Creek Nation Census Rolls

The following is a list of the available Creek Nation census rolls. Many of the rolls were prepared in order to facilitate and record various payments to the Creek Nation and it's citizens from the Federal government by treaty.   A complete list of Indian census and enrollment records on microfilm.   A list of manuscript Creek Indian annuity rolls in the National Archives, Washington D.C.

1832 Creek Census
(Parsons and Abbott)

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. 
A manuscript copy is reproduced on microfilm T275, roll 1. Transcription here.

1843 Creek Nation Census

There was a Creek Nation census taken in 1843. The census appears to have been taken house to house and recorded the number of males and females in age groups. The original records are presumably in the National Archives in Washington, D. C. and have not been microfilmed.   For more information see these letters.

1857 Old Settlers Roll

A census roll of "citizens who emigrated to the country west of the Mississippi prior to 1833 who are eligible for funds under treaty of Aug. 7, 1856."   For more info about these 1857 census rolls see this letter.
25 pages total, arranged by tribal town and family groups.
The roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on Dec. 30, 1857.
A manuscript copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 1.   Transcription here.

1857 Creek Pay Roll
(volume 1, lower towns)

A receipt roll for a per capita payment of $20.10 made under Article 6 of Treaty of Aug. 7, 1856. This pay roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on Aug. 10, 1857 and by Elias Rector (Superintendent for Southern Superintendency) on Aug. 29, 1857.  
A negative photostatic copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 2.

Towns Pages  
Coweta 1-24
Es El La Na Bee28-35
Broken Arrow35-50
Oak Choy58-62
Che Yar Har62-68
Big Springs76-85
Hutche Chubbe85-87
So Woc Lo89-92
Tulway Thlocco93
Pi An Ke Shaw94
Cha Key Thlocco    95-97
Sand 98
Os We Che 102
Lo Cho Po Kah107-114
Oke Te Yakney115-117
Wok Ko Koy120-123
Oh Kan Wikey124-126
Ho Tulle Ho Yanar131-133
Tal Sa Hatchee161-163
Towns of Creeks in
Cherokee Nation

1857 Creek Pay Roll
(volume 2, upper towns)

A receipt roll for a per capita payment of $20.10 made under Article 6 of the Treaty of Aug. 7, 1856. This pay roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on Aug. 10, 1857 and by Elias Rector (Superintendent for Southern Superintendency) on Aug. 29, 1857.  
A negative photostatic copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 3.

   Towns    Pages
Tuckabatchee 1-18
Kialiche 19-28
Upper Eufala 29-35
Thlewarle 36-41
Hillibee 42-46
Ar Pih Cah 46-53
Thlop Thlocco 54-61
Fish Pond 62-69
Puccon Tallarharse     70-74
Weogufkee 75-79
Lokopotoy 80-83
Hickory Ground 84-88
O So Che 89
  Towns    Pages
Tallassee 90-101
Took Pofka 102-105
Wewokah 106-110
Shawnee 111-115
Artussee 116-122
Tulmochussie 123-126
Char Too Sofkar 127-141
Arpihcoche 142-147
Oakchoyoche 148-152
New Yarkar 153-159
Hillabee 159-164
Tuskegee 165-168
Tal War Thlocco     169-170

1858 Old Settlers Pay Roll

A receipt roll for per capita payments to persons listed in the 1857 "Old Settlers" roll.  This pay roll was certified [by the chief of the Creek Nation] Nov. 11-12, 1858. Each person received $85.40.
This pay roll is arranged by tribal town and then family groups, 32 pages total.  [This can be found on Ancestry starting at frame 430.  Subscription is required]
A typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 4.

1859 Creek Pay Roll

A receipt roll for per capita payments authorized under the Article 6 of the Treaty of Aug. 7, 1856 and by an act of Congress of March 3, 1859.  This pay roll was certified [by the chiefs of the Creek Nation] Aug. 8, 1859. Each person received $16.65.
A typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-23, roll 1, item 5 and 7RA-23, roll 2, item 1.

Big Spring2
Upper Eufala29-35
Tulwell Thlocco59
Fish Pond108
Thlob Thlocco120-136
New Yarker136
Char Too Sofkar     127-141
Pekon Talasse146-152
Hickory Ground153
Oak Char Gee157
Upper Eufala178
Kia Li Ge188
Chanee Creeks212
Toak Parfker219
Arpicca 232
Oak Chay Quassarty249
Tuskegee (Ark)250
Broken Arrow280
Cusseta 295
Hatche chup per336-338
Lower Eufala338
Sand Town397
Tuckabatchee, Ark dist.    403
Emarhe talledega429
Wok ko kar ye443
Tuskegee (Canadian)460

1860 Arkansas Census, Indian Lands West of Arkansas

This Federal census recorded white persons and "free" Negroes living in the "Indian lands west of Arkansas" encompassing the Creek, Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Seminole Nations.   Persons who were deemed "Indian" were excluded presumably because they were not considered U. S. "citizens".   Some of the persons listed as Black (B) or Mulatto (M) are actually mixed Indians. The names of the Indian slave owners were recorded in the accompanying slave schedules.
This census is reproduced on microfilm M653, roll 52 at the end of the roll.   Transcription of the Creek Nation portion.

1867 Dunn Roll of Citizens and Freedman
(item 1, see item 4 instead)

Arranged by tribal town and thereunder by family groups.
A receipt roll for a per capita payment of $17.34 made under Article 3 of a Treaty of June 14, 1866. This pay roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on March 13, 1867.
This census roll is repeated as item 4. Item 1 is a very poor filming of the roll. The copy, item 4 is a much better filming.
A manuscript copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-44, roll 1.

(item 2)

A typed index to Creek Freedman
Indexed by LAST name and lists Dunn roll number and district (town).
See item 5.

(item 3)

A manuscript Creek Freedman roll.
Arranged by Dunn roll number and lists Dunn roll number, family members, and amount paid.
Only lists persons in North Fork, Arkansas, and Canadian towns.
"We the undersigned Freedman of the Creek Tribe of Indians do hereby acknowledge to have received ...the sum of $17.00 each, being the amount to which we were entitled in a per capita payment mad to the Creeks March 14, 1867, in which payment we were refused any share for the reason that we are of African Descent...19th day of June 1869."

(item 4)

A manuscript Creek Citizens Payroll. This is the same exact roll as item 1 but is a much better filming.
Arranged by tribal town and family groups.
Each person received a per capita payment of $17.34 under Article 3 of a treaty of June 14, 1866. The roll was certified by the chiefs of the Creek Nation on March 13, 1867.  Towns listed below in the order on film.

Cowetah  1
Ah bik cah30
Cheyarhar 44
Ki a li jas45
Big Spring52
Thlop thlocko55
Canadian Ufallar62
Wea woh gofe kee68
Tuskegah Canadian    71
Tuskegah Arkansas75
Tallah see75
Tulse Canadian81
Pecon Tallahasee  97
Broken Arrow  99
Deep Fork Ufallar    103
Kowar Sartee105
New York108
Hickory Ground117
Hutch Chupco127
Lochar pokar128
Fish Pond132
Tulwer thlocco136
Tulwa Chusse137
Top pah quah146

(item 5)

A typed index to Creek Freedman.
Indexed by FIRST name and lists Dunn roll number.

(item 6)

A typed Creek Freedman Payroll.
Arranged by districts (North Fork, Arkansas, and Canadian).
Lists Dunn roll number, family group number, family members. It is annotated with notes made by the Dawes Commission listing the Creek Freedman enrollment card "Field" number.
"We certify that we were present and witnessed the forgoing payment...19th day of June 1869."
Transcription Here

1882 Creek Census

A census of Creek Indians taken in April 1882. Listed are names and ages.
A typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-43, item 1Transcription Here

Arbeka (Deep Fork)12
Big Spring23
Broken Arrow29
Candian (Colored)38
Eufala Canadian121
Eufala Deep Fork129
Fish Pond135
Green Leaf140
Towns Page
Hickory Ground145
Kitch chakartarkie262
North Fork (Colored)192
New Yorker  216
Ochiye 226
Okfuskey 233
Upper Okfuskey 239
Osochee 242
Pukon Tallahassee 245
Quarsarty No. 1 249
Quarsarty No. 2 252
Towns Page
Thlewathle 255
Thlopthlocco 263
Tokpofka 275
Tuckabachee 279
Talateke (Tuladegee) 299
Tullahassee 306
Tulmochusee 308
Tulwathlocco 312
Tuskegee (Arkansas?)     320
Tuskegee (Canadian) 329
Weogufke 336
Wewoka 343
Woccokiye    347

The Arkansas (colored), Euchee, and Hillibee towns are not in census.

1890 Creek Census

A census arranged by tribal town and family groups.
Each person received a per capita payment of $15.00 or $20.00.
A copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-12, roll 1, item 1.

1890 Creek Pay Roll

A census arranged by tribal town and family groups.
Each person received a per capita payment of $29.00.
A copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-46.

1890 Authenticated Tribal Roll

A census arranged by tribal town and family groups.
The page number is the same as used on the person's Dawes Enrollment card.
The number next to each person's name is their Dawes Enrollment application number (the original applications are lost).
A typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-41, item 1.

1890 Authenticated Tribal Roll

A census arranged by tribal town and family groups.
The number next to each person's name is their Dawes enrollment card's "field" number (not "card" number).
A typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-41, item 2 Transcription here

Arbeka (Deep Fork)    9
Hutche Chuppe18
Big Spring44
Hillabe Canadian46
Candian (colored)58
Eufala Deep Fork91
Eufala Candian94
Fish Pond107
Green Leaf110
Hickory Ground122
Little River Tulsa  138
Lochapoka  144
Nuyaka  148
North Fork (colored)     153
Okfuskee  165
Osoche  167
Weogufke 169
Okfuskee Candian  177
Towns: Page
Pakkon Talahassee  179
Quassarte  182
Quassarte #2  184
Tulwa Thlocco  186
Tulladegee  190
Thlopthlocco  193
Thlewathle  199
Tulsa Canadian  202
Tokpofka  204
Tulmochussee  206
Tullahassochee  208
Tuskegee  209
Wewoka  216
Wakokiye  218
Broken Arrow  220
Tuckabatchee  227

1895 Creek Census

A census taken May-June 1895.
Arranged by tribal town and family groups. There are columns for the age and sex of the person but they are left blank.
The number next to each person's name is their Dawes Enrollment card's "field" number (not "card" number).
A negative copy of the manuscript is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-12, roll 1, item 2.

Towns: Alabama, Arbeka, Arbeka (Deep Fork), Arkansas (Col.), Artusse, Big Spring, Canadian (Col.), Concharty, Coweta, Cussehta, Euchee, Euchee (2nd), Eufaula (Canadian), Eufaula (Deep Fork), Fish Pond, Greenleaf, Hickory Ground, Hillabee Canadian, Hitchite, Hutchechuppa, Kialigee, Lochapoka, North Fork (Col.), Okchiye, Okfuskee (Deep Fork), Okfusky (Canadian), Osoche, Pukkon Tallehassee, Quassarty, Quassarty No. 2, Thlewarthle, Thlopthlocco, Tokpofke, Tuckabatchee, Tullahassoche, Tulmochussee, Tulsa Canadian, Tulwathlocco, Tuskegee, Weogufkee, Wewoka, Doubtful Roll.

1895 Creek Pay Roll

A pay roll paid out in October 1895, each person received $14.40.
This pay roll was recorded on forms with the columns: "last number, present number, name, per capita, amount paid, signature & marks, signature of witness, and date of receipt".
The number to the right of the name is the person's Dawes Enrollment card's "field" number.
The number in the "per capita" column is the number of the "Old Series" card made in 1898. For more information about the "Old Series" cards see the BIA Inventory (RG75) and scroll down to entry 124.
This pay roll is arranged by tribal town and family groups.

Towns Alabama to Kialigee are reproduced on microfilm 7RA-12, roll 1, item 3.
Towns Lochapoker to Wewoka are reproduced on microfilm 7RA-12, roll 2, item 1.

1895 Creek Pay Roll

This pay roll is arranged by tribal town and family groups.
The number next to the name refers to the Dawes Creek enrollment card "Field" number.
A copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-45.

1895 Omitted and Supplemental Rolls

1896 Colbert Census

Arranged by tribal town and family groups.
A negative typed copy is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-12, roll 2, item 6.

Towns: Arbeka (North Fork), Arbekochee, Arkansas (Col.), Artussee, Big Spring, Canadian (Col.), Concharty, Cussehta, Euchee, Eufaula (Canadian), Eufaula (Deep Fork), Fish Pond, Green Leaf, Tuskegee, Hickory Ground, Kialigee, Little River Tulsa, Nuyaka, Okchiye, Okfuskee (Deep Fork), Osoche, Pukkon Tallahasse, Quassarty No. 1, Quassarty No. 2, Tallahassochee, Thlopthlocco, Thlewathle, Thlopthlocco (undated), Tokpofka, Tuckabache, Tulladegee, Tuskegee, Weogufke, Wewoka.