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Compiled by Edward E. Hill, 1965


The National Archives in Washington, D. C., holds much of the original Bureau of Indian Affairs records for Indians. These original records must be viewed in person at the National Archives.

Introduction ... Table of Contents ... Appendix I-III ... Index: A-Em ... Em-Mo ... Mo-Z

Entries: 1-74 ... 75-120 ... 121-197 ... 198-284 ... 285-355 ... 356-443 ... 444-521 ... 522-576 ... 577-643 ... 644-711 ... 712-784 ... 785-860 ... 861-940 ... 941-998 ... 999-1040 ... 1041-1112 ... 1113-1182 ... 1183-1243 ... 1244-1362 ... 1363-1401

In this index to names, places, and subjects, information in the entries of the inventory is indexed by entry number only. Information in introductory statements is indexed by page number. Page number references are preceded by "p."


  • Employees Section, 967-992, p.5, p.206, p.277

  • Employment of Indians, 514, 792, 961, 1001, p.2, p.287, p.290;
    administrative responsibility, p.8, p.64, p.206, p.207;
    Carlisle School, 1327-1330, 1334, 1335, p.373-374;
    former students of Indian schools, 761, 1327, 1328;
    in Indian Service, 616, 982, 985;
    Malheur Agency, 1115-1118

  • Endorsements on letters, 1159. 1161, p.32
  • Engineering Branch, p.187

  • Engineers, p.286;
    irrigation, 653-659, 949, p.187-188, p.269, p.296;
    safety, 1002

  • England, 143
  • England, Church of, 807
  • English language, teaching of, 716
  • Enrollee Program of Civilian Conservation Corps -- Indian Division, 1000, 1001, p.287
  • Enrolling agents, 219, p.7

  • Enrollment, 126, 310, 571-617, 953, p.93, p.94;
    Blackfeet, 573;
    California Indians, 574-576, p.163-164;
    Cherokee, 219, 577-603, p.165, p.168;
    Chippewa, 1080, 1255, 1297, 1302, 1303; 
    Choctaw, 604-606;
    Five Civilized Tribes, 306, 604-607, 632, 649;
    Flathead, 608-609, p.174;
    Indian Reorganization Act, 616;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080; .
    New York Indians, 904, p.256;
    Osage, 610;
    Ottawa, 611;
    Puyallup, 615, p.176;
    Stockbridge and Munsee, 612, 902;
    Washington Indians, 613-615, p.175-176;
    White Earth Agency, 1255.
    See also Censuses and Population.

  • Epidemics, 564, 727, 773
  • Equalization payments, 906, 924
  • Equipment, 91, 792, 999, 1000, 1387, p.64;
    contracts, 206;
    purchase, 1323;
    testing, 657

  • Erosion control, p.287
  • Eskimos, 157, 812
  • Estimates, 126, 205, 861-864, 938, 950, 999
  • Ethnology, Bureau of, 140, 641
  • Examinations, school. See Schools, examinations.
  • Examiners of inheritance. 
    See Inheritance, examiners of.
  • Executive agreements. See President.
  • Executive orders. See President.
  • Exhibits, 184, 820, 1401, p.206, p.265, p.391
  • Expenditures, legality of, 650
  • Expenses, claims for, 892
  • Exploration, 163, 201, 202
  • Expositions, 820, p.64, p.265
  • Extension and Industry, Director of, 785, p.226

  • Extension and Industry, Division of, 123, 785-797, p.274; 
    history and duties, p.4, p.206, p.225-226, p.286, p.290, p.292

  • Extension Division. 
    See Extension and Industry, Division of.
  • Extension work, 785-797, 963, p.225-226

    - F -

  • Factories (Government trading houses), 1-73, p.1, p.2, p.14-19. See also names of specific factories.

  • Factories, Principal Agent for liquidation of, 3, 4, p.16
  • Factors, 1-4, 6, 13, p.15-16
  • Fairchild, Lucius, 505
  • Fairs, 820
  • Families, 351, 572, 617, 756, 792
  • Farm Agents, p.226.
  • Farm Security Administration, p.290

  • Farmers, 974, 1150, p.2, p.226;
    in charge of agencies or reservations, 1064, 1119, p.322

  • Farmers Home Administration, p.290
  • Farming, 258, 658, 782, 792, 1395, p.3, p.226, p.285-286, p.290;

  • Farming (cont.) 
    leases, p.92; 
    maps, 163, 666; 
    photographs, 149, 150; 
    reports, 677, 751, 762, 792, 1066, 1072, 1105, H42, p.195. 
    See also Agriculture.

  • Fechner, Robert, 1002
  • Federal aid for pupils, 757, 1327
  • Federal Extension Service, p.226

  • Federal Records Centers, p.295; 
    Alexandria, 121; 
    St. Louis, 184

  • Federal-State relations, 723
  • Fence construction, 1319, p.287
  • Fetterman, Capt. William, 681
  • Field, Capt. F. A., 687, 688

  • Field clerks: 
    Mahnomen, 1063; 
    White Earth, 1062

  • Field dentists, 778, 94, p.222, p.269
  • Field matrons, 780, 1091, 1269, p.222, p.265
  • Field nurses, 159, 779, p.222

  • Field offices, 79, 87, 92, 108, 121, 122, 327, p.32-34, p.50; accounts, 939; 
    Alaska, 824, p.236; 
    annuity payments, 864, 906; 
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1388; 
    history, p.6-9; 
    purchases for, 890; 
    records, 1015-1380, p.295-296; 
    reports from, 959-963. 
    See also specific offices and names of offices.

  • Field officials 
    Accounts, 832, 852-854, 866, 868, 870, 880, p.8 
    Correspondence, 129, 132, 133, 181, 252, 607, 622, 926, 971, 999-1001, 1013, p.295; with Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384-1386, 1393; with Carlisle School, 1323 
    Issuance of traders' licenses, 944, 946 
    Law and order survey, 1393 
    Reports, 700, 788, 789, 960-963, p.274 
    Rosters, 976 
    See also specific positions and persons.
  • Field representatives, 177, 191, 949, 953
  • Field Section of Land Division, p.93, p.187, p.192
  • Field supervisors, p.8, p.207, p.296. 
    See also specific positions
  • Field trips, 723, 755
  • Field Work, Division of, p.4, p.93, p.186-187, p.192
  • Fields, Richard, 1209
  • Fifth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology, 641
  • Files and Records Division, p.3, p.4
  • Files Division, 114. 
    See also
    Files and Records Division.

  • Finance, 79, 84, 91, 113, 129, 130, 172, 826, 831, 939, p.5, p.33, p.237-238; 
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387. 
    See also
    Accounts and other specific subjects.

  • Finance Division, 96, 123, 825-940, p.95; 
    Chief of, 825; 
    history and duties, p.3-4, p.5, p.195, p.206, p.237-238, p.270

  • Finance Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 850

  • Finance Officer, 196, 197; 
    Assistant, p.5, p.64, p.273; 
    history and duties, p.5, p.69, p.238, p.273, p.284, p.285

  • Financial Clerk, p.237
  • Fire prevention and control, 674, 1148, p.287
  • Fireguard stations, 674
  • Fiscal agent of the Choctaw-Nation, 541
  • Fiscal Division, p.5, p.238
  • Fish, 677
  • Fisher, Frank, 1064
  • Fisheries in Alaska, 193
  • Fishing in Alaska, p.230
  • Fiske, Herbert H., 564

  • Five Civilized Tribes, 632, 649; 
    administrative responsibility, 1391, p.4,

  • Five Civilized Tribes (cont.) p.93-94, p.184, p.192, p.352-353; 
    enrollment, 306, 604-607, 632, 649; 
    finances, 632, 633, 894, 922, 924, 925; 
    land, 306, 342, 484, 604, 632, 924; 
    leases, 516, 517; schools, 981. 
    See also Cherokee Indians, Chickasaw Indians, Choctaw Indians, Creek Indians, and Seminole Indians.

  • Five Civilized Tribes, Commission to the, 306, 484, 492, 509, 606, 607; 
    rosters of employees, 983

  • Five Civilized Tribes, Superintendent for the, 1391
  • Five Civilized Tribes Agency, p.353
  • Five Tribes Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Flag-raising ceremonies, 156
  • Flandreau Agency, p.312
  • Flandreau Sioux Indians, 933
  • Flathead Agency, 608, 1236, p.174, p.314, p.331, p.355
  • Flathead Appraising Commission, 668

  • Flathead Indians, p.331, p.354, p.355;
    enrollment, 608, 609, p.174

  • Flathead Project of the Bureau of Reclamation, 663
  • Flathead Reservation, 354, 668, 671
  • Flinn, Clyde W., 1063
  • Flint, Mich., p.325

  • Floods, 660; 
    control, p.287

  • Florida, 146, 201, 301, 1378
  • Flour, 1032
  • Foch, Marshal, 156
  • Fond du Lac Agency, p.332
  • Fond du Lac Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Fond du Lac Reservation, 354, p.310
  • Food, 792, 1001, p.226, p.229
  • Forest fires, 1148
  • Forest guard, 1061
  • Forest officers, p.192
  • Forest Service, 669, p.192
  • Forester, 1078, p.192
  • Foresters, p.269

  • Forestry, 667-674, 960, 961, 1395, p.2; 
    administrative responsibility, p.4, p.8, p.64, p.93, p.184, p.192-193; 
    Civilian Conservation Corps, 1003, p.287. 
    See also Logging and Timber.

  • Forestry and Grazing Division, p.193
  • Forestry Division, 667-674, p.4, p.5, p.95, p.192-193, p.270, p.287
  • Forestry Section, p.4, p.93, p.187, p.192
  • Forests, Chief Supervisor of, p.192
  • Forests, Director of, p.193
  • Forney, Jacob, 832
  • Fort Apache Reservation, 153
  • Fort Armstrong, p.28
  • Fort Belknap Agency, p.331
  • Fort Berthold Agency, 1068, p.312
  • Fort Brady, p.324
  • Fort Bridger Agency, p.354, p.373
  • Fort Coffee, p.347
  • Fort Confederation, p.25
  • Fort Defiance, Ariz., p.297, p.332
  • Fort Edwards factory, 12, 55, p.16, p.28
  • Fort Gibson, p.308, p.348
  • Fort Hall Agency, p.314
  • Fort Hall Reservation, 354, p.314
  • Fort Hawkins, p.26
  • Fort Howard, p.371
  • Fort Laramie, p.298, p.338
  • Fort Madison factory, 12, 56, p.24, p.28, p.30
  • Fort Mitchell, p.26 
  • Fort Osage, p.24, p.30
  • Fort Peck Agency, 617, p.331
  • Fort Peck Project of the Bureau of Reclamation, 663
  • Fort Phil Kearney, 680, 681
  • Fort St. Stephens, p.25
  • Fort Shaw, Mont., p.380

  • Fort Shaw Indian School, 1357-1362, p.380

  • Fort Smith, Ark., p.348, p.349; 
    Post Office, 1214, p.319

  • Fort Totten Agency, 782
  • Fort Wayne Agency, p.323, p.324
  • Fort Wayne factory, 12, 57, 58, p.28
  • Fort Wilkinson, 53, p.26
  • Fort Wingate, Ariz., p.332
  • Fort Winnebago Subagency, p.323, p.324, p.371
  • 4-H Club, p.226
  • Fox River, p.323
  • France, 143
  • Francis, Tench, 74, p.31
  • Franklin County, Kans., Register of Deeds, 461

  • Freedmen, 604; 
    Cherokee, 411, 578-581, 583, 585, 586, 588, 631, 907-911, p.165; Choctaw, 604, 605; Creek, 687

  • Friends (Quakers), 1395
  • Fullerton, Mark A., 507
  • Funds, 1395; 
    claims for shares in, 892. 
    See also
    Trust funds.
  • Furs, 677; 
    Alaska, p.230; 
    Office of Indian Trade, 4, 15, 17, 20, 28, 30, 31, p.16

    - G -

  • Gadsden Purchase, p.334
  • Gaines, George, p.86
  • Galpin, Samuel A,, 167, 168
  • Gardens, 1146, p.290
  • Gardner, Alexander, 137

  • Gas, 484; 
    leases, 624, p.92, p.94; 
    pipelines, 163

  • Gelvin, Ralph, 796
  • General Accounting Office, 837, 873. 892, 906, p.238
  • General Agent for Education in Alaska, 799, 802, 804, 812, 824, p.229, p.236
  • General Allotment Act of 1887, p.2, p.92
  • General Education Board, 1395
  • General Federation of Women's Clubs, 177, 1395
  • General Land Office, 313, 349, 368, 642, p.95
  • Correspondence with, 79, 252, 368,

  • General Land Office (cont.) 
    Correspondence with (cont.) 389, 398, p.32 
    Land reserves, 287, 523-525 
    Records of, 313, 333, 341, 364, 523, 524, 568, 635, p.95

  • General Land Office, Commissioner of the, 252, 259, 570, 1078, 1079
  • General Manager of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board, p.391
  • General Superintendent, 135, 722, p.8, p.207
  • General Superintendent of Logging, p.192
  • Genoa, Nebr., 144
  • Genoa Industrial School, 144
  • Geological Survey, 311, 342, 636, 657
  • Georgetown, B.C., 20, 24, 26. p.15, p.16
  • Georgia, p.304, p.311
  • Georgia factory, p.26
  • Gibbs, Wade H., 955
  • Gibson, Gen. George, p.71
  • Gila River Agency, p.296
  • Gilbert, Henry C., 393

  • Goods, 165, 845, 862, 863, 880-889, 892, 895, 896, 935, 939, 1007, p.6, p.7
    Annuity, 13, 16, 79, 82, 166, 864, 906, 1134, 1140, p.l, p.15, p.17 
    Board of Indian Commissioners, p.385 
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, 207 
    Field offices: 
        Carlisle School, 1343; 
        Central Superintendency, 1038, 1039; 
        Cherokee Agency, East, 1044, 1047, 1050, 1053; 
        Chippewa Commission, 1306; 
        Idaho Superintendency, 1072; 
        Malheur Agency, 1116-1119; 
        Michigan Superintendency and Mackinac Agency, 1131, 1134.; 
        Minnesota Superintendency, 1140; 
        Moqui, 114-

  • Goods (cont.)
    Field offices (cont.)
        Pueblo Agency, 1147;
        New Mexico Superintendency, 11595
        Oregon Superintendency, 1197, 1202;
        Southern Apache Agency, 1221, 1222;
        Springfield School, 1367;
        Washington Superintendency, 1234;
        White Earth Agency, 1266, 1267
    Office of Indian Trade, 4-6, 12-18, 24, 31, 58, 67, p.14-17
    Revenue Office, p.31
    See also Supplies.

  • Governors. See States and Territories.
  • Graham, George, 4, p.16
  • Grand Junction School, 752
  • Grand Portage Day School, 1060
  • Grand Portage Reservation, 1060, p.310
  • Grand River Agency, 1068, p.312
  • Grand Ronde Agency, 1200, p.342, p.343
  • Grand Ronde Indians, 933
  • Graves, Ralph, 275, p.86
  • Graves, Walter H., p.187

  • Grazing, 102, 953, p.193;
    land, 163, 408, 643, 670, 672;
    leases, 519, p.92;
    permits, 622, 923

  • Great Basin, p.353
  • Great Britain, p.7
  • Great Nemaha Agency, p.298, p.299, p.338
  • Great Nemaha River, 401
  • Great Nemaha Subagency, p.371- 372.
  • Green, R. P., 177
  • Green Bay, Wis., p.338

  • Green Bay Agency, 752, 869, p.313; 
    superintendencies, p.314, p.323, p.324-325, p.338, p.371

  • Green Bay factory, 59, p.17, p.28
  • Green Bay Subagency, 1070, p.313-314, p.337, p.371, p.372
  • Greenwood, Ark., 1215
  • Gross, F. A., 615, p.176
  • Grosventre Indians, p.331
  • Guardians, 647
  • Gull Lake Chippewa Indians, p.359

    - H -

  • Hagerman, Herbert J., 1379
  • Haines, Alaska, 824
  • Half-Breed Sioux of the Mississippi, 378-381
  • Hamilton, Alexander, p.31
  • Hamilton, William, 820
  • Hanai Indians, p.348
  • Handicrafts, p.290
  • Handwriting, samples of, 1135
  • Harden, Edward, p.82
  • Harlan, Senator James, 4l8
  • Harris, Blythe, and French Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 593
  • Harris, Carey A., 164
  • Harris, John, p.15
  • Harris, William T., 798
  • Harvey, John, 988
  • Haskell Institute, 404, 752
  • Hawkins, Benjamin, 49, 50
  • Hay leases, 1064
  • Hazen, Gen. W. B., 687, 688
  • Heacock, Charles E. J., 957

  • Health, 79, 91, 717, 753, 773-784, 949, 953, 959-961, p.2, p.221-222;
    administrative responsibility, p.3, p.8, p.195, p.205, p.207, p.221-222, p.274;
    Alaska, 159, 803, 804, 811, 816, 819, 820, 823, p.4, p.206-207, p.229;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1395;
    Carlisle School, 1327, 1330, 1347;
    Civilian Conservation Corps projects, 1001, 1003;
    emigrating parties, 202;
    Idaho Superintendency, 1072;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080, 1092, 1101;
    mental, 759;
    photographs, 147, 823;
    Springfield School, 1363;
    White Earth Agency 1255, 1270, 1278;
    White Earth Boarding School, 1290

  • Health, Branch of, p.222
  • Health, Director of, p.222

  • Health Division, 123, 773-784, p.274;
    history and duties, p.4, p.5, p.206, p.221-222, p.270

  • Health Section of Education Division, p.206

  • Heating, 739;
    plants, 999, p.285

  • Heirship, 91, 123, 126, 335, 645, 646;
    accounts, 840;
    administrative responsibility, p.94, p.184;
    Cherokee, 225;
    Chippewa, 514, 1079, 1086, 1246, 1250, 1252, 1253, 1294-1296, 1309;
    Five Civilized Tribes, 649;
    land, 503, 504, 524, 525, 527, 528, 622, 1086, 1250, 1252;
    Oklahoma, 647;
    Sioux, p.159

  • Heirship Section of Land Division, p.94, p.184
  • Helena, Mont., p.331
  • Henderson, James E., p.168
  • Henderson Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219
  • Herrick, John, 195, p.68
  • Hester Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219, 593, 594
  • Highways, 163
  • Hilton, Josephine, 1364
  • Hinton, John H., 1246, 1293, p.359
  • Hiram Carver and Co., 264
  • Historical and Statistical Information Respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indians Tribes of the United States..., 117
  • History, 996, 1395
  • Hiwassee, p.24
  • Hiwassee Garrison, p.304
  • Hiwassee River, p.304
  • Hogan, John B., 289, 290
  • Holcombe, Ernest p., 948
  • Home Economics, Associate Supervisor of, 755
  • Home Economics, Demonstration Teacher of, 755
  • Home economics teachers, 758
  • Home Extension Agents, 790, p.226

  • Homes, 762, 782, 783, 792, p.3;
    construction and repair, 999, 1309, p.285-286, p.290;
    photographs, 145, 152, 762;
    problems, p.226;
    visits by teachers, 1283

  • Homesteads, 350; at Muskogee, 509;
    Cherokee, 484; Choctaw and Chickasaw, 492;
    Kansa, 467; Osage, 486; Seminole, 493; Winnebago, 349
  • Hope Indian School, p.381-382
  • Hopi Indians, 347, p.296, p.332
  • Hopi Reservation, 153.
    See also Moqui Reservation.
  • Horses, 208. 
    See also Pony claims.
  • Horticulture, 801

  • Hospitals, 771, 775, 953, 960, p.221, p.222;
    Alaska, 159, 813, p.229;
    construction and repair, 813, 999, p.285;
    maps, 158, 159, 662

  • Hot Springs, N. Mex., p.351
  • House of Kings, Creek Nation, 1226

  • House of Representatives:
    Committee on Indian Affairs, 166;
    Committee on Public Lands, 634

  • Housekeeping, p.222
  • Housing. See Homes.
  • Howarth, James A., Jr., 669
  • Howell, Joseph W., 596, 599, 603
  • Hoyt, Tyler C., 471
  • Hubley, Edward H., p.79
  • Human Relations, Assistant to the Commissioner for, p.5, p.68, p.206, p.269, p.277
  • Humboldt, Kans., p.348
  • Humphreys, John J., 1208
  • Hunkpapa Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Hunting, p.2
  • Huntington, J. W. Perit, 1201
  • Hurr, Nicodemus B., 1285
  • Hutchins, Joshua, 411
  • Hutchinson, Clinton C., 611
  • Hydroelectric plant, 807
  • Hygiene, p.222

    - I -

  • Idaho, 325, 724, 863, p.314, p.354;
    photographs of Indians, 141;
    Territory, p.312, p.314, p.331, p.354

  • Idaho Superintendency, 1071-1074, p.314;
    transfers of agencies, 1236, p.312, p.331, p.355
  • Illinois, p.324

  • Illinois Bayou factory, 73, p.30-31
  • Income of Indians, 792, 793. 957, 963, 965
  • Incompetent Chickasaw Indians, 257, 939
  • Incorporation of tribes, p.292
  • Indexes maintained by Bureau of Indian Affairs, 121, 122, p.51
  • Indexing correspondence, instructions for, 115;
  • "Indian," definition, 194
  • Indian Affairs, Acting Commissioner of, 183, p.273, p.277
  • Indian Affairs, Assistant Commissioners of, 181, 189-193, 645, 803;
    history and duties, p.3, p.4, p.5-6, p.63-65, p.265-266
  • Indian Affairs, Assistants to the Commissioner of, 177, 191, 194, 195;
    history and duties, p.5, p.68, p.206, p.269, p.273, p.277
  • Indian Affairs, Associate Commissioner of, p.3, p.65

  • Indian Affairs, Commissioner of, 164-180, p.1, p.3, p.8, p.60, p.71, p.269
    Accounts, 164, 628, 858, 871, 872
    Alaska, 803, 817
    Annual report, 193, 958, 960, 965, p.265, p.273, p.274
    Authorities, 110
    Bureau of Catholic Indian Missions, 716
    Charges against, 165, 1391
    Claims, 558, 631, 689, 700
    Correspondence of field offices and other offices with:
        Arizona Superintendency, 1016, 1017, 1020;
        Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1385;
        Boards of Cherokee Commissioners, 223, 239, 248;
        Carlisle School, 1323;
        Central Superintendency, 1021-1025,
  • Indian Affairs, Commissioner of (cont.)
    Correspondence (cont.) 1028;
        Cherokee Agency, East, 1043;
        Chippewa Commission, 1297, 1499;
        Choctaw Commissioners, 273;
        Commissary General of Subsistence, 199, 201, 202;
        Dakota Superintendency, 1066, 1069;
        Fort Shaw School, 1357;
        Idaho Superintendency, 1072;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1076-1079;
        Malheur Agency, 1113;
        Minnesota Superintendency, 1140;
        Montana Superintendency, 1142;
        Moqui Pueblo Agency, 1145;
        Nevada Superintendency, 1150;
        New Mexico Superintendency, 1155, 1161;
        Northern Superintendency, 1168, 1170-1172, 1176, 1177;
        Oregon Superintendency, 1183;
        Southern Superintendency, 1204;
        Washington Superintendency, 1229-1231;
        White Earth Agency, 121.4, 1247, 1248, 1250-1252, 1254, 1255;
        Wisconsin Superintendency, 1315;
        Wyoming Superintendency, 1321
    Enrollment, 594, 603, 604, 606, 612
    Executive orders, 107
    Ladies Home Journal, article in, 124
    Land, 254; allotments, 331, 370, 373, 377, 484, 1256, 1260; sales, 436, 446, 449
    List of Commissioners, p.11-12
    Orders, 128, 831
    Positions, 987
    Purchases, 110, 166, 881, p.385
    Reports to, 785, 817, 825, 953, 1032
    Requisitions, 849
    Timber contracts, 514
    Traders' licenses, 945, 946
    Travel, 165, 178, 949
    Trust funds, 926

  • Indian Affairs, Committee on, House of Representatives, 166
  • Indian Affairs, Deputy Commissioner of, p.3, p.65
  • Indian Affairs, Junior Assistant to the Commissioner of, 191., p.5, p.269
  • Indian Affairs, Office of, p.1
  • Indian Affairs, private secretary to the Commissioner of, p.269
  • Indian Affairs, Second Assistant Commissioner of, 184, p.3, p.61., p.206, p.273
  • Indian Affairs, secretary to the Commissioner of, p.265
  • Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties, 638
  • Indian Arts and Crafts Board, 1401, p.9, p.391
  • Indian chiefs, 649, 1042

  • Indian Commissioners, Board of, 953, 1381-1400, p.9, p.385-386;
    accounts, 870, 873, 891

  • Indian Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 103, 928, 930, 931, 951, p.270

  • Indian Emergency Conservation Work Division, p.5, p.287;
    Director of, p.287

  • Indian Factories, Agent for the, p.15
  • Indian Factories, Principal Agent for, p.15
  • Indian Forest Service, p.192, p.193
  • Indian Home Guard, 553
  • Indian Irrigation Service, 661, p.9, p.187
  • Indian Land Unit of the National Resources Board, 793
  • Indian languages, 716
  • Indian Organization Division, 1011-1011., p.5, p.292
  • Indian police, 91, 982, 985
  • Indian Property, Assistant to the Commissioner for, p.5, p.68
  • Indian Relief and Rehabilitation Program, 1006-1010, p.289-290
  • Indian Reorganization Act of 1931., 616, 1011, 1012, p.2, p.5, p.92, p.91., p.230, p.292
  • Indian Rights Association, 191; President, 995
  • Indian Schools, Superintendent of, 173, 715, 719, p.8, p.207

  • Indian Territory:
    agencies and superintendencies, p.298-300, p.308, p.309, p.317, p.317-319, p.352-353; 
    Cherokee claims presented in, 245, 246;
    freedmen, 604., p.165;
    Indians and lands in, 372, 411, 413, 506, 606, 689, 912, 1377, p.137, p.165, p.299, p.317-348, p.352;
    maps and plats, 323, 3..2;
    removal of Indians to, 282-281., 409, 630, p.1, p.69, p.92, p.150, p.300, p.301., p.308, p.309, p.338, p.347, p.318; schools, 736, 737, 953, 981;
    traders, 935.
    See also Oklahoma.

  • Indian Territory, Inspector for, 306, 509
  • Indian Territory, Superintendent of Schools in, 981
  • Indian Territory Division, 644, p.1., p.93, p.184, p.192
  • Indian Territory Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 900, p.270
  • Indian Trade, Office of, 3-73, p.9, p.14-19; Transportation Agent, 3, 5
  • Indian Trade, Superintendent of, 2-4, 13, 15, 21, p.1, p.15, p.17; Office of the, p.15
  • Indiana, 569, 631, 852, p.28
  • Indiana Agency, p.323, p.321.

  • Indians, correspondence with, 1, 2, 75, 79, 91, 252, p.32, p.295;
    Central Superintendency, 1027;
    Chippewa Commission, 1297;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 201;
    First Board of Cherokee Commissioners, 223;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1079;
    Washington Superintendency, 1233;
    White Earth Agency, 121.7, 1255;
    Wisconsin Superintendency, 1317

  • Indians at Work, 998, 1005
  • Industrial Teacher for Seminole Indians, 1378
  • Industries Section, p.4, p.206, p.207, p.225

  • Industry, 960, 961, 1387, p.8, p.205, p.207;
    education, 738;
    surveys, 762, 1088

  • Ingalls, George W., 832, 870
  • Ingels, George, p.15
  • Inheritance. See Heirship.
  • Inheritance, examiners of, 615, 646, 949, 1294-1296, p.164, p.168, p.176, p.269, p.359
  • Injuries, 1092, 1270
  • Inquiry: Board of, 167, 168; 
    President's, 175
  • Inspection, 136, 182, 950-953, 955, 999, p.269-270;
    by Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1385, p.385
  • Inspection Division, 126, 194, 948-956, p.4, p.5, p.269-270
  • Inspection Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, p.269
  • Inspector for Indian Territory, 306, 509
  • Inspector of Irrigation, 653, p.187

  • Inspectors, 91, 96, 136, 182, 517, 726, 949, p.7, p.8, p.269-270;
    reports, 739, 950, 951, 953, 955;
    rosters, 976.
    See also names of specific inspectors.

  • Institutes, 719
  • Insurance companies, 622-624
  • Intellectual improvement, p.195, p.205
  • Interest funds, 837
  • Interior, Acting Secretary of the, 916, 926
  • Interior, Assistant Secretaries of the, 184, 483, 487, 594, 645, 924
  • Interior, Department of the, 90, 131, 517, 553, 651,
  • Interior, Department of the (cont. ) 807, 1013, p.1, p.91;
        attorneys, 618-621, p.177-178;
        depredation claims, 699, 703;
        heirship, 504, 645
    Assistant Attorney for, 607
    Auditor for, 1078
    Chief Clerk, 620
    Chief Disbursing Clerk, 184
    Director of Investigations, 953
    Solicitor, 197, 650

  • Interior, First Assistant Secretary of the, 573

  • Interior, Secretary of the, 103, 167, 169, 487, 622, 648, 650, 656, 682, 684, 740, 829, p.184
    Alaska, 800, 804, 807, p.229
    Attorneys, 631, 633, 900, p.177-178
    Authorities, 108-110, 307, 557, 720, 890
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1383-1385, 1387, p.385
    Chippewa Commission, 1297, 1300
    Claims, 110, 280, 553, 557, 558, 564, 570, 689, 690, 694, 695, 699, 700, 710, 900, 904, p.199
    Enrollment, 602, 603, 606, 608, 612, p.164, p.168
    General correspondence with, 75, 79, 85, 88, 89, 91, 93, 96, 123, 125, 184, 252, p.32, p.33
    Inspectors, 182, 951-953, p.269, p.270
    Land, 107, 170, 180, 336, 389, 410, 411, 421, 431, 435, 436, 446, 453, 465, 471, 475, 477, 484, 493, 494, 496, 498, 499, 502, 505, 506, 1260, p.125
    Orders, 128, 830, 831, p.265
    Personnel, 110, 720, 850, 970, 987, 988, p.8, p.277
    Purchases, 110, 890, p.5, p.238
    Trust funds, 926, 928, 930-932, p.92, p.237
    White Earth Agency, 1247, 1260
    See also Appointments Division, Finance Division, Indian Division, Indian Territory Division,

  • Interior, Secretary of the (cont.)
    Inspection Division, Division of Investigations, and Purchasing Office.
  • Internment of Japanese, 178, 191, p.3
  • Interpreters, 646, 974, 1082

  • Intruders on Indian lands, 91, 102, p.195; 
    Cherokee, 411, 412, 577; 
    Miami, 569; 
    Ute, 170

  • Investigations, 98, 126, 165, 182, 717, 726, 832, 951, 953, p.269-270; 
    by the Board of Indian Commissioners, 1389, 1391; 
    Civilian Conservation Corps work, 1000. 
    See also subjects of investigations.

  • Investigations, Director of, 953
  • Investigations, Division of (Office of the Secretary of the Interior), p.269, p.270
  • Invincible Debating Society (Carlisle School), 1339
  • Iowa, p.371; 
    Territory, p.371, p.372
  • Iowa Indians, 676, p.298, p.338, p.371; 
    land, 399-403, 455; 
    trust funds, 933
  • Iowa Superintendency, p.372
  • Ioway Subagency, p.371
  • Iron, 866

  • Irrigation, 158, 163, 310, 318, 354, 653-666, 949, 953, 961, 999, 1395, p.2, p.3;
    accounts, 663, 839, 840, 845, 847;
    administrative responsibility, p.4, p.5, p.8, p.64, p.93, p.186-188, p.285-286;
    clerks and disbursing agents, 949, p.269;
    districts, 653, 655, 660, 662, 949, p.187, p.269;
    engineers, 653-659, 949, p.187-188, p.269, p.296;
    roster of employees, 984;
    superintendents of, 655-658, 984, p.187

  • Irrigation, Assistant Director of, p.187
  • Irrigation, Assistant to the Director of, p.187
  • Irrigation, Director of, 654, p.8-9, p.187
  • Irrigation, Inspector of, 653, .p.187
  • Irrigation Branch, p.187
  • Irrigation Division, 653-666;
    Chief of, p.187;
    history and duties, p.4,

  • Irrigation Division (cont.) p.5, p.9, p.95, p.186-188, p.270, p.286, p.290
  • Irrigation Section, p.4, p.93, p.187, p.192
  • Irvine, William, p.15, p.17
  • Isabella County, Mich., 396
  • Ivory, p.230

    - J -

  • Jackson, A. H., 685
  • Jackson, Andrew, p.1, p.69
  • Jackson, Sheldon, 799, 801, 802, 804, 812, 823, 824, p.229, p.236
  • James River, Dakota, 386
  • Japan, 143
  • Japanese internment, 178, 191, p.3
  • Jemison, Alice Lee, 194
  • Jicarilla Apache Indians, p.334
  • Jicarilla Apache Reservation, 796
  • Job placement, 1001
  • Johnson, Harvey H., 378
  • Johnson, William E., 568
  • Johnston, Susan, 1127
  • Jones, William Ashley, 378
  • Joshua Indians, p.342
  • Joy, James F., 441, p.125
  • Judges, 1395
  • Juneau, p.229
  • Junior Assistant to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 194, p.5, p.269
  • Justice, Department of, 118, 125, 649

    - K -

  • Kainah Indians, p.331
  • Kalapuya Indians, p.342
  • Kalispel Indians, p.174

  • Kansa Indians, p.298-299;
    allotments, 370;
    certificates of competency, 487;
    certificates of indebtedness, 415-417;
    traders' claims against, 893;
    trust funds, 933;
    Trust Lands and Diminished Reserve, 415, 417, 445-454, p.129

  • Kansas, Indians and lands in, 160, 320, 348, 373-375, 377, 404, 409, 423-457, 459-463, 465-471, 476, 477, 494, 497, 611, 690, 691, 783, 901-905, 917, p.124-125, p.129, p.255-256;
    Central Superintendency, p.298, p.299, p.300;
    Southern Superintendency, p.348

  • Kansas Agency, 446, p.298-299, p.300
  • Kansas Diminished Reserve, 4l5, 417, 445-449, 451, 452, 454, p.129
  • Kansas State Historical Society, p.300
  • Kansas Trust Lands, 415, 417, 446-450, 453, 477, p.129
  • Kappler's Indian Affairs: 
    Laws and Treaties
    , 638
  • Kaskaskia Indians, 455, 495, 496, p.298
  • Kaw Indians. See Kansa Indians.
  • Kaw Reservation, 328
  • "Kaw Scrip," 415-417
  • Keeper of Military Stores at Philadelphia, p.15
  • Kennedy, John, p.76
  • Kennedy, Patrick, 669
  • Kennerly, James, p.17
  • Kern, Robert H., 588, p.165
  • Kichai Indians, p.348
  • Kickapoo Agency, p.299, p.300
  • Kickapoo Indians, 201, 301, 456, 457, p.298;
    Mexican, 833, 834
  • Kidd, Robert L., 483
  • Killing of Indians, 682
  • Killisnoo, Alaska, 824
  • Kincannon, Andrew A., 263
  • King, Thomas, p.269
  • Kings, House of (Creek Nation), 1226
  • Kingston, Tenn., p.304
  • Kinney, J. F., 681
  • Kiowa Agency, 757, p.299, p.300, p.343
  • Kiowa Indians, 138, p.298, p.299, p.347
  • Klamath Agency, 572, 1203, p.342, p.343
  • Klamath County, Oreg., 635
  • Klamath Indians, p.342
  • Klamath Lake, Oreg., p.342
  • Klamath Reservation, 635, 671
  • Klawack, Alaska, 824
  • Klickitat Indians, p.354
  • Knox, John J., 397
  • Kutenai Indians, 489, p.174, p.314, p.331, p.355
  • Kwatami Indians, p.342

    - L -

  • Labor, 1232, 1234;
    Indian, 514, 1115-1118;
    irregular, 978, 985, 1148;
    proceeds of, 837, 840, 878
  • Laboratory tests, 775
  • Lac du Flambeau Reservation, 354
  • Ladies Home Journal, 124
  • Ladiga, Sally, 566
  • La Follette, Senator [Robert M., Sr.], 650
  • Lake County, Oreg., 635
  • Lake Erie, p.30
  • Lake Indians, p.354
  • Lake Pepin Half-Breed Sioux Indians, 378-381
  • Lake Pepin Reserve, 378-381
  • Lake Superior, p.325
  • Lake Traverse Reservation, 384, 508
  • Lake Winnebigoshish Chippewa Indians, p.359

  • Land, 79, 84, 91, 102, 107, 126, 170, 185, 306, 640, 792, 965, 1167, p.1-2, p.33, p.91-95
    • Accounts, 628, 878
    • Acquisition, 185, 405, 793, p.94
    • Acreage verification, 943
    • Alaska, 807, 822, 823
    • Alienation of, 306, 1293, 1395
    • Allotments, 91, 102, 163, 185, 310, 320, 329-403, 409, 413, 444, 445, 456, 458, 467, 469, 478-481, 484-488, 519, 543, 564, 572, 576, 610, 611, 613, 632, 639, 640, 642, 666, 833, 834, 905, 906, 954, 1384, 1395, p.2, p.7, p.70, p.92, p.94, p.109, p.115, p.124, p.175-176, p.184; accounts, 351, 352, 839, 840,

  • Land (cont.)
    • Allotments (cont.) 81.5, 81.7, 877;
      Chippewa Commission, 1297, 1307, 1308, p.368;
      Consolidated Chippewa Agency, 1061, 1064;
      Leech Lake Agency, 1078-1080, 1084-1088;
      Michigan Superintendency and Mackinac Agency, 1134;
      Nett Lake Agency, 1148;
      White Earth Agency, 1251, 1252, 1256-1260, 1262, 1263, 1293 
    • Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1387, 1394 
    • Bonds, 622 
    • California, p.163 
    • Cessions, 163, 170, 322, 505, 507, 511, 906, 937, p.1, p.6, p.69, p.91-92, p.93, p.124, p.150, p.195, p.368 
    • Civilian Conservation Corps work, p.287 
    • Classification, 328, 344, 407, 410, 414, 483, 657, 666, 669, 670, 672, p.95 
    • Freedmen, 604, 605, p.165 
    • Grants, 163 
    • Inheritance of, 503, 504, 524, 525, 527, 528, 622, 1079, 1086, 1250, 1252, p.94, p.184 
    • Internment of Japanese on, 178 
    • Intruders on, 102, 170, 411, 412, 569, 577, p.195 
    • Leech Lake Agency, 1077-1080, 1084-1088, p.315 
    • Locations, 113, 254, 287, 288 
    • Maps and plats, 161, 163, 322, 341, 342, 396, 642, 643, 666, 671, 672, 674, 1380 
    • Military bounty, 252, 544-547, p.93 
    • Ownership, 461, 479, 509, 566-568, 570, 595, 635, 648, 650, 792, 807, 953, 960, 961, 963, 1394, p.92-93, p.94 
    • Policy, p.1-2, p.69, p.91-92 
    • Purchase of, 404-406, 616, 628 
    • Rehabilitation, 1008, p.290 
    • Removal, p.69-70, p.91-92; 
      Cherokee, 217, 218, 220, 224, 228-430, 236, 241, 242, 245, p.70, p.76, p.80;
  • Land (cont. )
    • Removal (cont.)
      Chickasaw, 252, 251, 257;
      Choctaw, 258, 259, 262-284, p.70, p.85, p.86;
      Creek, 286-298, 300, 634, p.70, p.89
    • Reserves, 1, 79, 161, 163, 343, 508, 522-529, 643, 674, p.1, p.69-70, p.91
    • Sales, 91, 102, 163, 255, 263-265, 287-298, 300, 407-512, 528, 622, 632, 667, 833, 834, 921., p.2, p.70, p.89, p.92, p.94, p.124-125, p.129, p.137-138;
      Leech Lake Agency, 1078, 1086;
      proceeds of, 252, 257, 266, 403, 479, 622, 860, 906, 923, 924, 937, p.92, p.93, p.124, p.150-151, p.255;
      White Earth Agency, 1250, 1252, 1260 
    • School, 343, 404-406, 508, 611 
    • Surveys, 79, 106, 107, 126, 310-321, 330, 403, 464, 643, 1319, p.91, p.92, p.94, p.95; accounts, 351, 352, 839, 840, 81.5, 847, 877 
    • Use, 506, 622, 793, 960, 1319, p.92, p.290 
    • Valuation, 224, 265, 288, 310, 340, 345, 348, 407-413, 424-426, 441, 41.5, 453, 458, 460, 464, 171, 478, 433, 509, 611, 1079, 1307, p.94, p.125, p.138 
    • White Earth Agency, 1246, 1247, 1219-1252, 1255-1263, 1293 
    • White settlers, 554, 556
      See also Boundaries, Deeds, Leases, Patents, and Reservations.

  • Land, Branch of, p.94
  • Land and Law Division, p.91

  • Land Division, 302-643;
    history and duties, 921., p.3, p.4, p.5, p.64, p.91-95, p.184, p.186-187, p.192, p.195, p.200, p.292;
    maintenance of records, 91, 96, 102, 123,

  • Land Division (cont.) 126, 302-309, 648, 692, p.33, 13-70, p.94-95, p.158-159. p.184, p.195-196, p.200, p.270, p.296
  • Land Management, Bureau of, p.95
  • Land offices, registers of, 1079
  • Land Operations, Branch of, p.187, p.226
  • Land Statistics, Reservations and Grants Division, p.91
  • Lansing, Mich., p.325
  • La Paz, Ariz., p.296
  • Lapland, 801
  • Laplanders, 812

  • La Pointe Agency, 869, p.324-325, p.332, p.338;
    timber contracts, 514, 515

  • La Pointe Subagency, p.330, p.371, p.372
  • Larrabee, Charles p., 183
  • Lauderdale, S. M., 1002

  • Law and order, 763-772, 96.0, 963, 1393;
    administrative responsibility, p.8, p.205, p.207-208;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080;
    State authority, 1393, p.3;
    White Earth Agency, 1255

  • Law and Order Section, 763-772, p.206, p.207-208
  • Law Clerk, 644, p.4, p.93, p.184
  • Law Division, 648, 993, p.4, p.93, p.94, p.95, p.184
  • Law enforcement. See Law and order.
  • Law Office, p.184
  • Lawrence, Kans., 404, p.298, p.348
  • Laws . See Legislation.
  • Leach, D. C. , 390
  • Leader camps (Civilian Conservation Corps), 1003
  • Leaders, 1395

  • Leases, 91, 102, 126, 310, 628, 923, p.92, p.94;
    bonds for, 622;
    buildings and plants, 889;
    Cherokee, 505, 517, 1046;
    Choctaw and Chickasaw coal and asphalt land, p.137;
    Five Civilized Tribes, 516, 517, 632;
    grazing, 519, p.92;
    hay, 1064;
    in Indian Territory, 506;
    mining, 520, p.92;
    New York Indians' lands,
  • Leases (cont.) 513, 1167;
    oil and gas, 521, 624, p.92, p.94;
    Unite Earth Reservation, 1063;
    Winnebago, 518

  • Leavenworth, Kans., p.348
  • Leech, Charles F., 328
  • Leech Lake, Minn., 1064, 1301
  • Leech Lake Agency, 339, 1075-1112, 1294, p.295, p.310, p.315, p.359
  • Leech Lake Boarding School, 1107-1111
  • Leech Lake Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Leech Lake Pillager band of Chippewa Indians, p.315
  • Leech Lake Reservation, p.310, p.315
  • Leeper, Mathew, 1207

  • Legal matters, 118, 126, 355, 640, 644, 648, 650;
    administrative responsibility, p.5, p.93, p.184;
    cases, 125, 306, 649, 1054, 1249;
    Public Works Administration projects, 999;
    relief and rehabilitation work, 1007;
    status, 1395. See also specific subjects.

  • Legislation, 165, 181, 196, 197, 648, p.184;
    Alaska, 798, 800;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1387, 1393, 1395;
    Five Civilized Tribes, 632;
    land, 353, 354, 634;
    relief and rehabilitation work, 1006. See also Appropriations, Congress, and specific acts.

  • Le Moin factory, p.28
  • Leroy, Kans., p.348
  • Leupp, Francis E., 183
  • Lewiston, Idaho, p.3l4
  • Library, 994, p.5, p.64, p.265, p.273, p.284
  • Library of Congress, 120, p.16
  • Library Section, 993-998, p.64. p.284
  • Liddell, James, p.76

  • Lighting of schools, 739
  • Lindenwood College, p.30
  • Linnen, E. B., 1260

  • Liquor control, 1, 763, 765, 766, 770, 948, 949, 960, p.2, p.50;
    administrative responsibility, p.64, p.195, p.205, p.206, p.269;
    Grand Portage Reservation, 1060;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1080

  • Little, M. L., 408
  • Little Manitou, p.28
  • Little Nemaha River, 401

  • Livestock, 677, 792, 961, 965, p.226;
    contracts for, 206;
    Malheur Agency, 1119;
    of Choctaw freedmen, 605

  • Living expense budgets, p.226
  • Local agencies of Washington Superintendency, p.355
  • Local officials, 91, 823, 1252
  • Loggers, 1077

  • Logging, 668;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1077, 1078;
    superintendents of, 1077, 1079, 1080;
    White Earth Agency, 1246, 1255, 1261. See also Lumbering and Timber.

  • Logging, General Superintendent of, p.192
  • Lohmiller, C. B., 414
  • Lookout stations, 674
  • Los Angeles, p.187
  • Louisiana, 282, p.29; Territory, p.23
  • Louisiana Purchase, p.69
  • Lower Brulé. Agency, 617, p.312
  • Lower Peninsula of Michigan, p.323, p.321.
  • Lower Towns (Creek), 285
  • Loyal Indians, Civil War claims, 685-691, p.198
  • Lumber, 1268
  • Lumber companies, 1077, 1079, 1087, 1255
  • Lumbering, p.92, p.193. See also Logging and Timber.
  • Lummi Indians, p.354
  • Lumpkin, Wilson, p.76
  • Lutheran mission school (Wittenberg), p.383
  • Lyford, Carrie A., 755, 756
  • Lynch, Mike, 615, p.176

    - M -

  • McCaskill, Joseph C., 191, p.68
  • McClintock, Capt. Will G., 208
  • McConnell, William J., 952
  • McHenry, Robert, 288
  • McIntyre, C. W., 367, 368
  • McKenney, Thomas L., 4, p.1, p.15, p.17
  • Mackinac Agency, 389, 869, 1128-1136, p.323-325, p.337-338, p.371
  • Mackinac and Sault Ste. Marie Agency, p.323, p.321.
  • Mackinac factory, 60, p.29
  • Mackinac Island, p.29, p.323
  • McMinn, Joseph, 1056, p.305
  • McMurray, J. F., 900
  • McPherson, Orlando M., 485, 591, p.168
  • Madison, Wis., p.371
  • Magaboda, 386 
  • Mahnomen, Minn., 1063
  • Mail, 801, 1154, 1214

  • Mail and Files Section, p.4, p.5, p.64, p.184;
    maintenance of records, 96, 102, p.32-33, p.34, p.50, p.60, p.266

  • Makah Indians, p.354
  • Makah Reservation, 572
  • Malheur Agency, 1113-1119, p.322, p.343
  • Malheur Reservation, p.322
  • Mandan Indians, p.312, p.330
  • Mansfield, McMurray, and Cornish, 900
  • Manufacturers, 4, 14, 1080
  • Manufactures, 1119
  • Maps, instructions for preparation of, 162
  • Marais de Cygne River, p.30
  • Margrave, William A., 471
  • Maricopa Indians, p.296, p.334
  • Marketing, p.226
  • Markets for arts and crafts, p.391
  • Marriage, 1093, 1395, p.206
  • Martin, George W., 262

  • Mason, John, 4, p.15
  • Mason, John T., p.80
  • Massacre at Fort Phil Kearney, 680, 681
  • Maumee, Ottawa Indians of, p.323, p.34
  • Maumee Subagency, p.323, p.324
  • Mayers, Abraham G., 1213, 1214, p.349
  • Mdewakanton Sioux Indians, 920
  • Meacham, Alfred B., 1377
  • Meals, 1370
  • Mechanical pursuits, p.195. p.205
  • Medals, 186
  • Medical and Educational Division, 96, 712, p.3, p.195, p.205, p.207, p.277

  • Medical Directors: 
    Chief, p.222; 
    District, 784, p.222

  • Medical Division, p.4, p.221
  • Medical supervisors, 949, 953. p.269
  • Medical work. See Health.
  • Medicine Creek, Treaty of, p.355
  • Meeker [Nathan C.], 683
  • Meetings, 178, 719; 
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1381, 1382, 1384, 1387, 1390
  • Membership, tribal, 648, 1012. 
    See also Citizenship and Enrollment.
  • Memorials to Indians, 994
  • Memphis, Tenn., p.25

  • Menominee Indians, 106, p.184, p.192;
    agencies and superintendencies, p.313, p.323, p.337-338, p.371, p.372

  • Menominee Reservation, 671
  • Mental advancement, p.205
  • Mental health, 759
  • Merchants, 3-5, 14-16, 74, 1027, 1080, 1323
  • Mescalero Agency, p.334
  • Mescalero Apache Indians, p.334, p.351
  • Me-Shin-Go-Me-Sia Band of Miami Indians, 569
  • Mess, M. A., 349
  • Mess, employees', 1107, 1356, 1370
  • Messenger service, p.64
  • Methods, 169
  • Methods Division, p.4, p.64, p.273
  • Metlakahtla, 801, 807
  • Mexican Kickapoo Indians, 833, 834
  • Mexican War, p.7

  • Miami Indians, 106, 676, 852, p.298, p.323;
    land, 476, 495, 496, 569;
    traders' claims against, 893

  • Miami River, p.28

  • Michigan, p.323-325, p.330, p.337-338, p.371;
    allotments to Indians of, 389-398, p.115;
    Potawatomi of, 631;
    Territory, p.323-324, p.371

  • Michigan Agency, p.325
  • Michigan Superintendency, 1120-1124, 1130-1132, 1134, 1136, 1137, p.323-325, p.337, p.371
  • Michilimackinac Agency, p.323
  • Michilimackinac factory, p.29
  • Middle Oregon Agency, p.342
  • Military actions, 559, 5604,564
  • Military Agents, p.15, p.17
  • Military bounty lands, 252, 544-547, p.93
  • Military commanders. See Army officers.
  • Military commission, 688
  • Military establishments, 163, 322, 327. 
    See also specific establishments.
  • Military Purchases, Agent for, 74, p.31
  • Military records, 1216, p.349
  • Military reports, 79
  • Military service of Indians, 545, 548-553, p.93
  • Military Storekeeper at Philadelphia, p.15, p.17
  • Military Stores, Superintendent of, p.15, p.17
  • Military Stores at Philadelphia, Keeper of, p.15
  • Military transactions, 1050

  • Militia: Arkansas, 1216;
    claims for service, 1055

  • Milk River, Mont., p.331
  • Milk River Agency, p.331
  • Millar, John H., 320
  • Mille Lac Chippewa Indians, p.359

  • Mille Lacs, p.359

  • Miller, Guion:
    Eastern Cherokee enrollment, 589, 590, p.168;
    New York Indian claims, 904, p.256

  • Miller, James, J., 857
  • Mills, 953, p.290
  • Milwaukee, Oreg., p.342
  • Milwaukee, Wis., p.330, p.338
  • Milwaukee River, p.324
  • Mimbreño Apache Indians, p.334, p.351
  • Mineral Point, Wis., p.371

  • Minerals, 636; 
    lands, 163; 
    rights, 91, 906

  • Miniconjou Sioux Indians, p.312

  • Mining: 
    claims, 163, 807; 
    leases, 520, p.92

  • Minnesota, p.323, p.330, p.338, p.371;
    death certificates, 1271;
    Indians and lands in, 345, 346, 378-381, 472-475, 669, p.109, p.310, p.315, p.325, p.330, p.332, p.338, p.359, p.368;
    liquor control, 766, 948;
    Sioux uprising, 898, 899, 920, p.203;
    Territory, 1140, p.330

  • Minnesota Agency, p.310
  • Minnesota Superintendency, 1140, 1141, p.330, p.338
  • Minors, 929, 933, 954
  • Miscellaneous Activities Section, p.5, p.206, p.208, p.266

  • Miscellaneous Division, 96, 184, 941-947;
    history and duties, p.4, p.64, p.206, p.265-266, p.273, p.284

  • Miscellaneous Section, p.266
  • Mission Agency, p.164
  • Mission Indians, 489
  • Mission reservations, 325
  • Mission schools. See Schools, mission.

  • Missionaries, 716, 728, 740, 807, 812, 1146;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1385, 1395;
    correspondence, 1-3, 252, p.32
  • Missions, 1395, p.195;
    Alaska, 801;
    lands for, 343, 508

  • Mississippi, 282, 283, 406, p.309
  • Mississippi Choctaw Indians, 606

  • Mississippi River, p.28, p.323, p.324, p.347, p.371;
    Indians east and west of, 106, 217, 218, 260, 590, 916, p.1, p.69, p.91, p.195, p.304, p.305, p.309, p.311, p.347

  • Missouri Historical Society, p.17, p.30
  • Missouri Indians, 933, p.298, p.299, p.338
  • Missouri River, 401, 680, p.24, p.28, p.30, p.298, p.324, p.331
  • Missouri River Railroad Company, 860
  • Missouri Superintendency, p.298
  • Mixed Band of Seneca and Shawnee Indians, 689, p.347, p.348
  • Mixed-blood Chippewa Indians, 356-360, 362-369, 391, p.109
  • Mixed-blood Iowa Indians, 399-403
  • Mixed-blood Omaha Indians, 399-403
  • Mixed-blood Oto Indians, 399-403
  • Mixed-blood Sioux Indians, 378-381, 399-403
  • Moache Ute Indians, p.334
  • Mobile Bay, p.25
  • Modoc Commission, 1377
  • Modoc Indians, p.342
  • Mogollon Apache Indians, p.334, p.351
  • Mohave Indians, 333, p.296
  • Molala Indians, p.342

  • Money: 
    in safe, 186;
    Indian, 1, 627, 837, 878, 921-925, 1060, 1062-1064, 1078, 1079, 1336. 
    See also Accounts, Annuity payments, Trust funds, and specific uses of money.

  • Montana, p.188, p.314, p.331, p.354;
    Indians and lands in, 414, 489, 616, 617, 724, p.174, p.331; 
    Territory, p.312, p.314, p.331

  • Montana Superintendency, 1142, 1143, p.312, p.311., p.331
  • Monuments to Indians, 994
  • Moorehead, Warren K., 1260
  • Moqui Pueblo Agency, 1144-1147, p.296, p.332