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Compiled by Edward E. Hill, 1965


The National Archives in Washington, D. C., holds much of the original Bureau of Indian Affairs records for Indians. These original records must be viewed in person at the National Archives.

Introduction ... Table of Contents ... Appendix I-III ... Index: A-Em ... Em-Mo ... Mo-Z

Entries: 1-74 ... 75-120 ... 121-197 ... 198-284 ... 285-355 ... 356-443 ... 444-521 ... 522-576 ... 577-643 ... 644-711 ... 712-784 ... 785-860 ... 861-940 ... 941-998 ... 999-1040 ... 1041-1112 ... 1113-1182 ... 1183-1243 ... 1244-1362 ... 1363-1401

In this index to names, places, and subjects, information in the entries of the inventory is indexed by entry number only. Information in introductory statements is indexed by page number. Page number references are preceded by "p."


  • Abbott, F. H., 1399
  • Abbott, James B., 691
  • Abbott, Thomas J., 285
  • Abel, Annie H., 120
  • Abel, Azel, 940
  • Abert, John J., 287, 296
  • Abiquiu Agency, p.334
  • Accounting and Bookkeeping, Division of, p.238

  • Accounts, 1, 79, 91, 98, 113, 116, 121, 165, 169, 310, 835-880, 884, 890, 891, 936-940, p.237-238;
        audits, 953, p.385;
        circulars, 131, 830
    Alaska, 808, 810, 811, 814, 824
    Annuities, 845, 852, 864, 866, 906, 918
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 870, 873, 891, 1385, 1395, 1399, 1400, p.385
    Bureau of Reclamation, 663
    Centennial Exhibition, 86, 934
    Certificates of indebtedness, 417, 421, 422
    Cherokee, 630, 893, 895, 907-914, 1209;
        removal, 208, 219, 221-2, 226-7, 233, 238, 247, 251
    Chickasaw, 256, 257, 900, 929
    Choctaw, 266, 541-543, 900, 1225
    Civilian Conservation Corps work, 1000
    Claims, 552, 554, 686, 703, 704, 890-900
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 201, 202, 207-213, 215, 216
    Confederate, 1212, 1214
    Creek, 1227
    Field offices, 1377, p.295;
        Arizona Superintendency, 1016;
        Carlisle School, 1336-1338, 1344-1349;
        Central Superintendency, 1023, 1032-1039;
        Chamberlain School, 1350, 1353-1356;
  • Accounts (cont.)
    Field Offices (cont.)
        Cherokee Agency, East, 1041, 1044-1055;
        Cherokee Agency, West, 1057, 1208;
        Chippewa Commission, 1306, 1311, 1312;
        Choctaw Agency, East, 1059;
        Consolidated Chippewa Agency, 1060, 1062;
        Creek Agency, East, 1065;
        Dakota Superintendency, 1066;
        Fort Shaw School, 1362;
        Idaho Superintendency, 1072;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1078, 1079, 1083, 1098, 1099;
        Malheur Agency, 1116-1119;
        Mich. Sup. and Mack. Ag., 1123, 1127, 1134, 1136;
        Minnesota Superintendency, 1140;
        Montana Superintendency, 1142;
        Moqui Pueblo Agency, 1144, 1147;
        Nett Lake Agency, 1148, 1149;
        Nevada Superintendency, 1152, 1153;
        New Mexico Sup., 1154, 1155, 1159-1164, 1166;
        Northern Superintendency, 1168, 1180, 1181;
        Oregon Sup., 1184, 1190-1196, 1202, 1203;
        Sault Ste. Marie Subagency, 1139;
        Seminole teacher, 1378;
        Southern Apache Agency, 1164, 1217, 1219-1222;
        Southern Sup., 1204, 1209, 1212-1214, 1216;
        Springfield School, 1367-1370;
        Union Agency, 1223, 1225, 1227;
        Utah Superintendency, 1228;
        Washington Sup., 1232, 1234, 1235, 1241-1243;
        White Earth Ag., 1246, 1255, 1264-1267, 1275, 1276;
        Wisconsin Superintendency, 1313;
        Wittenberg School, 1374, 1375

  • Accounts (cont.)
    Five Civilized Tribes, 632, 922 924, 925
    Land, 351, 352, 409, 413, 417, 421, 422, 448, 460, 462, 480, 481, 512, 518, 628, 833, 834, 839, 840, 860, 878, 924
    Law and Order Section, 767-769, 772
    Mexican Kickapoo, 833, 834
    Military officers, 1055, 1166, p.305
    Office of Indian Trade, 3-26, p.16-17;
        factories, 28-41, 44-60, 62-73
    Officials and employees, 164, 172, 182, 628, 650, 767, 828, 832, 834, 857, 865-868, 870, 872-877, 879, 880, 949, 950, 1055, 1377, 1378, p.6, p.237, p.305
    Potawatomi, 917-919
    Relief and rehabilitation work, 1007
    Traders, 893, 894, 1127, 1202
    Tribal and individual funds, 808, 837, 845, 847, 851, 855, 874-878, 892, 921-933 See also Finance.

  • Accounts Division, p.3-4, p.237;
    land sales, 924;
    medical matters, p.195;
    outgoing correspondence, 96;
    personnel work, p.195, p.206, p.277;
    Sioux property and allotment claims, p.158

  • Accounts Section of Finance Division, p.237
  • Acquisitions Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 183, p.273, p.277
  • Adjustments Section of Land Division, p.94

  • Administration, 79, 121, 192;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384, 1385, 1387, 1400, p.385;
    Carlisle School, 1347;
    Chippewa Commission, 1297;
    Finance Officer, p.69;
    Indian Arts and Crafts Board, 1401;
    Law and Order.
    Section, 771, 772;
    schools, p.205. See also Office administration.
  • Administration, Division of, p.6, p.65
  • Administration Branch, p.5, p.69, p.238
  • Administration Section of Education Division, p.206

  • Administrative Division, p.4, p.5, p.206, p.207;
    Construction Section, p.285;
    Employees Section, p.277;
    Industries Section, p.225;
    outgoing correspondence, 123

  • Adoptions by Quinaielt Indians, 613, 614, p.175
  • Adult classes, 819
  • Advertising, 110, 112, 892
  • Advisory Committee, 996
  • Afognak, Alaska, 824

  • Agencies
    Confederate, 1211, 1212, p.348, p.349
    Construction and repair work, p.285
    Correspondence of central office, 75, 79, 82, 87, 92, 93, 108, 111, 195, p.32, p.50
    Correspondence of superintendencies with:
        Arizona, 1016;
        Central, 1023;
        Dakota, 1066, 1068;
        Idaho, 1072;
        Minnesota, 1140;
        Montana, 1142;
        Northern, 1168;
        Southern and Western, 1204;
        Washington, 1234
    Employees, 977, 978, 985, 986, p.206, p.237, p.277, p.310
    Financial matters,. 862, 863, 869, 877, 879, 884, 890, 1190
    Historical development, p.6-8
    Inspections and investigations, 832, 951, 953, p.385
    Location and description (including maps, photographs,  and drawings), 139, 152, 158, 160, 161, 163, 172, 187, 326, 327, 343, 508, 662

  • Agencies (cont.)
    Records of, p.295
    Relief and rehabilitation work, 1007
    Reports from, 791, 960, 961
    Superintendencies in charge:
        Arizona, p.296-297;
        Central, p.298-300;
        Dakota, p.312-313;
        Idaho, p.314;
        Michigan, p.323-325;
        Minnesota, p.330;
        Montana, p.331;
        Nevada, p.333;
        New Mexico, p.334;
        Northern, p.337-338;
        Oregon, p.34-343;
        Southern, p.358-349;
        Utah, p.354;
        Washington, 1236, p.355;
        Western, p.347;
        Wisconsin, p.371-372;
        Wyoming, p.373 See also Field offices;
    Superintendents, agency; and specific agencies.

  • Agent for the Indian Factories, p.15
  • Agent for Military Purchases, 74, p.31
  • Agent of the War Department in Tennessee, 1046, 1050, 1051, 1055, p.305

  • Agents
    Accounts, 113, 828, 865, 868, 870-872, 875, 877, 880, 1033, 1055, 1162, 1163, 1193, 1194, p.237, p.305
        census, 964;
        depredation claims, 700, 
        education, 728-730, 738, 751;
        forestry, p.192;
        land, 54;
        purchases, 890;
        traders' licenses, 941, 942, 944, p.14-15
    Arrivals and departures, 1154
    Assignment, p.334, p.342, p.355
    Bonds, 828, 885, 1198
  • Agents: (cont.)
    Correspondence with, 75, 79, 84, 91, 96, 107, 110, 112, 131, 133, 170, 252, 517, 828, 941, 942, 971, p.32, p.295;
        Arizona Superintendency, 1020;
        Central Sup., 1022, 1024, 1026, 1029; 1030;
        Commissary General of Subsistence, 201, 202;
        Dakota Superintendency, 1068;
        Idaho Superintendency, 1071;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1080;
        Nevada Superintendency, 1150;
        New Mexico Superintendency, 1155, 1156;
        Northern Sup., 1170, 1173, 1174, 1176, 1178, 1179;
        Office of Indian Trade, 4, 13;
        Oregon Superintendency, 1186, 1199;
        Secretary of War, 1, 2;
        Washington Superintendency, 1232;
        Wisconsin Superintendency, 1316
    Direct reporting to central office, p.297, p.299-300, p.312, p.314, p.331, p.333, p.334, p.338, p.343, p.349, p.351, p.34., p.356, p.373
    History and duties, p.6-8, p.15-16
    Reports, 700, 728-730, 738, 751, 1023, 1186, 1234, 1314
    Rosters and lists, 172, 974-976, p.296
    See also Agencies; Disbursing officers; Field officials;
    Special agents; Subagents; Superintendents, agency; kinds of agents; and names of specific agents and agencies.

  • Agricultural Extension Agents, p.226
  • Agricultural Extension and Industry, Division of, p.4, p.5, p.206, p.207, p.225. See also Extension and Industry, Division of.

  • Agriculture, 79, 327, 677, 792, 960, 961;
    in Alaska, 801;
    land for, 670, 672;
    supervision, p.8, p.195, p.205, p.206, p.207, p.226. See also Farming.

  • Agriculture, Department of, p.192

  • Alabama:
    Chickasaw Indians in, p.309;
    Choctaw factory in, p.25;
    Choctaw scrip for public lands in, 282;
    Creek Indians and lands in, 566, 634, p.311

  • Alaska, 797-824, p.4, p.206-207, p.229-230, p.236;
    fisheries, 193;
    Governor, 804;
    map, 159;
    motion picture, 157;
    tribal organization, 1014

  • Alaska, General Agent for Education in, 799, 802, 804, 812, 824, p.229, p.236
  • Alaska, Superintendent of Education of Natives of, p.229
  • Alaska Division, 798-824, 1014, p.4, p.206-207, p.229-230, p.236
  • Alaska Medical Service, 803, 816, 820, 823, p.229
  • Alaska Reindeer Service, 797, 811, 820, 823, p.229
  • Alaska School Service, 803, 816, 820, 823
  • Alaska Section, 803
  • Alaska Territorial Board of Education, Secretary, p.236 
  • Alaska Trust Fund, 808, p.230
  • Alaskan Assistant, 804, p.229
  • Albany, N.Y. , p.16
  • Alderman, Dr. James W., 404
  • Aldrich, Cyrus, p.203
  • Aleutian Islands, 157
  • Allegany Reservation, 513
  • Allegheny Seneca Indians, p.337
  • Allen, Royal J., 483
  • Allotments of land. See Land, allotments.
  • Allotments Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Allottees. See Land, allotments.
  • Allotting agents, 331, 351, 572, -984, 1301
  • American Indian Bulletin, 1395
  • American Indian Defense Association, 178, 1395
  • American Indian Federation, 178, 194
  • American Indian League, 1395
  • American Philosophical Society, p.17
  • American State Papers, 638
  • Anadarko Indians, p.348
  • Anderson, George D., 290
  • Animal industry, p.64
  • Annette Island, 807
  • Annette Islands, p.230
  • Annual Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 193, 958, 960, 965, p.265, p.273, p.274

  • Annuity payments, 1, 79. 82, 91, 166, 892, p.1, p.7; 
        accounts, 845, 848, 852, 864, 866, 938;
        rolls, 560, 610, 906, 1083, 1246, 1264, 1265
    Office of Indian Trade, 4, 13, 16, 23, 25, 48-50, p.15, p.17
    Tribes, agencies, and localities:
        Cherokee, p.165; Creek, 49, 50;
        Indian Territory, 1377;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1080-1083;
        Michigan Sup. and Mackinac Agency, 1134;
        Minnesota Superintendency, 1140;
        Osage, 610;
        Potawatomi, 918;
        Sioux, 560;
        White Earth, 1061, 1063, 1246, 1255, 1264, 1265

  • Anthropology, 191, 616, 1011
  • Antiquities, 996
  • Anvik, Alaska, 824

  • Apache Indians:
    Arizona Superintendency, p.296, p.297;
    Central Superintendency, p.298, p.299;
    New Mexico Superintendency, 1160, p.334;
    Southern Apache Agency, p.351. 
    See also names of bands.

  • Apalachicola Indians, 301

  • Appointments, 2, 84, 113, 165, 182, 184, 967, 968, 970-973, 989, p.277;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1384;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, 214;
    district agents, 954;
    Michigan Sup. and Mackinac Agency, 1131, 1134;
    Office of Indian Trade, 4;
    Office of Industrial Teacher for the Seminole Indians, 1378;
    special officers, 767, 771

  • Appointments Division of the Office of the Secretary of the Interior, 167, p.277
  • Appointments Section of Education Division, p.206, p.277. See also Employees Section.

  • Appropriations, 174, 650-652, 717, 829, 835-843, 845, 854-856, 938, 965, p.237;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1400, p.385;
    Carlisle School, 1323, 1348;
    Creek National Council, 1227;
    for positions, 986;
    for surveying and allotting, 351, 352;
    for trust funds, 931, 932;
    Springfield School, 1369

  • Apukshunnubbee District Court of Claims (Choctaw), 533
  • Arapaho Indians, 319, 485, p.298, p.312, p.338, p.373; photographs, 138, 145
  • Arctic, 157
  • Area offices, p.9
  • Arickaree Indians, p.312
  • Arikara Indians, p.312
  • Arizona, p.297, p.334;
    Indians, agencies, and reservations in, 325, 333, 347, 570, 869, p.296-297, p.332, p.333, p.334, p.351;
    Territory, p.296, p.334
  • Arizona City, Ariz., p.296
  • Arizona Superintendency, 1015-1020, p.296-297, p.332, p.331.

  • Arkansas, p.347;
    Cherokee Indians and Agency in, 1056, p.308;
    Choctaw scrip for public lands in, 282;
    factories in, p.23, p.29, p.30-31;
    land surveys, 106

  • Arkansas factory, 12, 27-32, p.23
  • Arkansas Militia, Quartermaster of, 1216
  • Arkansas Post, p.23
  • Arkansas River, p.23, p.30-31, p.298, p.308
  • Arkansas Superintendency (Confederate), 1210, 1212, p.348, p.349
  • Armstrong Roll of Choctaw Indians, 258

  • Army
    Department of the Missouri, 1023
        accounts, 1055, p.305; 
        correspondence, 1, 2, 79, 223, 1020, 1027, 1165, 1233, 1316, p.295; 
        in charge of removal, 201, p.70, p.71;
        service as agents, superintendents, and disbursing officers, 1206, p.7-8, p.314., p.324, p.349, p.371
    Records, 1216, p.349
    Subsistence Agent at Cibolletta, N. Mex., 1166
    Trading post, 1357

  • Arrests, 763, 1272, 1273
  • Arrow Rock, p.30
  • Art, 1395, 1401, p.230, p.391
  • Asphalt lands, 482, 483, p.137-138
  • Assimilation of Indians, p.2
  • Assiniboin Indians, p.330, p.331
  • Assistant Attorney for the Department of the Interior, 607
  • Assistant Attorney General, 505
  • Assistant Commissioners of Indian Affairs. See Indian Affairs, Assistant Commissioners of. Assistant Disbursing Agent at Detroit, 1137
  • Assistant Finance Officer, p.5, p.6.., p.273
  • Assistant Treasurer at St. Louis, 1037
  • Assistants to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. See Indian Affairs, Assistants to the Commissioner of.
  • Associate Commissioner of Indian Affairs, p.3, p.65
  • Atchison, Kans., p.298
  • Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad Co., 465-467 
  • Atchison and Pike's Peak Railroad Co., 456, 1.57
  • Attorney General, 305, 648, 650;
  • Assistant, 505
  • Attorney General of California, p.163

  • Attorneys, 112, 172, 270, 618-621, 847, p.177-178;
    Choctaw Net Proceeds Case, 541, p.151;
        claims, 230, 235, 631, 632, 900, p.93;
        contracts, 633, p.93, p.94;
        Interior Department, 607;
        probate work, 647;
        U.S., 125, 771, 1249

  • Atwood, Stella M. (Mrs. H. A.), 177
  • Auditor for the Interior Department, 1078
  • Auditors, traveling, 949, p.269
  • Auditors of the Treasury Department, 891, 906, p.238. See also Second Auditor.
  • Authorities, 108-110, 307, 720

    - B -

  • Bad River Reservation, 316, 317
  • Baker, Fred A., 597, 602, p.164, p.168
  • Balch, Alfred, 296, p.89
  • Banking services in Alaska, p.230

  • Banks and bankers, 625-627;
    accounts, 836, 925, 928, 1134;
    bonding, 623, p.93, p.94; correspondence with, 2, 4, 252, 926, 1027, 1077, 1079, 1080, 1255

  • Bannock, Mont., p.331
  • Bannock Indians, p.314, p.322, p.353, p.354, p.373
  • Barnett, A. G., 445
  • Barns, p.290
  • Bates, Erl A., 177
  • Battle sites, 322
  • Bear, revenue cutter, 157
  • Beaulieu, Minn., 1061
  • Beauvais, G. p., 681
  • Beef, 889, 1032
  • Beetle control, 1003
  • Bell, Caspar W., 710
  • Belle Fontaine factory, 33, p.24
  • Belle Vue factory, p.28
  • Belmont, Wis., p.371
  • Bennett, Leo E., 579, 580, 584, p.165
  • Bentley, Martin J., 834
  • Bids, 628, 881, 939, 999, 1072, 1378. 
    See also Land, sales.
  • Births, 753, 773, 775, 959, 964, p.274;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1094;
    Winnebago of Wisconsin, 1376

  • Bishop, Thomas G., 613
  • Bitter Root Mountains, p.355
  • Black Hawk War, 119, 120
  • Blackfeet Agency, p.299, p.312, p.314, p.331
  • Blackfeet Indians, 573, p.312, p.331, p.354
  • Blackfeet Project of the Bureau of Reclamation, 663
  • Blackfeet Tribal Business Council, 573
  • Blackrock Sanatorium, 784
  • Blacksmiths, 1134, p.2
  • Blister rust control, 1003
  • Blood Indians, p.331
  • Board of Inquiry, 167, 168
  • Bogy, Lewis V., 166
  • Bois Fort Reservation, p.310, p.332
  • Boise, Idaho, p.314
  • Boise band of Shoshoni Indians, p.314

  • Bonds, 19, 520, 622-624, 717, 885, 889, p.93.
    employees, 828, 885, 969, 976, 1198, p.277;
    timber contracts, 514-515, 622;
    traders 1, 941-944

  • Bonds (security investments ), 930. 
    See also Securities and Stocks.
  • Bookkeeping, p.237
  • Bookkeeping and Warrants, Chief of Division of (Treasury Department), 856
  • Bookkeeping Section of Finance Division, p.237
  • Bostwick, Louis R., 144

  • Boundaries, 102, 126, 185, 310, 653;
    maps, 158, 161, 163, 643, 674, 1380;
    Oregon, p.7;
    Pueblo lands, 1394;
    Ute lands, 170, 1380;
    Walker River Reservation, 643;
    Warm Springs Reservation, 5071;

  • Bounties, Civil War, 548, 551, 553, p.93
  • Bounty lands, 252, 544-547, p.93
  • Bowie, William L., 570
  • Branches of Bureau of Indian Affairs, p.5. 
    See also specific branches.

  • Becht, J. E., 1378
  • Brewster, Benjamin H., p.82
  • Bridges, 999, p.285-286
  • Bright, James, 287
  • British actions in War of 1812, p.29, p.30
  • Bronaugh, Jeremiah W., 4
  • Bronaugh, John W., 5
  • Brown, Andrev V., 263
  • Brown, Elmer Ellsworth, 799
  • Brul£ Sioux Indians, p.312
  • Bruneau band of Shoshoni Indians, p.314
  • Buck, D. A. A., 215
  • Budget and Finance, Branch of, p.238
  • Budget Division, p.238
  • Budgets, 809, 1006, p.238; living expense, p.226
  • Buffalo, N.Y., p.324, p.337
  • Buffalo Creek, Treaty of, p.255
  • Buford, N. B., 681

  • Buildings, 79, 91, 327, 1387;
    accounts, 837, 845, 877;
    Civilian Conservation Corps projects, 1000;
    construction and repair, 999, p.285-286;
    contracts for, 889, 1319;
    farm, 677, p.3, p.285-286;
    land for, 343;
    photographs and drawings, 148, 151, 326, 823, 1366;
    school, 725, 729, 738, 739, 800, 837, 999, p.205
        In jurisdictions or localities:
        Alaska, 800, 813, 816, 823, p.229;
        Allegany Reservation, 513;
        Carlisle School, 1347;
        Consolidated Ute Reservation, 1380;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1080;
        Pima Agency, 148;
        Sacaton Agency, 148;
        Springfield School, 1366;
        White Earth Agency, 1254, 1255;
        Wisconsin Superintendency, 1319;
        Wittenberg School, 1373
        See also specific kinds of buildings.

  • Buildings and Facilities, Division of, p.286
  • Buildings and Utilities, Branch of, p.286
  • Burials, 1271
  • Burney, James, 290
  • Burton Historical Collection, p.17
  • Business Manager, p.64, p.273
  • Business Manager of Indian Arts and Crafts Board, p.391
  • Businessmen, correspondence with, 2, 75, 79, 91, p.32, p.295;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1383;
    White Earth Agency, 1254, 1255.
    See also specific kinds of businessmen and businesses.
  • Butler, George, 318
  • Bylaws, tribal, 1012

    - C -

  • Caddo Indians, p.347, p.34.8
  • Caldwell, J. W., 689
  • Calhoun, James S., 120
  • Calhoun, John C., p.1
  • Calhoun, Tenn., p.304

  • California, 120, 178, 653, 724, 996;
    agencies in 863, 869;
    enrollment of Indians, 574-576, 616, p.163-164;
    land matters, 325, 333, 334, 344, 489

  • California and Oregon Land Co., 635
  • Camp Apache Agency, p.297
  • Camp Grant Agency, p.297
  • Camps, Civilian Conservation Corps, 1000, 1001
  • Canadian River, 323, p.348
  • Canals, 163, 319, 666
  • Canning, 807, p.290
  • Canville, A. B., 418
  • Capote Ute Indians, p.334
  • Captives, 678, 682
  • Careers of former Indian students, 761, 1327, 1328, 1333 Carlisle, Pa., p.373
  • Carlisle Indian Industrial School, 142, 143, 1322-1349, p.8, p.373-374
  • Carson, Christopher (Kit), 1157
  • Carson City, Nev., p.333
  • Carson Valley Agency, p.354
  • Carter, London, 689
  • Cascade Mountains, p.342, p.355

  • Cass Lake Chippewa Indians, p.359
  • Cass Lake Reservation, p.310
  • Cass Pillager band of Chippewa Indians, p.315
  • Casson, William E., 344
  • Catholic Indian Missions, Bureau of, 716
  • Cattaraugus Seneca Indians, p.337
  • Cattle, 204, 889. See also Livestock.
  • Cayuga Indians, 903, p.337
  • Cayuse Indians, 410, p.342, p.354
  • Cemeteries, 343
  • Census, Bureau of, 1095

  • Censuses, 172, 310, 676, 742, 958, 959, 964, 1012, p.94, p.274;
    Blackfeet, 573;
    Cayuse, 410;
    Cherokee, 219, 582-590, 592-594, 602, 676, 912, p.165, p.168;
    Chickasaw, 253, 676;
    Chippewa, 676, 1089. 1103, 1279, 1304, p.368;
    Chippewa and Munsee, 444;
    Choctaw, 258, 260, 605;
    Creek, 285, 915, 916;
    Flat-head, 608, 609, p.174;
    Iowa Indians, 676;
    Kansa, 445;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1089, 1103;
    Miami Indians, 676;
    Ottawa, 611;
    Sauk and Fox of the Missouri, 676;
    Sioux, 386;
    Stockbridge and Munsee, 612;
    Umatilla Indians, 410;
    Wallawalla, 410;
    Washington Superintendency, 1232, 1235;
    White Earth Agency, 1279.
    See also Enrollment and Population.

  • Centennial Exhibition, 78, 79, 86, 934

  • Central Superintendency, 1021-1040, p.298-300;
    Northern Superintendency relations, p.312;
    payments to Potawatomi, 917;
    Southern Superintendency relations, p.348, p.349

  • Certificates in Chief Clerk's safe, 186
  • Certifying agents for Creek land sales, 288, 295, 298, p.70
  • Chamberlain, S. Dak., p.379
  • Chamberlain Indian School, 1350-1356, p.379
  • Chapman Roll of Eastern Cherokee Indians, 219, 589
  • Charges, 165, 951, 953. See also specific subjects of charges.
  • Charters, tribal, 796, 1012
  • Chase, Eli R., p.203
  • Chastacosta Indians, p.342
  • Chehalis Indians, p.354
  • Chehalis Industrial School, 743
  • Chehalis River, p.355
  • Chemawa, Oreg., 724
  • Chemawa School, 757
  • Chemehuevi Indians, 334
  • Cherokee Agency, East, 220, 1041-1056, p.304-305, p.308
  • Cherokee Agency in Arkansas, 1057, p.305, p.308-309
  • Cherokee Agency in Indian Territory, 1208, p.299-300, p.347, p.348, p.349, p.352

  • Cherokee Commissioners, Boards of, 220, 222, p.70;
    First Board, 222-238, 243, 247, p.76;
    Second Board, 224, 239-245, 247, p.79-80;
    Third Board, 239, 242-247, p.79-80;
    Fourth Board, 248-251, p.82

  • Cherokee Emigration, Superintendent of, 220, 223, 1043, 1052, p.304
  • Cherokee factory, 12, 34, p.24

  • Cherokee freedmen, 411, 631;
    citizenship, 578-581, 583, 585, 586, 588, p.165;
    payments to, 907-911

  • Cherokee Indians, 996
    Agencies and superintendencies, p.304, p.308, p.347, p.348, p.352
    Citizenship, 577-588, p.165
    Eastern band:
        enrollment, 592-603, p.168;
        health survey, 781;
        land, 510, 567
    Eastern Cherokee: 630, 631, 781, 893;
        enrollment, 219, 589-603, 676, p.168;
        land, 510, 567
    Factory for, p.24
        claims in North Carolina, 510, 567;
        disposal, 423-443, 505, p.124-125;
        intruders, 411, 412, 577;
        leases, 505,

  • Cherokee Indians (cont.)
    Land (cont.) 517;
    removal or restrictions on allotments, 484
    Old Settler Cherokee, 631, 895, 912, 913
    Removal, lands in East, and related claims, 201, 208, 217-251, 1050, 1054, 1056, p.70, p.76, p.79-80, p.82
    Schools, 737

  • Cherokee Nation, 412, 1209, p.124;
    Assistant Executive Secretary, 587;
    claims against, 225, 235, 236;
    Principal Chief, 412;
    special agent for, 1209, p.349

  • "The Cherokee Nation of Indians," 641
  • Cherokee National Council, p.125
  • Cherokee National Due Bills, 225, 236
  • Cherokee Neutral Lands, 423-443, p.124-125
  • Cherokee Outlet, 505
  • Cherokee Subagency, p.347
  • Cherokee warrants, 914
  • Chetco Indians, p.342
  • Cheyenne, Wyo., p.373
  • Cheyenne and Arapaho(e) Agency, 757, p.300
  • Cheyenne and Arapaho Competency Board, 485
  • Cheyenne Indians, 145, 485, p.298, p.312, p.338, p.373
  • Cheyenne River Agency, 559-561, 617, 757, p.312
  • Cheyenne River Reservation, 339, 351.
  • Chicago, 201, 568, p.323
  • Chicago Agency, p.323, p.324
  • Chicago factory, 12, 18, 35-37, p.24
  • Chicago warehouse, 881
  • Chickasaw Agency, 252, 1058, p.309, p.347, p.348
  • Chickasaw Bluffs factory, 12, 38, 39, p.25, p.30
  • Chickasaw Indians, 252, 253, 676, p.305
    Agencies and superintendencies, p.309, p.347, p.348, p.352
    Claims, 308, 685, 686, 688, 900
    Removal and land, 252-257;
    coal and asphalt lands, 482, 483, p.137-138;
    homestead patents, 492
    Schools, 736
    Trust funds, 929

  • Chickasaw Nation, 685, 900
  • Chief Administrative Officer, 196, 197, p.5, p.69, p.238, p.281.

  • Chief Clerk, 128, 186;
    charges against, 167, 168;
    correspondence, 181, 182, 184, 336;
    history and duties, p.3, p.4, p.5, p.63-64, p.69, p.93-94, p.187, p.192, p.195, p.206, p.265-266, p.273, p.284

  • Chief Clerk of the Department of the Interior, 620
  • Chief Commissioners, Board of (Choctaw), 530, 532-537, p.151
  • Chief Counsel, p.5
  • Chief Disbursing Clerk of the Department of the Interior, 184
  • Chief Engineer (irrigation), 653, 654, 656, 657, p.187-188, p.296
  • Chief Finance Officer, p.5, p.69, p.206, p.238. See also Finance Officer.
  • Chief Inspector, p.269
  • Chief Medical Director, p.222
  • Chief Special Officer, 764, 771, 772, 960, p.207-208, p.296
  • Chief Supervisor (inspection), 948, p.269
  • Chief Supervisor of Construction, p.286 4
  • Chief Supervisor of Education, 722, p.8, p.207, p.296
  • Chief Supervisor of Forests, p.192
  • Chiefs, Indian, 679, 1042
  • Child care, 756, p.222
  • Chilkat Indians, p.354
  • Chinook Indians, p.354
  • Chippewa Agency, 869, p.330, p.338, p.359

  • Chippewa and Munsee Diminished Reserve, 444
  • Chippewa and Munsee Indians and lands, 444, 476
  • Chippewa and Munsee Trust Lands, 444
  • Chippewa Commission, 1297-1312, p.359, p.368

  • Chippewa Indians, 514, 572, 638, 676, 773, 933
    Agencies and superintendencies, p.298, p.310, p.315, p.323, p.324, p.325, p.330, p.332, p.337, p.338, p.359, p.371, p.372
    Claims against, 707, 893
    Land, 317, p.368;
    allotments, 345, 356-361, 389-398, 1257, p.109, p.115;
    scrip, 362-369, 489, 1256, p.109
    See also names of individual bands and reservations
    Consolidated Chippewa Agency;
    Leech Lake Agency;
    Nett Lake Agency;
    White Earth Agency.

  • Chippewa Indians of Lake Superior, p.325, p.330, p.338, p.371; 
    land, 356-360, 391, p.115

  • Chippewa Indians of the Mississippi, 707, p.330, p.338, p.359, p.371;
    land, 359-361, 1256

  • Chippewa Indians of Saginaw, Swan Creek, and Black River, 389-392, 395-397, p.115
  • Chiricahua Agency, p.297
  • Choate, Joseph, 995
  • Choctaw Academy, 267
  • Choctaw Agency, East, 1059, p.309
  • Choctaw Agency, West, 283, p.347, p.348
  • Choctaw and Chickasaw Agency, 1224, p.299-300, p.346, p.349; p.352, p.353
  • Choctaw Board of Chief Commissioners, 530, 532-537, p.151
  • Choctaw Council, 532, 537, p.151
  • Choctaw district courts of claims, 530-537, p.151
  • Choctaw factory, 12, 40, 41, p.16, p.25,
  • Choctaw freedmen, 604, 605
  • Choctaw Indians, p.25;
    Mississippi Choctaw, 606
    Agencies and superintendencies, p.309, p.3..7, p.348, p.352
    Claims, 308, 685, 686, 900; 
        net proceeds, 530-543, p.93, p.150-151
    Land, 406, 492, 667, p.347; 
        coal and asphalt, 482, 483, p.137-138; 
        reserves, 523, 524, 527
        Removal, lands in East, related claims, and other    matters, 201 258-284, p.70, p.85, p.86, p.150
    Schools, 736, 981

  • Choctaw language, 530
  • Choctaw Nation, 605, 685, 900;
    fiscal agent, 541;
    National Secretary, 605;
    National Treasurer, 1225,
    Treasury, 1225

  • Choctaw National Warrants, 1225
  • Choctaw Net Proceed Commission, 538-542, p.151
  • Choctaw Net Proceeds Case, 530-543, p.93, p.150-151
  • Chowchu-Land, 801
  • Christmas gifts for Indian children, 124
  • Church of England, 807
  • Churches, 161, 163, 508
  • Churchill, Frank C., 591, 593, 594, p.168
  • Cibolletta, N. Mex., 1166
  • Cimarron, N. Mex., 1165
  • Cimarron Agency, 1165, p.334
  • Citizen Potawatomi Indians, 374-376, 917
  • Citizens, killed, 682

  • Citizenship, 156, 1111, 1395, p.2, p.69;
    Alaskan natives, p.230;
    Cherokee, 217, 218;
    Delaware Indians, 409;
    Potawatomi, 917
    Tribal, p.93;
        Cherokee, 577-588, p.165;
        Choctaw and other freedmen, 604, 605

  • Citizenship Court, 900

  • Civil Service Commission, 184, 973
  • Civil service regulations, 173

  • Civil War, 578, p.299, p.334, p.348;
    claims resulting from, 5.8-553, 685-691, 920, p.93, p.198

  • Civil Works Administration, 792
  • Civilian Conservation Corps, 1062, p.3, p.287, p.288
  • Civilian Conservation Corps -- Indian Division, 1000-1005, p.5, p.286, p.287-288
  • Civilization and Education Division, p.195, p.205
  • Civilization and General Statistics Division, p.195

  • Civilization Division, 96, 675-691, p.95, p.296;
    history and duties, p.3, p.4, p.64, p.195-196, p.199, p.205, p.277;
    transfers of records, p.200, p.207, p,265-266, p.277

  • Civilization Fund, 116, p.2
  • Civilization of Indians, 84, 91, 875, p.2, p.6, p.15, p.33
  • Clackamas Indians, p.342, p.354
  • Claiborne, John, p.86

  • Claims, 79, 91, 98, 106, 110-113, 126, 642, 648, 867, 891, 892, 951, p.7, p.70, p.91, p.92-93, p.94, p.237;
    Cherokee Agency, 1044, 1208;
    Michigan Superintendency and Mackinac Agency, 1131;
    Southern Superintendency, p.348-349.
    See also names of tribes, groups of claimants, and subjects of claims.

  • Claims Section of Finance Division, p.237
  • Claims Section of Land Division, p.94, p.158-159
  • Clallam Indians, p.354
  • Classification, Supervisor of, 988

  • Clerks, 646, 949, p.269;
    field, 1062, 1063
  • Clifton, William, 588, p.165
  • Climatic conditions. See Weather.
  • Clothing, 756, 792, p.226, p.229
  • Clubs at Carlisle School, 1336
  • Coal lands, 341, 482, 483, p.137-138
  • Coast Reservation in Oregon, p.342
  • Cobb, Stephen A., 611
  • Code, William H., 653, p.187
  • Coeur d'Alene Agency, 572
  • Coeur d'Alene Indians, 572, p.344, p.354
  • Coffey, James N., 418
  • Colerain, p.26
  • Collector of the Revenue, 1215
  • Collier, John, 178, 179
  • Collins, James L., 832

  • Colorado, 325, p.298, p.334, p.353;
    Territory, p.298, p.334, p.353;
    Ute Indians and lands in, 170, 684, 1380

  • Colorado River Agency, p.296
  • Colorado Superintendency, p.298, p.299, p.334
  • Columbia River, p.341, p.354, p.355
  • Columbia River Agency, p.355
  • Colville Agency, 572, p.355
  • Colville Appraising Commission, 670
  • Colville Indians, 507, p.354
  • Colville Reservation, 507, 670, 995
  • Comanche Agency, 1207
  • Comanche Indians, 138, p.298, p.299, p.347, p.348
  • Commissary General of Subsistence, 198-216, 1043, p.70, p.71
  • Commissioner of the Revenue, 74, p.31

  • Commissions, 2, 103, 106, 310, 407, p.7, p.70, p.269, p.296;
    rosters, 629, 976.
    See also subjects of work of commissions and names of individual commissions and Commissioners.

  • Committee of 100, 1395
  • Committee on Indian Welfare of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, 177
  • Commodities distributed for relief, p.290

  • Common School Commissioner of Sebastian County, Ark., 1213, p.349
  • Communication:
    facilities, 327;
    lines, 674, 1380
  • Community meetings in Alaska, 819
  • Community projects, p.290
  • Community Services, Division of, 192, p.5, p.65, p.207, p.222
  • Community Services Branch, p.5, p.222
  • Competency, certificates of, 486-488, p.92, p.94
  • Comptroller General, 650
  • Comptroller of the Currency, 625, 626
  • Comptrollers of the Treasury, 650, 831, 855, 856
  • Concrete work in farming operations, 149
  • Conditions among Indians, 1384
  • Condon, James B., 1200
  • Conduct of Indians, p.195
  • Conejos Agency, p.334
  • Confederate States, 1210-1212, 1214, p.334, p.348, p.349
  • Conferences, 178, 722, 723, 956
  • Conflicts, 79

  • Congress, 604, 678
    Acts and documents, 118, 172, 174, 196, 197, 304, 305, 354, 355, 507, 565, 631, 634, 6to, 650-652, 657, 723, 830, 855, 993, 1006, 1395. 
    See also Appropriations, House of Representatives, Legislation, Senate, and names of specific acts and subjects of acts.
    Depredation claims, 708, 709, p.199
    Hearings and investigations, 126, 166, 652, 833, 900
    Members of, 117; 
        correspondence, 2, 79, 85, 91, 202, 252, 1384-1386, p.32

  • Congressional Record, 196
  • Conservation, 1062, p.287
  • Consolidated Chippewa Agency, 757, 1060-1064, p.295, p.310, p.315, p.359
  • Consolidated Ute Reservation, 1380
  • Constitutions, tribal, 771, 796, 1012, p.2
  • Construction, 999, p.3, p.8, p.206, p.207, p.237, p.285-286, p.287, p.290;
    contracts for, 813, 889, 1319;
    inspection, 953;
    irrigation, 657, 658, 660, p.187

  • Construction, Chief Supervisor of, p.286
  • Construction, Director of, p.286
  • Construction, superintendents of, p.286
  • Construction, supervisors of, 949, 953, p.269
  • Construction Division, 999, p.5, p.206, p.238, p.285-286, p.290
  • Construction Section, p.5, p.206, p.237-238, p.285
  • Continental Congress, p.6
  • Continental Divide, p.354

  • Contracts, 111-113, 622, 813, 882, 885-889, 938, 1053, 1221, 1319, p.237;
    attorneys, 633, 493, p.94;
    awarding of, 166, 881, 1032;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 206;
    Creek land sales, 287-290, 295, 297, 298, 300;
    reindeer, 812;
    school, 717, 729, 740, 741, 813, 889;
    timber, 102, 514, 514, 1064, 1079, 1087, 1261-1263

  • Contracts Section of Land Division, p.94
  • Contracts Section of Purchase Division, p.238
  • Cooley, A. G., p.226
  • Cooper, Douglas H. , 260
  • Cooper, James A., 561, p.158
  • Cooperation Division, p.4, p.93, p.186, p.192
  • Cooperation Section, p.64, p.93
  • Cooperative stores in Alaska, p.230
  • Coordination Office, 123, p.269, p.277
  • Corporations, 521

  • Correspondence:
    instructions for indexing, 115;
    orders re handling, 128 

  • Council Bluffs Agency, p.298, p.299
  • Council Bluffs Subagency, p.372
  • Council Roll of Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, 592-594

  • Councils, proceedings of, 103, 104, 386, 591, 681, 771;
    Idaho, 1072;
    Nett Lake, 1148;
    Oregon, 1188;
    Washington, 1240;
    Wisconsin, 1317 "Country West of the Rocky Mountains, " subagency for, p.341

  • County records, 404, 405, 635, 833
  • Courses of study, 722

  • Court of Claims:
    award to Cherokee freedmen, 908, 910;
    California Indians, 178, p.163;
    Choctaw Net Proceeds Case, p.151;
    depredation claims, 700, p.199, p.200;
    Eastern Cherokee enrollment, 589, 590, p.168;
    Kansas claims of New York Indians, p.255-256

  • Court of Claims Section (Justice), p.200
  • Courtright, B. G., 919

  • Courts, 1395;
    decisions, 305, 649, 906, 1148, 1272;
    jurisdiction, 771

  • Courts of claims,
    Choctaw, 530, 537, p.151

  • Cowlitz Indians, p.354
  • Coyotero Apache Indians, p.334, p.351
  • Cox, John T., p.125
  • Coxe, Tench, p.31
  • Crafts, p.391
  • Crawford, David, 444
  • Crawford, Thomas Hartley, 296, p.89
  • Credit, 787, p.226, p.230, p.292;
    from traders, 1168
  • Creek Agency (Confederate), 1212
  • Creek Agency, East, 1065, p.311
  • Creek Agency, West, p.299-300, p.347, p.348, p.349, p.352
  • Creek Emigration, Superintendent of, 289
  • Creek factory, 12, 42-53, p.26
  • Creek freedmen, 687

  • Creek Indians, 51, 915, 916, p.26
    Agencies and superintendencies, p.311, p.347, p.348, p.352
    Annuities, 49, 50
    Civil War claims, 687, 688
    Land, 491, 517, 547, 566, 634
    Removal, land sales, and related matters, 201, 285-300, 916, p.70, p.88, p.89

  • Creek Nation, 757, 1227;
    House of Kings, 1226;
    National Council, 1227

  • Creek Subagency, p.347
  • Critchfield, Dolphus, 443
  • Critchfield, Edward, 443
  • Critchfield, George W., 443
  • Critchfield, John, 443
  • Critchfield, Susan C., 443
  • Criticism, 996
  • Crops, 677, p.226
  • Crow Agency, p.331 
  • Crow Creek, p.312
  • Crow Creek Agency, 757, p.312
  • Crow Creek Reservation, 386, 554-558, p.157
  • Crow Indians, 156, p.312, p.331
  • Crow Wing Subagency, p.371, p.372
  • Cultivation. See Farming.
  • Currency, Comptroller of the, 625, 626
  • Curtis and Burdett, 366
  • Customs of Indians, 156
  • Cut Head Sioux Indians, p.312

    - D -

  • Daiker, Fred H., 194, p.68, p.269
  • Dairymen, p.226

  • Dakota, 384, 489, p.109, p.298, p.312, p.313, p.338, p.371;
    Territory, 386, p.298, p.312, p.331, p.338. 
    See also North Dakota and South Dakota.

  • Dakota Superintendency, 1066-1069, p.248, p.299, p.312-313, p.338
  • Dalles, The, p.342
  • Dalles Agency, p.342
  • Damages, 112, 628, 685, 895, 898, 899, p.198. See also Depredation claims.
  • Dams, 319, 666, 674; sites, 163
  • Dances, 156, 996
  • Dancing Rabbit Creek, Treaty of. See Choctaw Indians.
  • Davis, Charles I.., 591, 595, p.l68
  • Davy, William, p.15
  • Dawes Commission, 606. See also Five Civilized Tribes, Commission to the.
  • Dayton, Oreg., p.342

  • Deaths, 753, 773, 775, 959, 964, p.274;
    Carlisle School, 1324, 1329;
    Fort Shaw School, 1358;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1095;
    Potawatomi, 783;
    White Earth Agency, 1271;
    Winnebago of Wisconsin, 1376

  • Debts, 110, 422, 720, p.92;
    Cherokee, 220, 221, 225, 233-236, 238, 247, 1054;
    Kansa, 415-417;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1079;
    Office of Indian Trade, 19, 24, 37, 39, 40, 60;
    Osage, 418;
    Sauk and Fox. of the Mississippi, 417, 419;
    Winnebago, 420, 421. See also Claims.

  • Deeds, 186, 405, 494-496, 501;
    Cherokee, 510; Chickasaw, 255; Choctaw, 267, 406;
    Creek, 517; Five Civilized Tribes, 306;
    inherited land, 503, 504;
    Seminole, 493;
    Shawnee, 494, 495, 498-500;
    Yankton, 502. 
    See also Patents.

  • Deep Fork of the Canadian River, p.348
  • Delaware Agency, 860, p.298, p.299, p.300

  • Delaware Indians, p.298, p.323, p.348;
    Cherokee citizenship, 578, 580, 583, 586, p.165;
    land sales and allotments, 409, 860

  • Delegations of Indians, 2, 86, 137
  • Demonstration Teacher of Home Economics, 755
  • Dental records, 1327
  • Dental services, p.221
  • Dentists, 778, 949, p.222, p.269
  • Denver, Colo., p.208 

  • Depredation claims, 83, 84, 98, 692-711
    Cherokee spoliation, 231, 232, 236, 238, 241, p.76, p.80
    Civil War, 685-691, p.198
    Processing, p.4, p.93, p.195, p.199-200
    Rogue River War, 1189
    Sioux: against, 702-704, 898, 899, p.203; of, 559-565, p.158-159

  • Depredation Claims Division, p.200
  • Depredation Division, 96, 692-711, p.4, p.93, p.95, p.195, p.199-200
  • Depredations, 79, 678
  • Deputy Commissioner of Indian Affairs, p.3, p.65
  • Deputy special officers, 765-767, 771, 1060
  • Des Moines River, p.28
  • Detroit, 1137, p.27, p.323, p.324, p.325
  • Detroit factory, 54, p.27
  • Detroit Public Library, p.17
  • Detroit Subagency, p.324
  • Devereux, William, 857
  • Devil's Lake Agency, 617, p.312
  • Devil's Lake Sioux Indians, 933
  • Dickson, James G., 586, 587, 908, 910, 911, p.165
  • Diet, 783
  • Dill, William H., 507
  • Dinwiddie, William, 140
  • Dipping vats, p.290
  • Directors of specialized activities, p.8-9. See also specific activities.

  • Disbursing agents, 827, 857, 858, 949, 1316, p.7, p.269;
    Cherokee, 208, 223, 238;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 202, 207, 208, 215, 216;
    Detroit, 1137;

  • Disbursing agents (cont.)
    St. Louis, 1040;
    Seminole in Florida, 1378

  • Disbursing officers, 201, 836, 840, 873-877, 928, p.237;
    Army officers as, p.324;
    Chippewa Commission, 1299, 1311

  • Diseases, 147, 753, 773, 775, p.221;
    Leech Lake Agency, 1092;
    White Earth Agency, 1270.
    See also specific diseases.

  • Dispensaries, 775, p.221
  • District agents, 954
  • District Attorney, U.S., at St. Paul, Minn., 1249
  • District of Columbia. See Georgetown, B.C., and Washington, D.C.
  • District Medical Directors, 784, p.222
  • District superintendents, 953

  • Districts, 158, 195, p.8, p.9;
    forestry, 673;
    irrigation, 653, 655, 660, 662, 949, p.187, p.269

  • Ditches, 163, 666

  • Divisions of Bureau, 195, p.3-6, p.8-9;
    handling of correspondence, 75, 82, 85, 88, 89, 94, 96, 109, 123;
    maintenance of records, 91, 96, p.32-34.
    See also specific divisions.

  • Divorce, p.206
  • Doane Agricultural Service, 787
  • Dodge, Capt. Henry, 1166
  • Douglas, Maj. Henry, p.333
  • Douglas County, Kans., 404
  • Downs, Thomas, 608, 609, p.174
  • Draft registration at Leech Lake Agency, 1090
  • Drainage, 161, 674, 738, 1380
  • Drennen Roll of Cherokee Indians, 589, 895
  • Drifting Goose, 386
  • Drifting Goose Band of Yanktonai Sioux Indians, 386
  • Dufur, William H. H., 507
  • Duncan, William. 807
  • Dwamish Indians, p.354

    - E -

  • Eastern Association, 1395
  • Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. See Cherokee Indians, Eastern Band.
  • Eastern bands of Shoshoni and Bannock Indians, p.373
  • Eastern Cherokee Enrolling Commission, 596-603, p.168
  • Eastern Cherokee Indians. See Cherokee Indians, Eastern Cherokee.
  • Eastern District Agency (Washington), p.355
  • Eastern Indian Survey, 1395
  • Eastern Oregon Agency, p.342
  • Easton, William C., 216
  • Eaton, John, 798
  • Eaton, John H., p.79
  • Economic conditions and development, 792, p.2-3, p.226, p.292;
    Alaska, 807, p.229-230
  • Economic Development, Division of, p.6, p.65
  • Economy, 175
  • Editors of newspapers, 1201, 1214, 1385
  • Edmonds, John W., 297, 300

  • Education, 79, 91, 116, 135, 195, 712-761, 792, 949, 960, 996, p.2, p.6, p.8, p.195, p.205-207;
    Alaska, 798, 804, 807, 813, 815-820, 823, 824, p.4, p.206-207, p.229, p.230, p.236;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1387, 1395;
    Chickasaw, 252;
    Civilian Conservation Corps enrollees, 1001;
    Dakota Superintendency, 1066;
    loans for, 616;
    Office of Indian Trade, p.15;
    White Earth Agency, 1246, 1254, 1255.
    See also Schools and names of specific schools.

  • Education, Assistant Director of, 724
  • Education, Branch of, p.207

  • Education, Chief Supervisor of, 722, p.8, p.207, p.296
  • Education, Commissioner of, 798-800, 802, 804, 807, 808, p.229, p.230
  • Education, Director of, 723, p.207
  • Education, Director of (Alaska Division), p.229
  • Education, Office of, 800, 807, 816, 823, p.4, p.206-207, p.229, p.230
  • Education Division, 96, 712-772;
    history and duties, p.4, p.5, p.64, p.195, p.205-208, p.221, p.225, p.237-238, p.265, p.266, p.270, p.273, p.277, p.285
  • Education in Alaska, General Agent for, 799, 802, 804, 812, 824, p.229, p.236
  • Education of Natives of Alaska, Superintendent of, p.229
  • Efficiency, 175
  • Eldridge, Lulu, 724
  • Elections, 1012, 1167
  • Electric transmission lines, 163
  • Electrical systems, 739
  • Elizabethtown, N.Y., 940
  • Eli Grove, Wis., p.371
  • Eills, Charles L., p.l64
  • Elrod, Samuel H., 920
  • Emergency Conservation Work, 1002, p.287;
    Director of, 1002
  • Emergency programs, p.5
  • Emergency Relief Appropriation Acts, p.289, p.290
  • Emigration. See Removal.
  • Emigration agents. 213, p.7

  • Employees, 79, 91, 182, 184, 327, 965, 967-992, p.206, p.277;
    accounts, 650, 850, 866, 877, 938;
    authorisations for hiring, 110;
    Board of Indian Commissioners, 1386, 1388;
    bonds, 885, 969;
    Centennial, 86;
    central office, 128, 181, 184, 188, 986, p.64;
    Commissary General of Subsistence, 204;
    commissions, 2, 113, 970;
    contracts with, 885;
    Depredation Division, 695;
  • Employees (cont.) 774;
    extension work, 786, 791, p.226;
    housing, 989, 999, p.285;
    investigations, 98, 726, 953;
    medical,photographs, 151, 152;
    Public Works Administration projects, 999;
    ratings, 953, 989-992, p.277;
    rosters and lists, 113, 188, 729, 754, 974-986, 1016, 1059, 1097, 1148, 1180, 1274, 1292, 1310, 1352, 1361, 1365, 1372;
    school, 730, 744, 754, 972, 973, 976, 978-981, 986, 990-992, p.277;
    trust fund, p.230
    Field offices, p.295;
        Arizona Superintendency, 1016;
        Carlisle School, 1331, 1344, 1347;
        Central Superintendency, 1023;
        Chamberlain School, 1350, 1352, 1356;
        Chippewa Commission, 1310;
        Choctaw Agency, East, 1059;
        Consolidated Chippewa Agency, p.310;
        Dakota Superintendency, 1066;
        Fort Shaw School, 1361;
        Idaho Superintendency, 1072;
        Industrial Teacher for Seminole Indians, 1378;
        Leech Lake Agency, 1080, 1097;
        Malheur Agency, 1113, 1119;
        Michigan Sup. and Mackinac Ag., 1131, 1134, 1136;
        Nett Lake Agency, 1148;
        Nevada Superintendency, 1152;
        New York Agency, 1167;
        Northern Superintendency, 1168; 1180;
        Sault Ste. Marie Subagency, 1139;
        Springfield School, 1365, 1367, 1370;
        Utah Superintendency, 1228;
        Washington Superintendency, 1232, 1234, 1241;
        White Earth Agency, 1254, 1255, 1274, 1292;
        Wittenberg School, 1372.
        See also Appointments, Personnel, and specific positions and persons.