.00 See certificate appended to account
54 Hee chee   "        "        " 25 bushels of corn 25.00 See certificate appended to account
55 Offer Perryman   "        "        " 1130 lbs beef - 21 bushels corn 66.00 Delivered in the presence of Chala Harjo
56 Nelly Perryman   "        "        " 300 lbs beef - 5 bushels rice 22.00 See certificate appended to acct
57 Sally   "        "        " 4 head of hogs - 12 bushels of corn 24.00 No additional proof
58 War Hay   "        "        " 80 lbs pork 4.00 See certificate appended to account
59 Seasor   "        "        " 40 lbs pork - 12 bushels corn 14.00 No additional proof
60 Billy (a black boy)   "        "        " 7 bushels of corn 7.00 See certificate appended 
61 Peggy Perryman   "        "        " 50 lbs pork - 11 bushels corn - 13 bushels rice 39.00 See certificate appended to account
62 Pollett I go   "        "        " 20 bushels corn 20.00 Delivered in the presence of Nucus Hargo
63 No cha   "        "        " 20 bushels of corn, one hog 26.00 See certificate appended
64 Mary Ann Perryman   "        "        " 1585 lbs beef 63.40 Delivered in the presence of Nucus Harjo & Bill Hardage
65 Homer to tee   "        "        " 10 bushels of corn - 4 bushels of rice 18.00 Delivered in presence of  Cho ko tee Yoholo
66 Anna Perryman   "        "        " 75 lbs pork - 56½ bushels of corn - 8 bushels rice 76.25 See certificate appended to account
67 Vicy Hardridge   "        "        " 3193 lbs beef - 96 bushels of corn 223.72 See certificate appended to account
68 Meesee   "        "        " 98 bushels of corn - 3 bushels of beans 31.00 See certificate appended to account
69 Joseph Steadham   "        "        " 2500 lbs beef 100.00 Delivered in the presence of Siah Hardage & Chokotee Tustunuggee
70 Mary   "        "        " 22 bushels of corn 22.00 No additional proof could be procured
72 Tuckabatchee Hargo Ok ka lash na Town 500 lbs beef 20.00 See certificate appended to account
71 Archy Gray Big Spring Town 2400 lbs beef 96.00 See certificate appended to account
73 Thomas Steadham Ock ka lash na Town 200 bushels of corn - 6750 lbs beef 470.00 See certificate appended to account
74 Betsy Steadham    "     "     "    "     " 1700 lbs beef 68.00 See certificate appended to account
75 Sally Steadham    "                       " 2000 lbs beef 80.00 See certificate appended to account
76 William Hardridge    "                       " 11000 lbs beef - 15 bushels corn 455.00 See certificate appended to account
77 Chocota Tustunuggee    "                       " 1900 lbs beef - 43 cows & calves - 8 head sheep 586.00 See certificate of Siah Hardage and K. Lewis
78 Colatter Micco    "                       " 600 lbs beef 24.00 Delivered in the presence of  Chocota Tustunuggee
79 Hotul gee Eme hah    "                       " 1700 lbs beef 68.00 See certificate appended to account
80 Talmas Tustunugge    "                       " 1600 lbs beef 64.00 See certificate appended to account
81 Le hi e    "                       " 450 lbs beef 18.00 See certificate appended to account
82 Noces Hargo Chee    "                       " 777 lbs beef - 77 lbs pork 34.93 See certificate appended to account
83 Fus Hargo Cossada Town 7 bushels corn 7.00 See certificate appended to account
84 Tommy Hargo       "           " 250 lbs beef - 13 bushels of corn 19.00 See certificate appended to account
85 David McKellop Cossawda Town Hire of waggon in emigration 99.00 No further proof could be procured
86 David McKellop       "           " For waggon left on the route, in emigration 75.00 No further proof could be procured


We certify on honour that we have used all due diligence by employing the best means within our reach to make a satifactory investigation of the claims exhibited in the foregoing register and believe that the claimants actually sustained the losses and delivered the property as set forth, herein, all of which is respectfully submitted.

Wm. Armstrong
Act Supt Westn Terry
Jas R Stephenson
Capt. U. S. Army
Disbg. Agt. Ind. Reml.

October 24th 1836