A letter from Winnie Pauline Hall, daughter
of Moses and Amanda Halsell Hall:

My Mother was Christined Amanda Melvina Halsell. She was borned in Johnson county, Illinois. Birth was February 28th. She could not read or write. She had forgotten her age. She was 18 years of age when she was married. Her's and Dad's marriage liscence was bought at Morrilton, Arkansas.

Her father's name was John Calvin Halsell. He was one of 13 children. He was a native of Mississippi. Aunt Winnie told me that his father owned a big plantation in the state of Mississippi and his father disinherited Grandfather because he refused to marry the woman that his father had chosen for him.

Him and two other young men who were his companions were travelling in a covered wagon. When one of the young men had takened ill Grandfather had gone to seek help for his sick companion and as I understand it a group of young people had gone out to their camp site to sit up with the young man who was ill and some of the young ladies in the group had learned that Grandfather's name was John and he had hole in the seat of his pants .... and mother said that her mother and the other girls amongst themselves got to calling him "ragged ass" John, not dreaming that she would ever marry him.

Both my Grandfathers were great hunters back in those days when there was lots of wild game.

Grandmother's maiden name was Polly Ann Deaton. She had two brothers, one Mother always referred to as Uncle Soal, the other as uncle Press. 10 Children were borned to my grandparents, 7 daughters and 3 sons.

Sarah Jane was the oldest, she married Frank Adams.
Lue Halsell
Amanda Melvina Halsell Hall
Martha Halsell Armstrong
Tennessee Halsell Hallmark
Winnie Brunette Halsell. She first married Bill Flippo. Her second husband was John Murphy who was from the state of Georgia. Her third husband was John Birdge. Her fourth husband was Sang Childers. Aunt Winnie is buried at the Sierra View cemetery near Olivehurst, California. She died Oct. 15, 1945. She was borned in Saercy county, Arkansas. She was first married at Marshall, Arkansas.
Meley Josephine Halsell Manning was the youngest of the family. She died in Oklahoma in the late forties. She was married to Robert Mannings.

Grandmother Deaton was a widow for a number of years. I don't think either of her (2) sons ever was married. There may have been more children, I don't know.

Grandmother Halsell and our oldest brother were buried at Stonewall, Oklahoma. My oldest brother was named John Calvin after Grandfather Halsell. He died at the age of 9 or 10 years. He died of an intergestion chill.

Mother always called her parent's (Pop) and Mother. I have heard say many times that she never heard her father swear an oath in her life. She learned to cook on a open fire place, also learned to sew by hand. She could sew the neatest.....(end of copy)  

[Pauline Hall]

