[M234, roll 226, frames 12-15, difficult to read.]

Part 1 (Introduction) ... Part 2 (Deceased soldiers & heirs) ... Part 3 (Payments due)
Another list

Heirs of Creek Officers and Soldiers who died in the Seminole War, 1836-37.

" We the subscribers, heirs of deceased Officers and privates of the Regiment of Creek Volunteers in service in Florida do hereby acknowledge to have received of our Attorney William Armstrong, Acting Supt. of Western Territory the sums annexed to our names, respectively being in full of the pay and allowances due the deceased respectively. "

Tal mar se Harjo's Co.
(Co. C)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
1 Sergt. Efe Yohola 147.11 Sim Hoie
priv. Micco Harjo 79.35 Jinny
priv. Sam Ma nack 13.54 Ho gar ne ga
priv. Spoak oak Yoholo 5-.04 So phia
priv. Micco Hob ber 41.17 Hillabee Harjo

Echo Harjo's Co.
(Co. D)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
2 Lt. Echo Fixico 202.12 Cinda
2 Lt. Fushatchee Harjo 3-4.49 Ceazer?
1 Sergt. Spoak oak Harjo 112.25 Li hi kee
priv. Osooch Fixico 50.10 N- war ne ga
priv. Cowach Bega 59.78 Lucy
priv. Pin gulla 72.01 So wi hica
priv. Jimma Noker 81.55 Cotchy Yohola
priv. Jin mun ar deca 96.99 Coo si Yohola
priv. Sar ful eachee 80.79 Sim me har ke??
priv. Coo sar Harjo 39.67 Baby
priv. Yar duck ar 37.16 Os Hoie?
priv. Cle sar way 45.29 Sim me de Holie
priv. Charley 42.96 Gipsey
priv. How wo lecha 48.60 Sam/Saw marhee??

Coachus Micco's Co.
(Co. E)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
Capt. Coachus Micco  552.95 Nul Cuff- Pich--
1 Lt. Osiar Harjo 360.22 mus si i ga
priv. Lotti Fixico 50.68 Yoth lar
priv. Micco Harjo 62.10 Arslar??
priv. Yarhar Harjo 96.39 Stud de??
priv. No cos Fixico 39.67 Jackey
priv. Cocher Hobiethle 40.83 Milly
priv. Fushatchee Fixico 48.20 Walla??

Chocottee Fixico's Co.
(Co. F)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
1 Lt. Efar Tustunuggee 438.33 Jotar jock Hoga??
Corp. Ne hi Emathla 75.09 Pochis Harjo
Corp. Co woc co chee? Micco 56.25 Sto carke
priv. Coegus Harjo 63.87 Jotar jock Hoga??
priv. Fosachee Yohola 92.52 Che waste O Gillisar
priv. Each chos Fixico 98.40 Cho quarte Fixico
priv. Fushacher Micco 189.35 Sim me Heaches
priv. Ne ah locco che 95.99 Ho ar ne char
priv. John 45.54 Nancy
priv. No co sicker 36.19 Stim se Hokee

Isfarne Yoholo's Co.
(Co. G)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
1 Lt. Thlathlo Yohola 418.79 ------ Harjo
priv. Jar deckar Harjo 91.64 Hillabee Fixico
priv. Fit lar deg  Harjo 96.69 Co wock co ga Emarthla
priv. Conne gar 43.93 Chi co nar
priv. Nar way 36.76 Yohola Micco
priv. Ne ar matta Micco 36.18 Cuseater Fixico
priv. Tallo war Micco 37.74 Kit liga
priv. Tustannuggee 48.80 Chu E Yohola

Thlathlo Harjo's Co.
(Co. H)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
Sergt. Fushatche Emarthla 75.88 Tallib Yohola
Sergt. Hos po dok Harjo 150.67 Mar -up Harjo
priv. Ne ar gis emarthla 57.65 Nar ge kar
priv. Spoak oak near Locco 84.39 Far gi har??
priv. Nar boash? Fixico 92.61? Tal lib Yohola??
priv. Fushatchee Yohola?? 77.?? --- --- Harjo
priv. Littif Fixico 6?.?? --- mul? ga
priv. U fa la Fixico 71.20 No co seckar? Harjo
priv. Mickee emarthla 61.33 Car Lotte
priv. Chewaste Harjo 41.60 Mo tar ne

Thlathlo Fixico's Co.
(Co. L)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
Capt. Thlathlo Fixico 521.90 Is te o sarke
Sergt. Hotulgee emarthla 99.60 Ye ho gi che
Sergt. Cochee Harjo 73.16 Yar Har Thlock
priv. Corser Boyer 51.89 Tuckabatchee Harjo
priv. Tockosee Harjo 73.73 Che wasti E
priv. No co see Yohola 96.59 Is lee char
priv. Chocktus kee 85.05 To gee
priv. O tis Harjo 42.77 Vicey
priv. No cos Harjo 39.67 Co --- Harjo

Tustanuck Harjo's Co.
(Co. M)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
priv. Yofker emathla 96.94 So pin nar??
priv. Lock per tugee 55.99 Wox o chee
priv. Fus Harjo 90.98 Hotulga

Jno. Opommy's Co.
(Co. N)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
2 Lt. Primus Opommy 264.36 Polly Opommy

Paddy Carr's Co.
(Co. O)

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
2 Lt. Mitchell Carnard 483.36 Liza Canard
priv. Yow bar Howithle 83.04 Pockarcha
priv. Bull Ler 87.12 E mill ea

Isfarne Yohola's Co.

Rank Names of Warriors Amount
due each
Names of Heirs
priv. Ne co silla Fixico 45.87 Those two names was left out of Clewalla
priv. Tallissee Yohola 50.40
  Total Amount $8049.54

" Name of warriors not embraced in Settlement of July 1839. "

Thlathlo Harjo's Co.
(Co. B?)

Coegus Harjo
Mar dareva? Harjo
Arlock I Yohola
Paid if full previously
Not found on the roll

Tin Thlannis Harjo's Co.
(Co. A)

Chu le Harjo
Emarthle Chie
Te wi esar
No such Roll on file

Yohola Chopco's Co.
(Co. I)

Ta fo Fixico
Joseph Cook
Johnny Chopco
Sim Egar
Tus E Kiar Holatta
Thlar hee
Mar Ho colar
No such Roll on file

Nar Boash Fixico's Co.
(Co. K)

Cho chart In ne har
Yar holo gee
Woxie emarthla
Tal enos Harjo
Con Chart Fixico
Ochee Yohola
Coo si Yohola
Fixico Harjo
Powers Harjo
Fo co lo dic
Tallissee Harjo
Lotti Yohola
Co chus Harjo
Ar bick I Yohola

No such Roll on file

Oson HarjoPaddy Carr's Co. Not found on the Roll
Cotchy YoholaIs far ne Yohola Co. Paid in full
Chock o le degaEcho Harjo's Co. Paid in full
Micco cho che co myCoachus Micco's Co. Not found on the Roll
Cho cot ker emarthlaTustanuck Harjo Co. Not found on the Roll
Simmalon E
Hecho IllyThluthlo Fixico Co. Not found on the Roll
Tarcosee emarthlogee