[M234, roll 290, frame 358-361]

List of Negroes who have been captured by the Troops at Fort Jupiter, E. Florida from the 22d Feb 1838 to the present date.

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NoNames AgeSex Owner's Names Remarks
90Susy?19f Nelly Factor child of Heenar?
91Nannie17f " "
92Samson14m " "
93Nelly12f " "
94Kistobo9m " "
95Jinny5f " "
96Mag2f " daug. of Rose
97Jack70m Holah too che  
98Sarah55f " wife of Jack
99Taymour?27f " child of Sarah
100Ishmael25m " "
101Pheby23f " "
102Cosar20m " "
103Peggy18f " "
104Charles34m Abram husband of Taymour?
105Hagar8f Holah too che child of Taymour
106Pussy6f " child of Taymour
107Harriet4f " child of Taymour
108Heenar?7f " child of Pheby
109Ned5m " child of Pheby
110Old John60m Micanopy  
111Flora50f " wife of Old John
112Jim25m " child of Flora
113Rose23f " child of Flora
114Milly21f " child of Flora
115William20m " child of Flora
116Hannah18f " child of Flora
117Cosar15m " child of Flora
118Eve14f " child of Flora
119Dolly12f " child of Flora
120 Sam 11 m " child of Flora
121 Phillis 10 f " child of Flora
122 Jeffrey 6 m " child of Flora
123 Miley 3 f " child of Flora
124 John 25 m Harriet Bowlegs husband of Rose
125 Betsey 6 f Micanopy child of Rose
126 John 5 m " child of Rose
127 Titus 2 m " child of Rose
128 Tom 24 m " husband of Milly
129 Ben 5 m " child of Milly
130 Judy 3 f " child of Milly
131 Sam 53 m " brother of Flora
132 Judy 22 f Free wife of Jim
133 Tony 80 m John Hopahny  
134 Jinny 56 f Charley Emathla wife of Tony
135 Katy 28 f Charley Emathla child of Jinny
136 Dinah 24 f " child of Jinny
137 Tom 6 m " child of Dinah
138 Sucy 3 f " child of Dinah
139 Thursday 28 m " son of Jinny
140 John 34 m Micco Potoke  
141 Linda 38 f Nokose Yahola wife of John
142 Dice 17 f " daug. of Linda
143 Hester 13 f " daug. of Linda
144 Nancy 11 f " daug. of Linda
145 Stepney 13 f " son of John
146 Jack 21 m Micco Potokee husband of Dice
147 Sarah 19 f " sister Jack
148 Sambo 65 m Hallek Hajo  
149 July 38 m Chittis Yahola  
150 Hector 53 m Hallek Hajo  
151 infant child 10 days f Micanopy daug. of Scipio & Bess, No's 37& 38

Slaves of Citizens of Florida

NoNames AgeSex Owner's Names Remarks
1 Bob 30 m Wm. Depeyster? Returned to owner
2 Moses 70 m Col. R--- lame - at Fort Jupiter
3 Dick 2- m Mr. Woodruff at Fort Jupiter
4 Jaba? 26 m Col. McIntosh at Fort Jupiter
5 Jake 18? m Mr. Woodruff at Fort Jupiter
6 Patience 30 f Wm. Depeyster? Returned to owner
7 Rhina 5 f Wm. Depeyster? daug. of Patience - do
8 Cuffy 2 m Wm. Depeyster? son of Patience - do
9 Nancy 24 f Wm. Depeyster? daug. of Patience - do
10 Emmeline 7 f Wm. Depeyster? daug. of Nancy - do
11 Pompey 13 m Mr. Forrester sent to Tampa Bay
12 Thomas 10 m Mr. J. Woodruff sent to Tampa Bay
13 Sue 8 f Mr. Forrester sent to Tampa Bay
14 Peggy 12 m Maxey Dill sent to Tampa Bay

Indian Negroes 151
Slaves 14
Total 165 (Warriors 165
Women & children 123)

Fort Jupiter E. F.
March 29 1838

I certify that the above list is correct.

W. G. Freeman?
Lt. 4 Act-
on Ind. duty

Note. All men from 17 & upwards are counted as warriors.