Creek Agency, C. N.
December 11th, 1860


I have the honor herewith to transmit to your office the Census of the Orphans and their Representatives, under the second Article of the Treaty of March 24th, 1832; which census was ordered by you by letter dated August 31st, 1860, and also through your verbal order by Mr. I. W. Washbourne, prior to that date.

I employed Mr. Israel G. Vore, an upright and competent business man, to take the census. He commenced his labor about the first of September and ended it on the 1st of December last. He used every effort and precaution to get a correct census and an enumeration of all who were orphans, and only those. It was an arduous and tedious labor, requiring three months time to perfect the census. Mr. Vore was compelled to travel over near the entire Creek Territory, to meet, at their different "Town Houses", the Town Chiefs, and Orphans, and to obtain as accurate evidence as possible as to the identity of these Orphans and their Representatives, and was therefore obliged to submit to great delays.

Mr. Vore was also constrained to employ two interpretors, Mr. D. N. McIntosh, for the Lower Creeks, and Mr. I. C. M. Smith, for the Upper Creeks, as otherwise it would have been absolutely impossible for him to have taken an accurate census.

His efforts have been so far succesful, that I, so far as I have oppurtunity to judge, believe the census to be correct and as accurate as can be taken, and I have accordingly so certified.

I trust the Census will be approved, and that a liberal amount will be allowed Mr. Vore and his interpretors to compensate them for their time and labor, of which an estimate I will hereafter have the honor to submit for your consideration.

I would respectfully urge the speedy adjustment of this whole Orphan matter. Many of these Indians are extremely needy and in the present time of scarcity, many of them will aasuredly suffer without early relief. They are exceedingly anxious that this money so long withheld form them should be paid them during your adminsitration, and at an early a period as practicable.

Your Ob't Serv't
W. H. Garrett
U.S. Agent for Creeks

Hon. A. B. Greenwood
City of Washington