1882 Creek (Muskogee) Nation Census

(Census last updated Jan. 14, 2003)

This is transcription of a Creek (Muskogee) Nation census taken in April 1882 and arranged by tribal town and thereunder by family groups.   Listed are the person's names, ages, and the name or initials of the person probably involved with paying the family a stipend, usually a town chief.  Persons are usually listed in the same tribal town as their mother because town and clan affiliations follow the maternal line.

A typed and faded transcription of the 1882 Creek (Muskogee) Nation census is reproduced on microfilm 7RA-43.   The pages of this typed version are numbered consecutively from 1 to 349.  These numbers are listed on the new transcription as [frame] numbers to avoid confusion from the original page numbers.          

The original manuscript records in the SW National Archives are much more legible and unfortunately have not been microfilmed.  In the original manuscript census some towns do not have their pages numbered so it can not be determined the correct order of pages.   The census pages for Arkansas (Colored), Euchee, and Hillibee towns are not among the original census records and are presumably missing or were never taken for those towns, however, there are references to persons being "paid in Arkansas (colored) town".   There are about 385 original manuscript pages.     Sample image.

Towns: Film
No of
Alabama 1 9
Arbeka 8 5
(Eufaula district or Deep Fork)
12 7
Artussee 18 7
Big Spring 23 7
Broken Arrow 29 9
Canadian (Colored) [1] [2] 38 37
Cheyarher 71 5
Concharty 76 6
Coweta 81 20
Cussehta (and alternate) 99 20
Eufaula Canadian 121 8
Eufaula Deep Fork 129 6
Fish Pond 135 6
Green Leaf 140 5
Hickory Ground 145 10
Hitchetee 154 12
Hutchechuppa 166 6
Kailigee 172 12/20
Kitch chakartarkie 262 1
Locupoka (Lochapoka) 184 8
North Fork (Colored) 192 25
Towns: Film
No of
New Yorker (Nuyaka) 216 12
Ochiye 226 7
Okfuskey (Akfoske) 233 7
Upper Okfuskey 239 3
Osochee 242 3
Pukon Tallahassee 245 4
Quarsarty No. 1 249 3
Quarsarty No. 2 252 5
Thlewathle 255 8
Thlopthlocco 263 12
Tokpofka 275 4
Tuckabachee 279 22
Tulateke (Tuladegee) 299 7
Tullahassee 306 3
Tulmochusee 308 5
Tulwathlocco 312 8
Tuskegee (Arkansas?) 320 8
Tuskegee (Canadian) 329 8
Weogufke 336 7
Wewoka 343 4
Woccokiye (Wakokiye) 347 3

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