[M574, roll 61, frames 15-17, letter A368]
[Special file 207]

Schedules of property alleged to have been left by the Creeks of
Ufalla, Chehaw, Tallissee Towns in 1837 by being forced to remove.

Schedule of Stock and other property alleged to have been left by the Creek Emigrants of the Tallissee and Chehaw Towns in the year 1837 by being driven from their homes and forced to remove from the country by the citizens of Alabama and Georgia contrary to the promises of Major Genl Jesup during the time the warriors of these Towns were in the service of the United States in Florida.  

Names Horses Cows Hogs Corn Farming
Echo Harjo 2 11 30 12 8.00   222.00 The horses are charged at $30 per head. Cows at $10 per head & hogs at $3. per head. Corn at $2.00 per head.
Tarcoosa Fixico 1   10   10.00 10.00 80.00
Johnny Chopco 1   3 6 17.00 5.00 73.00
Noscop Fixico 1 2 3 4 9.00 7.00 83.00
Tusconer Hadjo       1 8.00 1.00 11.00
Hochi che 2 4 10   3.00 2.50 135.50
Charley 1   8 2 6.00 4.00 68.00
Summer         5.00 4.00 9.00
Betsey 1     2 4.00 2.50 40.50
Lis at Hago 1     1 6.50 3.25 51.75
Sil le par ke         2.50 4.00 6.50
Yar kin kar 1       4.50 2.00 6.50
Sar jar ke? 2       2.00 2.00 64.00
Spoak oak Hadjo 1   4   3.00 2.25 47.25
Eliza 1 3 12 2 4.00 3.50 113.50
Is lot ka 2     3 1.50 2.00 69.50
Har lot hoie         2.00 2.00 4.00
Judy         2.50 6.00 8.50
Ned         3.00   3.00
Chos Fixico 1 3 8   6.00 1.00 61.00
Rachel 1 20 5   10.00 3.00 178.00
Nehar locco Yoholo 1       4.00 2.00 36.00
Nacus Fixico 3       3.00 5.00 96.00
Ho mer liga 1     2 9.00 2.00 45.00
Ar ro ne ga 2   10 5 4.00 2.00 106.00
Fee ai gai? 2 4     3.50 2.00 105.50
Fan ny 3 10 8 10 2.00 1.50 237.50
Nar co ma       2 4.00 2.00 10.00
Tus ke ne haw 6 30 40 60 5.00 4.00 669.00

Names Horses Cows Hogs Bush
O te see Hadgo 2   4 5 8.00 8.00   98.00
Fus Yahola 1 2     5.00 1.50   56.50
Lucy che 1 4 7 3 7.00 3.25   107.25
Hulla       2 5.00     9.00
Fitz told         5.25     -.25
Folo liga     5 3 6.00     30.00
Octiarche Fixico           2.00 14 30.00
Ar war he         5.00 2.00   7.00
Lar tar Micco       10 10.00 5.00   35.00
Tusconer Hatka         4.00 2.25   6.25
Che a Lous ky 4 8 5   6.00 4.00   2.25
Arhur locco Fixico 3             90.00
Con challe Emarllar 2       5.00 1.50   66.50
In li che 2       4.00 1.00   65.00
Chock fo lout kar         10.00 2.00   12.00
Chos Yoholo         7.00     7.00
Chuille Hajo 1       10.00 5.25   45.25
Cowoccooche Hadjo         4.00 10.00   50.00
Fulla? 1       5.00 1.75   30.75
Tar pis larke/tarke 1     1 2.00 1.00   35.00
Nancy 2 3 8 5 5.00 2.50   131.50
Winey     8 6 6.00 5.00   47.00
Nehar Hadjo 1   3 5 5.00     54.00
Is far nerka 1 2     10.00 5.00   65.00
Fic co like 2   20 5 8.00 2.00   140.00
Finey           4.00   4.00
Hic ge che     2 3   4.50   76.50?
Ufaula Fixico       2 3.00 2.25   9.25
Sarlie 1 4 2   2.00     78.00
Osooch Yoholo 2     3 2.50 3.00 3 77.50
Summer lee 3 1 20     3.75 10 183.75
Coosiste Hadjo 1   30 10 6.00 5.00 1 173.00
Tusse Kiah 1       3.00     33.00
Matilda         25.00 25.00   50.00
Micco Yoholo   2 5   10.00 10.00   55.00
Sparney Fixico 4 5 30 8 8.00 6.50 2 294.50
Milley 3 18 20 5 20.00 2.50   344.50
Soukey Currwells 8 20 30 50 15.00 14.00   609.00
Now ar oliga   5 7 5   5.00   86.00
Oak fus ko che 4       5.00 4.00   129.00
Oc ti ar che Emarllar   4           40.00

Names Horses Cows Hogs Corn Farming
Nehar Hadjo 1       4.75 2.00 36.75
Che ar har 1 3   2 10.00 6.25 80.25
Ho lar ta?     20 6 1.25 1.00 74.25
Ar par lar Hago 4 4 8 2 3.00 .75 191.75
Co ne le       2 6.00 -.00 12.00
Car pit le Yoholo 1 1     6.00 3.75 49.75
Efar Micco       1 6.00 1.50 9.50
Titte Parse     10   3.00 2.25 35.25
Cot sar Micco         5.50 .50 6.00
Chisse Hajo       1 2.50 3.00 7.50
Emathlo che 1       2.00 1.50 33.50
Oak chot co che 4       3.00 1.50 124.50
Yar gin par Micco         2.50 1.75 4.25
Thomas Carr 5 25 30   111.00 9.50 513.50
Charley 1       3.00 2.00 35.00
Zachariah McGirth 2 20 30   4.00 3.00 357.00

We the undersigned chiefs of the Tallisee and Chehaw Town do certify that the above statement of property left in the Creek Nation (East) in the year 1836 contrary to the promises of Genl. Jesup and forced to remove to the  Country West of Mississippi is true and correct.
Witness Jas. L Alexander

February 14th 1838
Echo Harjoe
John Chopco
Jim Boy

I certify on honor that I have examined the above list of losses alleged to have been sustained by the Tallassee and Chehaw towns of Indians.  It corresponds with a few additional names that have been since added, with that taken by me by the order of Maj. Genl Jessup and forwared  to him form Mobile Point.  I can not state particularly as to the amount of the losses sustained by these Indians, but know it was considerable.  I was left in charge of the families of these Indians in Macon County, Ala. by Genl Jessup during the absence of the warriors to Florida.  I was present when they were unexpectedly surrounded by the citizens of Georgia & Alabam and forced to remove without an oppurtunity to collect and dispose of their property.

T. T. Sloan
Lieut & Disb Agent

Washington City
May 6th 1838