Chromosome 23 (XDNA) matches

(Last updated 7 Oct 2022)

Autosomal DNA matches using Gedmatch chromosome data.

Chromosome 23 segments colored in solid red for this chart instead of usual for visibility.

Matches --> User Gedmatch Kit
or company
Chr cM SNPs  Start Posn  End Posn Segments Notes
Lance Hall -- > Victoria To**FTDNA 23 18.9850 13704958423228
(possible error match)
Lance Hall -- > Henry F MWF9830050 23 21.21730 14615713   31125671
Lance Hall -- > Billie Yo***  [Kit private]A430086 23 7.8713 1453857922077224
Yes gedcom. Need to trace tree on chart. 
Lance Hall -- > *BMYO***  [Kit private] KP1302290 23 7.8223 1456151522072812
Yes gedcom.
Lance Hall -- > Sharon Gull**JR6365392 23 21.9682 1456151531306019
No gedcom. c/f/a.
Lance Hall -- > Colina McCa**A840718 23 7.6507 1944192723287229
No gedcom.
Lance Hall -- > Sharon Gull** JR6365392 23 14.6292 4047396648735882
No gedcom. c/f/a.
Lance Hall -- > Henry F MWF9830050 23 17.6953 4044281852067217   
Lance Hall -- > *Darrol [no gedcom]A301055 23 17.61027 4044281852067217
Fisher and Beams matches
AL and Choctaw co., MS lines  Ancestry.
Lance Hall -- > Wallace D Hou*** M365289 23 17.5494 4047396652067217
Fisher and Beams matches
AL and Choctaw co., MS lines  Ancestry.
Lance Hall -- > Victoria Toon FTDNA 23 12.81125 4277800851332999
(possible error match)
Lance Hall -- > *Karen Gre**A555294 23 13.3844 4287356052067217
No gedcom. c/f/a.
Lance Hall -- > *DarrolA301055 23 15.31694 6199201192181907
No gedcom. Ancestry.
Lance Hall -- > *CourtneyGH4790264 23 7.91153 7045264489298969
No gedcom. c/f/a.
Lance Hall -- > *G.H.A950765 23 7.81109 7074532389298969
No gedcom. c/f/a.
Lance Hall -- > Henry F MWF9830050 23 8.6865 7737993592181907
Lance Hall -- > Wallace D Hou*** M365289 23 8.7394 7752682692371835
No gedcom. Ancestry.
Lance Hall -- > Victoria ToonFTDNA 23 11.51275 8343486596298324
(possible error match)
Lance Hall -- > *R.H. (rharjo2002 by Katelyn
Wilder) No gedcom
A347287 23 57.64428 92110530140798446
Thlotho & Sawika Fixico... Dicey Fields Randall
Lance Hall -- > D Dear***FTDNA 23 15.51125 144069365150790010
Ditzler & Mannon
Lance Hall --> Stephanie EFTDNA 23 20.61450 144161129152874570
Mary Beams... Katie Tiner... Nancy
Lance Hall -- > Henry F M WF9830050 23 18.81017 144280461152626413
Mannon  [Matches Stephanie E]
Lance Hall -- > Ruby Myers Mix**A916544 23 19.21180 144246795152729257
No gedcom. Ancestry.
Lance Hall -- > Alexandra Rose Thom****A933035 23 7.2384 150865426154014107
No gedcom. Can't find on Ancestry.

Henry F M is a maternal uncle of Lance Hall. His matches narrows the possible XDNA to his mother's line (Alice Fisher) which includes Fisher (Creek Indian, white, Euchee Indian), Barnett (Creek Indian, white, black), and Beams (white, black, possible Choctaw Indian).  At Gedmatch some matches only appears in a direct one-to-one comparison not the broader segment search.

Matches --> User Gedmatch Kit
or company
Chr cM SNPs  Start Posn  End Posn Segments Notes
Wallace D Hou*** --> Patrice Rus***A123314 2 10.8549 58922029829235
Unknown.  X-DNA match to Lance Hall and
autosomal match to two Beams descendants
Wallace D Hou*** -->
Anita B Robin***TA6973507 2 21.4  1677 1181128628756255
Mitchell Beams desc.
Wallace D Hou*** --> Anita B Robin*** TA6973507 10 9.11024 95503759106039185
Mitchell Beams desc.
Henry F M --> Lance Hall A299781 23 21.21730 1461571331125671
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Henry F M --> Wallace D Hou*** M365289
23 28.6963 3277746652067217
Unknown connection.
Henry F M --> Lance Hall A299781 23 17.6953 4044281852067217
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Wallace D Hou*** --> Lance Hall A299781 23 17.5 494 40473966 52067217
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Wallace D Hou*** --> Lance Hall A299781 23 6.5364 6203824975659186
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Wallace D Hou*** --> Lance Hall A299781 23 8.7394 7752682692371835
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Henry F M --> Wallace Hou*** M365289
23 10.1515 7752682694226567
 Unknown connection.
Henry F M --> Lance Hall A299781 23 8.6865 7737993592181907
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Wallace D Hou*** --> Mae Kaler Ancestry           Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Henry F M ---> Lance Hall --> A299781 23 18.81017 144280461152626413
 Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Anita Baccus Robi***** --> Wallace D Hou*** A301055 2 21.4  1677 1181128628756255
MS lines
Anita Baccus Rob***** --> Lance Hall A299781 10 22.25799 83973325108862741
Mary Beams Barnett desc.
Anita Baccus Rob***** --> Wallace D Hou*** A301055 10 9.11024 95503759106039185
MS lines

Wallace D Hou*** matches:
  1. Mae K**** on Ancestry who is a Fisher and Beams descendant. 
  2. Anita B Rob***** who is a Mitchell Beams (Choctaw-mixed) descendant.
  3. Patrice Rus*** who is a Mitchell Beams (Choctaw-mixed) descendant.