Testimony about Creek Indian Barnett's from Oklahoma Federal court cases

Testimony from Jimmie Barnett case, c. 1932:

Timmie Barnett (paraphrased)
1. Father's brothers were Tom, Daniel, and Warsnoskee, Washington and two others he can't remember.
2. Tom Barnett had Siah, Jimmie, and a girl.

John Roberts (paraphrased)
1. There was three brothers: Dave, Tom, and Cussenia
2. Tom Barnett had Siah, Jimmie, and a girl.

Henry C. Reed (paraphrased)

1. Dave was the brother of Tom.
2. Dave's children were Timmie, Daniel, Hickey.

Testimony from Jackson Barnett Estate case, c.1936:

Timmie Barnett (son of Timothy), quoted testimony:
"(my father's brothers) were Daniel, Washington, Warnakay, Owassa, and three sisters Louvinia, Betsey, Nancy, and two 1/2 brothers... Siah Barnett and Jim Barnett." "Tom's second wife was a Negro cook and she had Siah and Jim".

Timmie Barnett (son of Timothy), paraphrased testimony:
1. According to Timmie's mother, Timmie's grandfather was Dave Barnett.
2. According to Timmie's brother, Timmie's grandfather was Tom Barnett.

[You would think that the mother would know who her father in law was! But the balance of testimony supports that the brother was right and the mother was wrong. At times in the testimony Timmie says Tom was a "brother" of Timothy, Daniel, Wash, etc. Tom definately could not be a brother because Tom would have to have been much older to have had Siah by 1820-30s, Tom was probably born before 1800 and therefore would be an older generation such as father.]

Sarty Cowe (paraphrased):
1. Timothy Barnett's father was Tom Barnett.
2. Tom's children besides Timothy were Daniel, Siah, Jim.
3. Siah Barnett's father was Tom Barnett, Indian.

Lizzie Wynn (paraphrased)
1. Timothy's father was Tom Barnett.
2. "Old" Timothy was a brother of Siah and Jim, different mothers.

Morris Rentie
"Wanake was Tom's brother, half brother."

Indian Pioneer History Interviews, 1835-37:

Thomas Barnett (son of Peggy and granddaughter of Dave & Hokta Barnett) says that Timothy's father was Dave Barnett and grandfather was Timbochee and that Dave and Timbochee witnessed the ship sinking in the Mississippi.

See Indian Pioneer History interview.

[I think Thomas was incorrect when he said Dave was the father of Timothy but whether it was Dave or Tom was the father of Timothy he does state that Timbochee was the father of Dave(and presumably Tom). We know Timbochee was the son of Timothy Barnard, the white trader in Alabama. The reference to the ship was the Monmouth that sunk in October 1837 near Prophet Island Bend, about 1 mile northeast of Baton Rouge.]