[From Christine Gee]

Descendants of Catherine Daniel

Daughter of John Daniel, Sr. and His Wife Sarah Wright

Catherine Daniel was probably the oldest of the chilren of John Danie1 and Sarah Wright. She was born about 1764 as the 1850 Cencus of Laurens County gives her age as 86. We assume that she was born in Essex County, Va. before her parents moved to Bedford County Va. She may have been born in Caroline County Va. as her father is referred to in the settlement of his father's estate in 1764 Essex County Bk. 29 p.347 as of Caroline County. John Daniel, her father, was selling his lands in Essex County Feb.13, 1768 (Essex County Deed Bk. 30, p.169) after which the family moved to Bedford County.

She married William South in Bedford County Va. in 1785. Henshaw's Ency. of American Quaker Genealogy gives the marriage as Oct. 8, 1785, minister James Mitchell, Father John Daniel as security. Earle Dennis' Marriage Bonds of Bedford County gives the marriage date as Oct. 13, 1785.

William South with his wife "Katy" as she seems to have been called, and several young children came to S. C. and settled on or near Walnut Creek in Laurens County from Bedford County Va. 1789. We find him in Bedford. County in the years prior to 1785 as a young unmarried man with Joseph and Daniel South. These two, Joseph and William, came to Laurens County about the same time. It is possible that William was the son of Daniel as Daniel was more closely associated with William than was Joseph. Your compiler believes that William was the son of Zedekiah South of Berkeley County Va. (now W. Va.) and his wife Nancy as William had a son Zedekish and a daughter Nancy. Daniel was probably an older brother or an uncle. There is nc indication that Daniel was married. Your compiler believes that they all came from around Hagerstown, Md. William was born probably between 1760-65.

William South and wife Catherine Daniel South came to South Carolina at the same time that her father was moving to South Carolina. His father, Zedekiah South's family was settling in Kentucky where his wife's father had gone, about this same time.

William South acquired by various purchases six or seven hundred acres of land. (Laurens Co. Deed Bk. L.pp 56, 184 and Bk. N p. 168) He owned about 10 slaves which was a good deal more than average for the up-country planter. He lived on Walnut Creek near where Poplar Spring Church was later built. He may have been a Quaker since he was listed in Henshaw's Ency. of Quaker Genealogy, but it is conceded that all listed therein are not Quakers. He is listed in the 1790 Census as the head of a household. It would appear that Daniel South formerly of Bedford County might have been living with him as there is another adult man in his household and Daniel is not listed as the head of a household.

William South's will dated Sept. 2, 1842, proved Aug. 5, 1844 leaves 100 A. to wife Caty, "the dwelling house where we now live, all buildings; the lines to be laid out according to her desire; my negro man Willis, my negro woman named Sarina, horse, bridle, and as many horned cattle and hogs as she wishes; all the corn, wheat, meat, and other provisions as she may need. At my wife's death this portion of my estate to be equally divided among my children, except Nancy Hall, she being otherwise separately provided for." Directs executors to raise $500 out of his estate the interest to be paid to daughter Nancy Hall. "At death of Nancy Int. on $250 of this amount to be paid to William Hall, Jr. until he is 21 and then given to him outright. The int. on the other $250 to be paid to Patsy Robertson (Nancy's daughter). If her husband dies first the total amount to be given Patsy.

"The residue of my estate real and personal I wish to be sold and equally divided amoust my children Viz, Daniel South, Rachel Clardy, William South, John South, Gabriel South, Hanner Norword [Hannah Norred], Sarah Hall, James South; and whereas my son Zedekiah South have departed this life and have left a widow and children I wish that equal part of what would have gone to my son Zedekiah, if alive, to go to his widow, Ruth South, and her children and to be equally divided amongst them all. Executors, son Gabriel South and son-in-law, Jesse E. Clardy. Dated Sept. 2, 1842. Signed William South. Proved Aug. 5, 1844. Filed in "Will Bk. A p.38 Laurens, S.C.

We do not know the exact date of Catherine Daniel South's death, but the sale of property left to her by William South was held on Oct. 6, 1857. Although no tombstone is in existence to mark her grave we presume that she was buried in nearby Poplar Spring Churchyard. William and Catherine South were not Baptist and this is a Baptist Church. It was almost in sight of their home. We find the following in the minutes of the church:

Dec. 20, 1851. "Agreed to adopt and accept the following by-laws and regulations: - First, be it ordained by the male members composing this church that if it is the desire of Mr. Francis Beeks, old widow Catherine South, widow Anne Mitchell, widow Matilda Andrews; and widow Rutha South to be interred among their friends in the grave yard east of the meeting house that leave is hereby granted to be inter them among their friends and connections in the graveyard on the east end of said meeting house. Second, be it ordained that if any person besides those persons named in the above or first ordnance shall desire to be interred on any of the land now belonging to the said Poplar Spring Church, they shall only be interred at the back end of the grave yard east of said meeting house in the square or piece of ground now marked off with rock corners by the Trustees of this church, down to the back or east line of the land now belonging to said Poplar Spring Church."

Children of Catherine Daniel South
and her husband, William South

NOTE: Christine Gee interpreted the receipts in the probate file incorrectly.  Where she saw Patsy Robertson and Martha Robertson she didn't realize (or didn't consider) that these were one in the same person.  Patsy is the common diminutive name for Martha.  Consequently, she created an extra generation that doesn't exist.  Martha "Patsy" Hall (daughter of Nancy South) was born about 1817 and married David Roberson.  They moved to Bartow (formerly Cass) County, Georgia about 1845-46 and can be found on the 1850 census there and also William James Hall Jr (1834-1919) who was living with the McDow family.  David & Martha "Patsy" Roberson were responsible for the $250 payment from William South's estate to William James Hall in 1855 after he reached 21 years old. 

The parents of William South and Catherine Daniel have not been verified and could be erroneous as well.
