[M234, roll 231, frames 377-406]

1860 Census of the 1832 Creek Orphans

1832 Creek Orphans: 1860 Census ... 1867 Census ... 1870 Payroll ... 1883 Payroll

" I William H Garrett, United States Agent for the Creek Indians, do hereby certify, that the foregoing and attached list is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, a true and correct Census of the Orphans and their Representatives, of the second Article Treaty of March 24th 1832, and that diligent pains and great care were taken to ascertain the true orphans and correct number, which said Census was ordered by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs by letter dated August 31st 1860. " more

The orphan numbers in the 1860 census are different than what appear on the later censuses and payrolls. In this transcription the 1860 Census and the indexes have been appended with the orphan numbers used on the 1867 Census and 1870/1883 payrolls. The heirs listed could also be a niece, nephew, cousin, or representative.

1860 Census of the 1832 Creek Orphans

Part 1, Orphans 1-129
Part 2, Orphans 130-286
Part 3, Orphans 287-418
Part 4, Orphans 419-573

Index to Orphans: (Census arranged by orphans) A-H ... I-M ... N-S ... S-Y

Index to Heirs: (Census arranged by heirs) A-G ... H-L ... M-S ... S-Y