Gregory notes

*Mary Montague's ancestor Peter Montague arrived in Jamestown, VA in 1621 aboard the ship "Charles".

Excerpt from

James Gregory married 1st Mary Montague (b. ca. 1763 in N. C.) in Granville Co., N. C. Mar. 17, 1790, surety Young Montague. She was the daughter of Latane Montague. She died Aug. 24,, 1800 in Mecklenburg Co., Va. 2nd marriage to Sarah Doggett Oct. 1, 1801 in Mecklenburg Co. James died about 1805. Court records for Oct. 1813 in Mecklenburg Co. shows that Elijah Gregory was guardian of Latney Gregory and Sarah Gregory. Daniel S. Gregory was guardian of Andrew and Polly Gregory orphans of James Gregory deceased. Children by Mary Montague:
