[M234, roll 290, frame 358-361]

List of Negroes who have been captured by the Troops at Fort Jupiter, E. Florida from the 22d Feb 1838 to the present date.

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NoNames AgeSex Owners's Names Remarks
 Indian Negroes      
1Jack Bowlegs36m Harriett Bowlegs  
2Nancy30f Micco Potokee wife of jack
3Sancho8m " child of Jack
4Harriet6f " child of Jack
5Fanny4f " child of Jack
6Joe2m " child of Jack
7Sam Bowlegs30m Harriet Bowlegs  
8Diana35f Tommy wife of Sam
9Hester18f " daughter of Dianna
10Fanny15f " daughter of Dianna
11Lizzy9f " daughter of Dianna
12Frederick7m " son of Dianna
13Rhina6f " child of Dianna
14Peggy5f " child of Dianna
15Bella?3f " child of Dianna
16Lossy60m Free  
17Fanny34f Sock ah wat pee wife of Lossy
18Elsy20f " child of Fanny
19Tenny19f " child of Fanny
20Fay18m (sic) " child of Fanny
21Leah15f " child of Fanny
22Liddy10f " child of Fanny
23Lotty9m " child of Fanny
24Hester3f " child of Fanny
25Dick25m Holah too che husband of Elsy
26Ben5m Sock ah wat pee child of Elsy
27Molly3f " child of Elsy
28Judy1f " child of Elsy
29Winny¾f " child of Tenny
30Ned40m Micco Potokee  
31Maria28f Harriet Bowlegs wife of Ned
32Polly11f " child of Maria
33Amy10f " child of Maria
34Davy7m " child of Maria
35Rophile5m " child of Maria
36Jim4m " child of Maria
37Scipio28m "  
38Bess30f Micanopy wife of Scipio
39Hard times10m " child of Ben
40Tork hear9f " child of Ben
41Porris?8m " child of Ben
42John7m " child of Ben
43Black6m " child of Ben
44Long Bob.45m Jumper  
45Flora35f Micanopy wife of Long Bob
46Eve?15f " child of Flora
47Tenny6f " child of Flora
48Beck36f Sow wee (Squaw)  
49Maria14f " child of Beck
50Charles60m Nelly Factor  
51Katy40f Kul kee chah way wife of Charles
52Jim21m " child of Katy
53Nancy24f " child of Katy
54Hardy26m Nelly Factor husband of Nancy
55Sally2f Kul kee chak way child of Nancy
56Plenty37m Micanopy  
57Rose35f Hallek Hajo wife of Plenty
58War15m Plenty son of Rose -
bought by his father
59Jack13m " son of Rose -
bought by his father
60Sally12f Hallek Hajo child of Rose
61Rachel11f " child of Rose
62Cosar7m " child of Rose
63Jesse6m " child of Rose
64Jesse22m Micanopy brother of Plenty
65Nancy37f " sister of Plenty
66Bacchus20m " son of Nancy
67Sue18f " son of Nancy
68Thomas3m " child of Nancy
69Carolina34m " brother of Nancy
70Tee nar28f William wife of Carolina
71Rose5f " child of Teenar
72Bob4m " child of Teenar
73Rophile36m Free  
74Hetty33f Micanopy wife of Rophile
75Belinda15f " child of Hetty
76Nancy14f " child of Hetty
77Rose12f " child of Hetty
78Sarah Ann11f " child of Hetty
79Straffar9m " child of Hetty
80Primus60m "  
81Sandy65m Nelly Factor  
82Lucy55f " wife of Sandy
83Hernar/Heenar36f " child of Lucy
84Rose21f " child of Lucy
85Hannah19f " child of Lucy
86Elsy16f " child of Lucy
87Thomas14m " child of Lucy
88Dembo?30m " child of Lucy
89July?40m " Husband of Heenar?