Eldridge family
Tax Roll & Deeds Records

(Last updated 15 May 2024)

Tax Rolls:

Virginia, Lee County, Personal property:
YearBook DateTax payer white males
above 16
above 12
above 16
Horses, mares
colts, mules
stud horses,
jack asses
S cts $ cts
1830 A  Moses Eldridge 1 - - - - - - - 00
1830 A  William Eldridge 1 - - 1 - - - - 08
1830 A  Patrick Napper                
1830 BFeb 10James Eldridge Sr                  
1830 BFeb 10James Eldridge Jr                  
1830 BFeb 10Jesse Eldridge                  
1830 BFeb 12John Eldridge                  
1830 BFeb 23Hiram Ely                  
1830 BFeb 1 James Maning                  
1830 B Feb 1 Andrew Maning
1830 BFeb 1 John Maning                  
1830 BFeb 5 William Manning                  

Kentucky, Knox County, Real estate:
YearBook DateTax payer 1st 2nd 3rd   Water
1815    Tobias Harp                  
1815    Andrew Lee - - - - -        
1815    James Lee - - - - -        
1815    William Manon                 No Eldridge
1815    William Mullins                  
1818    James Eldridge - - - - -       In 1821 James and John Eldridge are listed in
Harlan County, KY after it's formation from Knox.
1818    James Lee     40a Knox Poplar        
1818    Edmund Napier     130a Knox         No Mannon
1820    Tobias Harp                  
1820    James Lee     50a Knox Poplar       No Eldridge, Mannon
1825 James Lee                 No Eldridge, Mannon
1830    Tobias Harp                  
1830    James Lee     90a Knox Poplar Cr.        
1830    William Mullins     100a   Lynn Camp       No Eldridge, Mannon
1835    James Lee Sr     90a Knox Poplar Cr.        
1835    James Lee Sr     100a Whitley Poplar Cr.        
1835    William Mullins     250a            
1835    Joshua Mullins                 No Eldridge, Mannon

Kentucky, Harlan County, Real estate:  
[formed from Knox County in 1819]
YearBook DateTax payer 1st
County in
which land
In whose
One white
male above
1820    John & Phillip Daniel                          
1820    Andrew & Stephen Lee                          
1820    Andrew Mannen             1 - - 1      
1820     James Napier     150 Harlan Cumberland R. J. Hernsey 1 - - 2      
1820     Patrick Napier     60 Harlan Cumberland R. J. Guss - - - -      
1820     Edmund Napier     50 Harlan Poor Fork E. Napier 1 - - 3      
1820     Ephraim Osburn   35   Harlan Cumberland R. A Craig - - - 1      
1820     James Polly                          
1820     Anthony Ely     55 Harlan Martin's Fork W. Hudson              
1820     David Fee     - - - -              
      [1820 No Eldridge]                          
1821     William Ely                          
1821     Anthony Ely     55 Harlan Martin's Fork W. Hudson              
1821     John Eldridge     - - - - 1 - - -     Probably in area taken from Knox.
1821     James Eldridge     - - - - 1 - - 1     Probably in area taken from Knox.
1822     John Daniel     50 Harlan Martin's Fork W. Huston 1 - - 3      
1822     Samuel Eldridge             1 - - -      
1822     William Ely             - - - -      
1822     Anthony Ely     150 Harlan Martin's Fork W. Huston 1 - - 1      
1823     [1823 No Eldridge]                         May be in Lee, VA.
1824     [1824 No Eldridge]                         May be in Lee, VA.
1825 Pierce Daniel     - - -                
1825    John Daniel     50a Harlan Martin's Fork                
1825    Andrew Lee     50a Harlan Martin's Fork                
1825    Andrew Lee     100a Harlan Martin's Fork Seminary              
1825    Stephen Lee     - - -                
1825    David Lee                          
1825    Joshua Mullins     100a Harlan Poor Fork                
1825    Andrew Mannon   100a   Harlan Yellow Creek W. Evans              
1825    Andrew Mannon     75a Harlan Yellow Creek A. Ernig              
1825    Andrew Mannon     50a Harlan Yellow Creek A. Mannon              
1825    Samuel Mannon     - - -                
1825    Edmund Napier   956a   Harlan Poor Fork                
1831    John Daniel Jr                          
1831    John Daniel                          
1831    Stephen Daniel                          
1831    William Lee                          
1831    Stephen Lee                          
1831    Andrew Lee                          
1831    David Lee                          
1831    Joshua Mullins Sr & Jr                          
     Edmund & Patrick Napier                          
1835    No Mannon                          


Virginia, Lee County - General Index to Deeds, 1793-1844
23 Jan 1819 - John Eldridge to Jacob Smith, Book 3, p. 395
1 Dec 1831 - William Eldridge from Edward Pennington, Book 6, p. 373
20 Sep 1832 - William Eldridge from Edward Pennington, Book 6, p. 374
15 Feb 1836 - William Eldridge to Levi Pennington, Book 7, p. 159

Virginia, Lee County - General Index to Deeds, 1844-1886
3 July 1872 - James Eldridge, et al to C. B. Gracy, Book 16, p. 504

Kentucky, Harlan County - General Index A-C 1820-1935 and General Index D-J 1820-1935
29 July 1822 - William Ely to Anthony Ely, 50a, Martin's Fork, Book A, p. 39
19 Nov 1822 - George Brittain & Nancy wife (of Harlan, KY) to David Chadwell (of Claiborne, TN), part of lands divided between heirs of Benjamin Posey, 14a, Book A, p. 41-42.
14 June 1828 - Edward Napier to Joseph Morgan, 650a, South of Cumberland River, Book A, p. 243.
19 June 1828 - Carr Brittain to Stephen Daniel, 50a, Martin's Fork, Book A, p. 249 "Beginning on a conditional line made by John Daniel and William Ely."
27 Oct 1828 - Samuel Collet to Rainey Napier, 50a, Book A, p. 251  "Beginning on a conditional line between John Hoskins and Samuel Collet."
1833, John Pace & wife to Stephen Daniel, 50a, Martin's Fork, Book A, p. 395

Deed Records

Virginia, Lee County - Deed Book 3, 1813-1820, p. 395-396

This Indenture made this 23rd Day of January in the year of our Lord 1819 between James Eldredge of the County of Knox and State of Kentucky of the one part and Jacob Smith of the County of Lee and State of Virginia of the other part.

Witnesseth that the said James Eldrage for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred Dollars Current Money of Virginia to him in hand paid the Receipt whereof he doth hereby Acknowledge hath granted bargained sold and delivered unto the said Jacob Smith his Heirs and assigns one certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the said County of on the waters of four mile Creek containing thirty five Acres Beginning at a White oak and Spanish oak thence South 33 ½ West 44 poles passing through the center of a spring to a Stake thence South 8 East 50 poles to a Black Walnut thence South 78 West 128 poles to a Sourwood and black oak on the third line of the said tract thence with the said line 20 poles to a post Oak and Dogwood on the State line thence along said line north 86 East 130 poles to a White oak thence North East 116 poles to a white Walnut North 81 East 18 poles to the Beginning Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the said Jacob Smith his heirs and assigns To have and to hold the said thirty five acres of Land with its appertenances to the sole use and behalf of him the said Jacob Smith his Heirs and assigns forever and the said James Eldridge for himself and his Heirs doth covenant and agree with the said Jacob Smith and his Heirs that he the said James Eldridge and his Heirs the said thirty five acres with all the appertenances thereunto belonging unto the said Jacob Smith his heirs and assigns will warrant and forever Defend against the right and claim of all persons whatever . In Witness whereof the said James Eldrage hath hereunto Subscribed his name and affixed his Seal the day and year above written -

James X Eldrige {seal}

Lee County to Wit mark We Joshua Ewing and Samuel Ewing Magistrates of the said County do hereby certify that James Eldrage partise to this Conveyance hath acknowledged the same before us on the 23th Day of January in the year 1819 and Directed us to Certify the Said acknowledgment to the Clerk's of the County Court of Lee in said conveyance may be recorded. As Witness our hands and seal Joshua Ewing {seal} Saml Ewing {seal}


Pioneers of Clay County (Source) Taken from the book: "Pioneer Families of Eastern and Southeastern Kentucky" by William C. Kozee. The first settler of Caly County, or the first white man of whom there is any known record to have entered within the boundary of the present Clay County, was James Collins, who, in 1798 built his cabin on the headwaters of Collins Fork. In 1800, at a salt spring which he had discovered while following a buffalo trail some months previously, he made the first salt made in the County.

1810 tax payers:

Eldridge, James
Eldridge, John
Eldridge, Rachel
Fuget, Ben
Fuget, Jonathan
Fuget, Martin
Fuget, Zachariah
Haddox, Colby
Haddox, Samuel (8 slaves)
Haddox, William
M'Intosh, Peter
M'Intosh, Nimrod
M'Intosh, William

Knox, Bell, Harlan, Claiborne and Lee counties.
