Coahoma county, Mississippi
Will Records
book , p. 101

Jehoida Halsey,

I Jehoida Halsey considering the uncertainty of life and being of sound mind and memory do make and publish this my last will and testament in manner following.

First, I give and bequeath to J C Halsey, Jun., son of John C. Halsey, snr., the following lots ..the fractional part of the northwest quarter three con. 4 1/2 acres.. also that part of the east half of the South West quarter of fractional three all lying west of Bland Bayou containing twenty six acres.. also the North West quarter of the North East quarter of section ten containing 10 acres.. also the South East quarter of the North East quarter of section ten containing 40 acres..also 4 acres in the South West quarter of the North East quarter lying east of Bland Bayou.. also _____ of cattle color brown names Jo and John and ten choice cattle and $356.00 in money.

I bequeath to Elizabeth Bullock daughter of John C Halsey $350.00 in money.

I give to Martha J Johnson daughter of J C Halsey $350.00 in money.

I give to Eudora Cochran and Andrew J Cochran heirs of James & Elizabeth Cochran $350.00 each in money.

I give to Jacob Grant son of Joseph and Ann Grant $350.00 in money.

I give to Polly sister to Jacob and daughter of Joseph & Ann Grant $350.00 in money.

I bequeath to Andew J Halsey jun.--son of A J Halsey snr. the following described property--All the fractinal part of section 33 lying South of Glad Lake Township 4 Range 3 East in Phillips County Arkansas and $350.00 in money in condition that the receipt for what money he has received from me left him by his father's estate real personal or mixed of which I shall die possesed or which I shall be entitled at the time of my ___ I give and desire & bequeath to be sold of public sale for cash and equally to and among the heirs herin named And lastly I here appoint Martin Perry my full executrix and administrator to pay all my just debts and the _______ of my estate and further more all moneys herein given may be paid to the persons specified before the sale And that J C Halsey Jun. may receive the portion given to Elizabeth Bullock and Martha J Johnson in trust __the parties themselves are not present that he will pay as soon as possible with the exception of Eudora and Andrew J Cochran and that he shall act as __ guardina for them In testimony whereof I ___ set my hand & test? & declare this to be my last will & testament in the presence of the witnesses named below this 11th day of January 1866. Jehoida X Halsey

Henry Wall
G W Robson
J L Davenport?
