MUSKOGEE AREA of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
(Record Group 75)

Compiled by Kent Carter, September 1994

The Southwest National Archives branch in Fort Worth, Texas holds most of the original Bureau of Indian Affairs records from Oklahoma. This is their extensive inventory of approximately 650 types of records covering enrollment, allotment, leases, finances, probate, programs, and schools. These original records must be viewed in person at the SW National Archives.   Please see Visiting the National Archives.

Go to: Introduction ... Table of Contents ... Appendix I-VIII ... Alphabetical index (A-I)

Go to Record Entries: 1-60a ... 61-128 ... 129-207a ... 208-288a ... 289-359 ... 360-442a ... 443-506 ... 507-579 ... 580-649

APPENDIX IMembers of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes
APPENDIX IISelect List of Decimal File Number
APPENDIX IIIList of Tribal Rolls (entry 54)
APPENDIX VList of Land Sales
APPENDIX VIList of Schools (Entry 600 and 601)
APPENDIX VIILocations of Field Offices
APPENDIX VIIIPayment and Annuity Rolls (Entry 542 and 551)


Members of the Commission to the Five Civilized Tribes

Henry L. Dawes11-1-1893 to 2-5-1903
Meredith H. Kidd11-1-1893 to 3-1-1895
Archibald S. McKennon11-1-1893 to 6-15-1900
Frank C. Armstrong3-2-1895 to 6-30-1899
Thomas B. Cabaniss3-2-1895 to 6-30-1897
Alexander B. Montgomery3-2-1895 to 6-30-1897
Tams Bixby7-1-1897 to 6-30-1905
Clifton R. Breckenridge6-16-1900 to 6-30-1905
William E. Stanley2-16-1903 to 3-31-1904

Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes

Tams Bixby7-1-1905 to 6-30-1907
J. George Wright7-1-1907 to 8-1-1914

Superintendents of the Union Agency

John B. Jones1874-1874
George W. Ingalls1874-1876
Major J. J. Upham1876-1876
Sylvester W. Marston1876-1879
John Q. Tufts1879-1885
Robert Owen1885-1889
Leo E. Bennet1889-1893
Drew M. Wisdom1893-1899
J. Blair Shoenfelt 1899-1905
Dana H. Kelsey1905-1914

Superintendents of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency

Gabe E. Parker1914-1921
Victor M. Locke 1921-1923
Shade E. Wallen1923-1926
H.H. Fiske1926-1926
C.L. Ellis1926-1929
A.G. McMillan1929-1931
Adrian M. Landman1931-1947
W.O. Roberts1947-1949

Area Directors. Muskogee Area Office

W.O. Roberts 1949-1953
Paul L. Fickinger 1953-1962


Select List of Decimal File Numbers

050Tribal Relations
057Business Committees
060Indian Customs
110Rules and Regulations
150Inspection and Investigation
160Officers and Employees
200Finance and accounts
240Property Accounting
260Claims-Vouchers or Bills
306Removal of Restrictions
307Public Lands
308Tribal Lands
310Transfer of Lands
320Leasing of Lands
350Estates-Heirship Cases
370Right of Way
400Buildings and Equipment
700Health and Social Relations
720Relief Work
730Diseases and Injuries
740Social Relations
900Industries and Employment

There may NOT be records in all of the above categories for each series described in this inventory.


List of Tribal Rolls
(Entry 54)


1835   Index to Henderson Roll, 1 vol, (#100561), T496
1848Certified copy (1887) of the Mullay Roll of Eastern Cherokee, 1 vol, (100569) 7RA06
1851Index to the Siler Roll, 1 vol, (100555), 7RA06
1851Certified copy (1887) of the Siler Roll of Eastern Cherokee, 1 vol, 7RA096
1852Certified copy (1887) of the Chapman Roll of Eastern Cherokee, 1 vol, (100570), 7RA06
1852Index to the Drennen Roll, 1 vol, (100553), 7RA01
1852Drennen Roll of Emigrant Cherokee, 1 vol, 1 manuscript copy (6-2-2) and 1 xerox copy (05082), 7RA01
1867Index to Freedmen on the Tompkins Roll, 2 vols (100566a and b), 7RA51 roll 1
1867Tompkins Roll, 4 vols (5-3-12, 5-6-1,2,and 3) 7RA04
1880Census, printed copy, 1 vol (200002), 7RA07
1880Census schedules 2-6 (19-4-63 and 64) @A-35-2-9, 7RA07
1880Freedmen, 1 vol, typed list (100417), 7RA51 roll 1
1880Lipe Payment Roll (10-2-42) @A-35-2-12, 7RA33
1883Census, 9 vols (100575), 7RA29
1883Payment Roll, 11 vols (1604)
1883Payment Roll (1897 copy) 9 vols (100574), 7RA56
1886Payment Roll (1897 copy) 9 vols (100568), 7RA58
1890Census (1897 copy) 9 vols (100558), 7RA60
1890Census schedules 1-6 @A-35-2-13, 7RA08
1890Index to Wallace Roll of Freedmen, 1 vol (100573), 7RA51 roll 1
1890Wallace Roll of Freedmen (typed copy) (100572), 7RA51 roll 1
1890Payment Roll, 4 vols (15-5-31 and 32, 15-6-12 and 13) 7RA59
1893Index to Freedmen (100565), 7RA51 roll 1
1893Census (includes Delawares and Shawnees), 56 vols (13- 6-17, 29-4-1, and 31-6-13), 7RA54
1893Census of Intruders, 7RA55
1894Index to Starr Roll, 1 vol (82-7-1), 7RA38
1894Starr Payment Roll, 10 vols (100401 to 100410)
1894Starr Payment Roll (1897 copy), 9 vols (green covers), 7RA38
1896Old Settlers Payment Roll, 1 vol (6-2-4), @A-35-2-7, 7RA34
1896Census, 17 vols (19-4-55 to 62, 24-6-19 to 27, and 19-5-2), 7RA19
1896Index to Freedmen Roll, 1 vol (100413), 7RA51 roll 2
1896Census of Freedmen, 1 vol (typed copy) (100017), @A35-1-12, 7RA51 roll 2
1897Index to Freedmen Payment Roll, 1 vol (typed copy) (100411), 7RA51 roll 2
1897Index to Freedmen Strip Payment Roll, (100412) 7RA51 roll 2
1897Freedmen Payment Roll, 1 vol (1 bound and 1 unbound copy, 100397) @A35-1-12, 7RA51 roll 2
1897Index to enrollment, 1 vol (L3048) n.d. List of Colored Persons on the Clifton Roll not on 1880 rolls, 2 vols (3-4-47), 7RA51 roll 2


1896Payroll, 1 vol (10-2-39) @A35-1-12, 7RA26


1896Census, 1 vol (100564) @A35-1-12, 7RA26

Eastern Shawnee

1964Printed roll (August 10, 1964) (75A1411) @A35-1-12


1855  Payment Roll (1897 copy), 1 vol (82-8-17), 7RA09
1860Federal Census of Choctaw Nation (whites only), 1 folder (46 pages), @A35-1-12 7RA142
1885Census of Freedmen (includes Chickasaws) 1 vol (3-5-4)
1885Index to 1885 Census, 1 vol and 4 folders (87-10-1 and 01935), 7RA62
1885Census, 16 vols (05085 to 05106), M595 roll 623
1893Index to Census and List of Orphans, 7RA64
1893Payment Roll, 18 vols (100355 to 100372), 7RA65
1896Index to Census, 1 vol (#498) 7RA02
1896Census, 3 vols (10-2-35 and 36, and 100328), 7RA02
1896List of Freedmen (includes Chickasaws), 1 vol (82-7-12), 7RA66


1878  Census, 6 folders (100578, 100582, 100583, 400004, 400006, and 300012), 7RA21
1890Census, 4 folders (82-7-6 to 9=100551 to 100554), @A35-1-11, 7RA21
1893Payment Rolls, 2 vols and 2 folders (400009 and 10 and 82-8-15 and 16=100577 and 100581), 7RA21
1896Census, 6 folders (3-5-4), 7RA21
1897Census, 1 vol (100576), 7RA21 n.d. Lists of citizens and intruders, 4 folders (400007, 400003, 400008, and 400005), 7RA21


1857 Old Settlers Roll (negative photostat), 1 vol (10064) 7RA23
1857Payroll (negative photostat) 2 vols (10023 and 24), 7RA23
1858Payroll (typed copy), 1 vol (10025), 7RA23
1867Payroll, 1 vol, 7RA44
1869Index to the Dunn Roll (Freedmen), 1 vol (02458), 7RA44
1869Index and Payroll (Freedmen), 2 vols (10597A and B) 7RA44
1882Roll (from allotment applications, box 47 of 49)
1890Census, 6 folders (001, 004) 7RA12
1890Payroll, 6 vols, 7RA46
1890Authenticated Tribal Roll of the Creek Nation, 7RA-41 *Added to this list*
1891Annuity Roll, 5 vols (82-9-1 to 5), 7RA46
1891Supplemental Annuity Roll, 1 vol (82-9-6), 7RA207
1891Census Roll (Omitted Roll), 1 folder (030), 7RA207
1891Census Roll (Omitted Roll), 1 folder (028), 7RA207
1891Census, 1 folder (100596), 7RA207
1893Census (incomplete toll of non-citizens), 1 folder (82-8-12
1895Census, 44 folders (100182 to 100225), 7RA12
1895Census, 1 vol (82-7-14), 7RA12
1895Census Roll (Omitted Roll), 2 vols and 1 folder (100304, 100215, and 006), 7RA12
1895Supplemental Census Roll, 1 folder (003), 7RA12
1895Payment Rolls, 40 folders (100263 to 100302), 7RA12
1895Payroll (Omitted), 1 folder (002), 7RA207
1895Payroll (Day Book), 1 folder (022), 7RA207
1896Census, 5 folders (100259, 100247, 100252, 100233, and 100228), 7RA12
1896Census (Colbert Roll), 32 folders (100226 to 100262) 7RA69
1899Census of Coweta Town (part of 1882 census) 1 folder


1868Payment Roll (negative photostat), 1 folder (029), 7RA20
1895Payment Roll, 1 vol (100594), 7RA20
1895Payment Rolls, 1 vol (100595), 7RA20
1897Census Roll, 1 vol (100592), 7RA20


List of Townsites 



Oct 12, 19101st Choctaw-Chickasaw, 1st Creek, 1st Seminole
Feb 20, 19112nd Creek-Cherokee, 2nd Seminole
June 23, 19112nd Choctaw-Chickasaw
Oct 2, 19113rd Cherokee
Aug 27, 19123rd Choctaw-Chickasaw
Aug 30, 1912Timber (Choctaw-Chickasaw)
Feb 3, 19134th Choctaw-Chickasaw
May 13, 19134th Creek, 3rd Seminole
Aug 9, 1913Timber (Choctaw-Chickasaw)
Sept 20, 1913Creek-Cherokee
Aug 14, 1914Segregated coal and asphalt
Aug 17, 19142nd Timber, Segregated coal
Sept 13, 19155th Choctaw-Chickasaw
July 18, 19166th Choctaw-Chickasaw, 3rd Timber, 3rd Segregated, Townsites
July 21, 19177th Choctaw-Chickasaw, 4th Timber 4th Segregated, Townsites
Sept 24, 1917Creek
Feb 28, 1918Reserved Surface of mining companies
July 18, 19188th Choctaw-Chickasaw, 5th Timber 5th Segregated, Townsites
Sept 24, 19181st coal and asphalt minerals
Aug 20, 19199th Choctaw-Chickasaw, 6th Timber 6th segregated, townsites
Aug 28, 19192nd sale of coal and asphalt minerals
April 12, 19203rd sale of coal and asphalt minerals
Sept 6, 1922Choctaw-Chickasaw, Creek-Cherokee, Seminole Unallotted Surface and Townsites, Surface of Segregated coal and asphalt, 7th timber, 7th segregated townsites
March 17, 1925Choctaw-Chickasaw town lots, townsite additions on surface of segregated coal and asphalt, agricultural and grazing on surface of segregated coal and asphalt, timber
May 16, 19254th sale of coal and asphalt minerals
Feb 3, 1931Coal and asphalt
Feb 14, 1931Timber
March 29, 1937Timber


(ENTRY 600 AND 601)


(E 600)(E. 601)
Albuquerque Indian School1934-46none
Bacone College, Bacone, OK 1929-511929-32
Bloomfield Seminary, Changed to Carter Seminary 1929, Hendrix/Ardmore, OKnone1911-33
Carter Seminary Ardmore, OK1934-50none
Chemawa Indian School, Chemawa, OR 1945-54none
Chilocco Boarding School, Chilocco, OK1934-50none
Cheyenne-Arapaho Boarding School, Concho, OK1926-29none
Dwight Mission, Marble City, OK1935-48none
El Meta Bond College, Minco, OKnone1910-20
Euchee Boarding School, Sapulpa, OK1926-471930-43
Eufaula Indian School, Eufaula, OK1926-501930-48
Goodland, See entry 184nonenone
Haskell Institute, Lawrence, KS1934-51none
Jones Male Academy, Hartshorne, OK1922-52none
Murray State School of Agriculture, Tishomingo, OK1934-501910-47
Nuyaka School & Orphanage, Okmulgee, OKnone1929-32
Oklahoma Presbyterian College for Girls, Durant, OK 1934-461910-42
Oklahoma School for the Blind, Muskogee, OK1935-481944-47
Oklahoma School for the Deaf, Sulphur, OK1935-47none
Old Goodland Indian Orphanage, Hugo, OK (See entry 184)1934-551910-49
Phoenix Indian School, Phoenix, AZ 1935-47none
Riverside Indian School, Anadarko, OK1949-50none
St. Agnes Academy, Ardmore, OKnone1910-23
St. Agnes Mission, Antlers, OK1934-451910-45
St. Elizabeths Boarding School, Purcell, OK1934-481910-47
St. Josephs Boarding School, Chickasha. OKnone1910-32
Santa Fe Indian School, Santa Fe, NM1934-43none
Sherman Institute, Riverside, CA1934-48none
Seneca Indian School, Wyandotte, OK1934-50none
Sequoyah High School, Tahlequah, OK1934-50none
Tuskahoma Female Academy, Muskohee, OK1923-26none
Wheelock Academy, Millerton, OK1922-55none



Hugo (Antlers Sub-office)
Idabel (Broken Bow Sub office)
Locust Grove
Pauls Valley Poteau

See the annual reports of the Superintendent of the Five Civilized Tribes Agency (entry 316) for the jurisdictiom and dates of operation of each office.


(entry 542 and entry 551)


1902Destitute Cherokees (6-3-47/voucher #296) 7RA80
1910Intermarried Whites (Act of May 29, 1908) no* 7RA80
1910-1920*  Equalization Payments (includes index) (Act of April 26, 1906) L2674, 6-6-2, 6-3-47, L3164, L2677. 7RA82
1911*$15 Index and Payrolls (L2610-11, B988, B990)7RA81
1914*$12 Payroll (B288, B287)
1916*$3.30 Payroll
1962*Worksheets (#15009-3) @A-21-22-1
1975**Judgment Docket 173A @A-16-104-6


1964Docket 334 (Act of August 20, 1964) (75a1411) Printed roll only @A-17-4-3. See entry 550B for applications
1971**   Docket 334B (Act of December 15, 1971) See entry 550C

Loyal Shawnee

1931-1935  Payroll and Receipts (Act of March 4, 1929) no#


1906$102.50 Payroll and Receipts (Act of April 21, 1904) L3212, L2640, 6-6-3 7RA26
1968 & 1972**  Docket 337 (Act of September 21, 1968) and 72 and 298 (Act of October 3, 1972) Also called the 1977 Payment @A-21-56-1 See also entry 43A in Anadarko
1980**Docket 27A and 241, 289, 27B and 238 (Act of August 1, 1980) @A-17-002-1

Idaho Delaware

1980**Docket 27A and 241, 289, 27B and 338 (Act of August 1, 1980) @A-17-002-1

Kansas Delaware

1980**Docket 337 @A-17-002-1


1904$40 Townsite Funds (Index and some affidavits of married women) L3086 7RA83
1906$35 Payroll and Index (L3146 and L3087) 7RA84
1908$20 Payroll and Index (L3170) 7RA85
1910Equalization Payroll and index (L3160) 7RA89
1911*$50 Payroll and Index (L2553) 7RA90
1916*$300 Payroll and Index (L2631, L2553, L1658) 7RA93
1917*$100 Payroll and Index (L3168, L2557, L2558, L2559) 7RA94
1918*$200 Payroll (L2630, L2572, L2573, L2574, L2575)
1919*$140 Payroll (includes some of the Chickasaw $100 payment) (L2629, L2656-2671)
1920*$100 Payroll (L2560-2565)
1921*$50 Payroll (L2567, L2568, L2553, L2555, L2565)
1925Townsite Funds (L2546, L2547, L2548-2551)
1929$10 Payroll (33-4-14)
1949*$350 Payment (Act of May 24, 1949) @A16-104-4


1903Incompetent Payroll (L2639) 7RA96
1904$40 Townsite Funds (index and payrolls, see also Choctaw 1904) (L3088 and L2916) 7RA97
1906$35 Index and Payroll (no#)
1908$20 Index and payroll (no#) 7RA100
1910Equalization Payroll and index (L3165 and L3162)
1911*  $50 Index and Payroll (L2589 and L2620)
1914*$100 Index and Payroll (L2621 and L2600)
1916$200 Payroll (L2603, L2623, L2597)
1917$100 Payroll )L2622, L2591, L2593)
1918*$200 Payroll (L2604 and L2601)
1920*$100 Payroll (L2594, L2595, L2596)
1921*$30 Payroll (L2619, L2585, L2586, L2587)
1949*$350 Payment (Act of May 24, 1949) @A-16-104-4

Mississippi Choctaw

1904$40 Townsite Fund Payroll
1906$35 Payroll
1908Townsite payroll and index (L2528) 7RA107
1911*$50 Index and Payroll (L2612 and L2576) 7RA108
1916*$300 Payroll (L2618 and L2582)
1917*$100 Payroll (12616 and L2578)
1918*$200 Payroll (L2617 and L2581)
1919*$140 Payroll (L2615 and L2580)
1920$100 Payroll (L2579)
1921*$50 Payroll (L2614 and L2577)
1924*$25 Payroll (L2613)
1925"Windup Townsite and Per Capita Payroll" (no#)
1949*$350 Payment (Act of May 24, 1949) @A-16-104-4
n.d.Judgment Funds Payroll (6-5-6)


1904Loyal Creek Payroll (Act of March 3, 1903) L3090 and 6-5-1 7RA31
1914Equalization Payrolls (Act of August 1, 1914) L2879 and 6-5-5 7RA204
1918-21Equalization Payrolls (Act of May 25, 1918) 6-5-4 and L2676, L2881, L2880, 8-2-6 to 18, 6-5-1, L2882, and B989 and typed lists (2 vols and 2 folders and 1 folder misc correspondence
1968**  Docket 21 and 276 (Act of September 21, 1968) See entry 548D
1973**Docket 275 (Act of October 19, 1973) See entry 548C


1901$14 Payroll (82-9-7)
1908$28 Index and payroll (no#)
1909$20 Payroll (B987)
1910List of heirs (no#)
1911*$50 Payroll (L2636 and L2637)
1912*$20 Payroll (L2632 and L2633)
1913*$200 Payroll (L2876 and L2638)
1914$30 Payroll (L2877)
1915$25 Payroll (no#)
1916$300 Payroll (no#)
1917*$34 Payroll (L3167 and L2635)
1918*$100 Payroll (L2588 that includes some Chickasaw $40 from FY1913 and 2-3-47)
1920Equalization Payrolls (L2678 and L2517)
1934**Applications for payment (45501-46753)
1942*$30 payment (See also entry 548G)

Mixed Tribes

1908-14Claims submitted to Washington (L3163 and 30B and Bundle 1)

* Applications are in entry 542
** There is not payroll, just the applications in entry 542

Go to: Introduction ... Table of Contents ... Appendix I-VIII ... Alphabetical index (A-I)

Go to Record Entries: 1-60a ... 61-128 ... 129-207a ... 208-288a ... 289-359 ... 360-442a ... 443-506 ... 507-579 ... 580-649