U.S. Serial Set Index, 1st-34th Congresses (1789-1857)
Congresses: 1st-34th ... 35th-45th ... 46th-50th ... 51st-54th ... 55th-57th ... Key
Subject: "Creek Indians"
- Additional estimate for treaty with Creeks
Ind.aff. 238 (19-1) ASP08
- Adverse to claims of friendly Creeks
Ind.aff. 206 (18-1) ASP08
- Adverse to ratification of treaty of 1826 with Creeks
Ind.aff. 235 (19-1) ASP08
- Affairs of Muscogee or Creek Indians
H.misdoc. 10 (32-2) 685
- Alabama and Georgia, indemnity for damages by Creek Indians
S.misdoc. 4 (32-2) 670
- Alabama, Governor and aides A. J. Pickett and George W. Gayle, services and expenses in organizing volunteers against Creek Indians in 1836
H.rp. 894 (25-2) 336
- Alabama Legislature, on Creek depredations
H.doc. 113 (26-1) 365
- Application of Alabama for exchange of sixteenth sections when valueless, or taken up by Indian reservations, for other lands
1426 (24-1} ASP035
- Application of Alabama for extension of preemption laws to Creek Purchase
1301 (23-2) ASP034
- Application of Alabama for extension of preemption rights, and granting of floating claims to settlers who have been deprived of lands by Indian reservations
l425 (24-1) ASP035
- Application of sundry half-breeds of Creek Nation to sell reservations of land in Alabama, and list of claims for such reservations
539 (19-2) ASP031
- Army, officers resigning in 1836, and corps employed against Creek
and Seminole Indians
H.doc. 183 (24-2) 304
- Arrest of Captain Obed Wright, of Georgia militia, for burning and
massacre of Chehaw village in Creek Nation
Mil.aff. 167 (15-2) ASP016
- Authorizing payment of interest on advances made by Alabama, in
suppression of Creek Indian hostilities of 1836-1837, therein
S.doc. 192 (29-1) 473
- Boundary between Creek and Cherokee Indians
H.doc. 108 (20-2) 186
- Breaking Indian Chief among Creeks; making Indian Chief in Michigan; and complaint against Indian Agent on passports
H.doc. 219 (20-1) 173
- Causes of hostilities of Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida, and instructions to and correspondence with agents and other persons contracted for their removal to the
Mil.aff. 690 (24-1) ASP021
- Causes of hostilities of Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida; instructions to Brevet Major General Thomas S. Jesup and other officers of army for their removal to the West, and
correspondence with governors of States and agents
Mil.aff. 691 (24-1) ASP021
- Causes of hostility of Seminole and other Indians in Florida, and military arrangements and preparations against them
684 (24-1) ASP021
- Causes of Indian hostilities in Florida; instructions to Brevet Major
General Thomas S. Jesup for removal of Creeks, etc.
Mil.aff. 687 (24-1) ASP021
- Certain acts of Alabama have violated their rights. Memorial of
Creek Indians that
S.doc. 53 (21-1) 193
- Cessions of land by Indians, 1789-1812, pt. A: Creeks, Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws
Ind.aff. 138
(13-1) ASP07
- Cherokees and Creeks: land in Georgia and suppression of hostilities
62 (3-2) ASP07
- Cherokees and Creeks: military operations against them; settlement of claim
Ind.aff. 71 (4-2) ASP07; Ind.aff. 74 (4-2) ASP07
- Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Creeks: instructions and negotiations
Ind.aff. 95 (7-1) ASP07
- Cherokees, Chickasaws, Choctaws, and Creeks: speeches,
negotiations, and treaties with United States
Ind.aff. 92 (7-1) ASP07
- Cherokees, Six Nations and Creeks
Ind.aff. 19 (2-1) ASP07
- Claim by portion of followers and friends of late General McIntosh, of Creek Indians
S.rp. 189 (31-1) 565
- Claim of Alabama under treaty with Creeks at Indian Springs
Ind.aff. 230 (19-1) ASP08
- Claim of battalion of Alabama volunteers temporarily called out by Governor to guard against hostilities of Creek Indians, in 1836, until more permanent force was provided
Mil.aff. 727 (24-2) ASP021
- Claim of chiefs and warriors of friendly Creeks for indemnity for losses sustained during war of 1814
S.rp. 190 (31-1) 565
- Claim of Creek Nation of Indians for payment for lands in Georgia
H.rp. 826 (30-1) 527
- Claim of Mobile, Alabama, for reimbursement of expense of
equipping two companies of mounted volunteers for protection against Creek Indians in 1836.
Mil.aff. 732 (24-2) ASP022
- Claims by citizens of Georgia for injuries committed by Creek
Indians prior to 1802
H.rp. 65 (22-1) 224
- Claims of Alabama citizens for losses from depredations by Creek Indians
H.rp. 932 (25-2) 336
- Claims of citizens of Georgia against Creeks
Ind.aff. 175 (16-2) ASP08
- Claims of citizens of Georgia under 4th article of treaty of 1821, for depredations by Creek Indians
H.rp. 140 (23-1) 260
- Claims of Creek Indians for property destroyed by citizens of Georgia
H.rp. 109 (21-2) 210
- Claims of Creek Indians for services and losses in 1836
H.doc. 80 (27-3) 420
- Condition of Florida Indians
Ind.aff. 195 (17-2) ASP08
- Condition of Indians south of Ohio River
Ind.aff. 91 (7-1) ASP07
- Contract with Creeks to furnish warriors for Florida War
H.doc. 381 (25-2) 330
- Contracts with Creek chiefs and J. C. Watson and Co. in relation to lands
H.doc. 274 (25-2) 328
- Controversy between Georgia and Creek Indians
H.rp. 98 (19-2) 161
- Copies of correspondence with Governor of Alabama, on hostilities with Creek Indians
S.doc. 306 (25-2) 317
- Corporate authorities of city of Mobile, praying reimbursement of advances made for supplies and equipments for Creek volunteers
S.doc. 342 (25-2) 317
- Correspondence between Secretary of War and General Andrew Jackson, from commencement of Creek war to 1st March, 1815
H.doc. 146 (20-1) 172
- Correspondence on carrying out treaty with Florida Indians
Ind.aff. 229 (19-1)
- Correspondence on supplies to Creek Indians
H.doc. 127 (25-3) 347
- Creek and Cherokee Indians, expenditure of appropriation of 130,000 for holding treaties with
H.doc. 33 (17-1) 64
- Creek grant to Andrew Jackson and others
Ind.aff. 141 (14-1) ASP08
- Creek Indian depredations in Mississippi Territory
Claims 270 (13-3) ASP036; Claims 276 (13-3) ASP036; Claims 290 (14-1) ASP036
- Creek Indian reservations
H.exdoc. 66 (30-1) 521
- Creek Indians, contracts for removal of
S.doc. 373 (24-1) 283
- Creek Indians friendly to U.S., resolution of Georgia on condition of
H.doc. 79 (19-2) 152
- Creek reservations under treaty of March 24, 1832, documents on
S.doc. 180 (24-2) 298
- Creeks and Cherokees: expenditures for treaty with
Ind.aff. 47 (3-1) ASP07
- Creeks and Cherokees: militia to be called out against
Ind.aff. 48 (3-1) ASP07
- Creeks and Seven Nations, pt 1: Treaties
Ind.aff. 72 (4-2) ASP07
- Creeks and Seven Nations, pt. 2: Proceedings at Creek Treaty, speeches, and protest of commissioners of Georgia, p. 609
Ind.aff. 72 (4-2) ASP07
- Creeks and Southwestern Tribes: military operations against
Ind.aff. 50 (3-1) ASP07
- Creeks, Cherokees and others: speeches, negotiations, and military preparations and operations against
Ind.aff. 41 (3-1) ASP07
- Creeks: compensation to Georgia for cession of land
Ind.aff. 84 (5-2) ASP07
- Creeks: land titles in Georgia extinguished
Ind.aff. 66 (3-2) ASP07
- Creeks: negotiations on extinguishing land titles in Georgia
Ind.aff. 99 (7-2) ASP07
- Creeks: prisoners and slaves taken in Georgia
Ind.aff. 44 (3-1) ASP07
- Creeks: slaves taken by
Ind.aff. 59 (3-2) ASP07
- Creeks: speeches on cession of land in Georgia
Ind.aff. 106 (8-2) ASP07
- Creeks: treaty
Ind.aff. 8 (1-2) ASP07; Ind.aff. 11 (1-2) ASP07; Ind.aff. 12 (1-2) ASP07
- Creeks: treaty and secret article
Ind.aff. 10 (1-2) ASP07
- Creeks, Wyandots, and others: speeches and negotiations
Ind.aff. 139 (13-3) ASP07
- Defeat of Seminole Indians, pt. 1: Correspondence on military operations, capture of Spanish posts in Florida and evacuation of Spanish troops
Mil.aff. 164 (15-2) ASP016
- Defeat of Seminole Indians, pt. 2: Trial and execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister for inciting Indians in Florida, p. 721
Mil.aff. 164 (15-2) ASP016
- Delegates of Creek nation, praying Congress to pass act for adjustment of unsettled business
S.misdoc. 147 (30-1) 511
- Delegations of Choctaw and Creek nations of Indians, remonstrating against passage of bill to provide for security and protection of emigrant and other Indians west of Missouri and Arkansas
S.doc. 407 (25-2) 318
- Depredations committed on frontiers of Georgia by Creek Indians
H.doc. 25 (21-1) 196
- Disagreeing vote of two Houses on amendment by Senate to bill to carry into effect treaty lately concluded with Creek Indians
S.doc. 97 (19-1) 128
- Documents on Creek Indian hostilities
H.doc. 276 (24-1) 292
- Execution of articles of agreement and cession between United States and Georgia and report on treaties with Creek and
Cherokee Indians
H.rp. 10 (17-1) 70
- Expediency of making appropriation for holding a treaty with Creek and Cherokee Indians
S.doc. 103 (16-1) 27
- Explanation of balance for losses due Creek Indians
H.exdoc. 128 (32-1) 649
- Explanatory estimates of expenses of militia and volunteers for suppressing Indian hostilities in Florida, and instructions to
Governor Richard K. Call, vesting command in him in 1836
Mil.aff. 695 (24-1) ASP021
- General Assembly of Alabama, that people of Alabama be indemnified for depredations committed on their property by
hostile Creek Indians in 1836
S.doc. 72 (25-3) 339
- General view, pt 3: Measures to conciliate Southern Indians, p. 245
29 (2-2) ASP07
- General view, pt 4: Disposition of Southern Indians, speeches, and causes of hostilities, p. 263
29 (2-2) ASP07
- Great Britain and Spain: negotiations with United States on Indians, neutrality, foreign commerce, and navigation of Mississippi River
For.rel 89 (3-1) ASP01
- Horses lost in Creek and Seminole wars
H.doc. 146 (26-1) 365
- Hostilities of Creek Indians in Georgia and Alabama
H.doc. 268 (24-1) 291
- Indian chiefs of Creek nation. Memorial of
H.doc. 24 (21-2) 206
- Indian depredations in Alabama, Florida, and Georgia, by Creeks and Seminoles
H.rp. 1028 (25-2) 336
- Indian trade: measures for opening trade and payments made
Ind.aff. 68 (4-1) ASP07
- Indians, compensation to friendly Creeks, for property lost in late war
H.rp. 101 (18-1) 106.
- Instructions and correspondence with Generals Pinckney and Jackson, on treaty with Creeks at Fort Jackson
Ind.aff. 225 (19-1) ASP08
- Intrusions on Creek lands by Georgia
Ind.aff. 250 (19-2) ASP08; Ind.aff. 251 (19-2) ASP08
- Land claims in Mississippi
Pub.land 92 (8-1) ASP028
- Lands purchased from Indians in Georgia
Pub.land 378 (17-2) ASP030
- Liquidated balance due Creek Indians for losses during last war with Great Britain
S.exdoc. 82 (32-1) 620
- List of Creek Indian warriors killed, wounded, or dying in service of United States during late war in Florida, with statement of arrears
of pay due thereon
S.exdoc. 66 (30-1) 509
- Memorial of certain Chiefs of Creek Indians
H.rp. 169 (21-1) 199
- Memorial of delegates of Creek Indians for passage of act for adjustment of unsettled business
H.misdoc. 90 (30-1) 523
- Memorial of delegates of Creek nation of Indians
S.rp. 215 (30-1) 512
- Memorial of head men and warriors of Creek Indians on removal west of Mississippi river
H.doc. 102 (22-1) 218
- Memorial of inhabitants of Georgia on depredations committed by Creek Indians prior to 1802
S.doc. 38 (19-2) 145
- Memorial of legislature of Alabama and petition of certain citizens on claim to preemption rights covered by Indian reservations
Pub.land 1515 (24-1) ASP035
- Memorial of Legislature of Alabama on behalf of sundry half-breed Creeks
S.doc. 65 (22-1) 213
- Memorial of legislature of Alabama, on expenses of war against Creek Indians
H.misdoc. 61 (30-1) 523
- Memorial of Legislature of Alabama on property of friendly Creek Indians destroyed by hostile party
H.rp. 127 (22-2) 236
- Memorial of Legislature of Georgia, claims of citizens against Creek Indians
H.doc. 135 (20-1) 172
- Memorial of Muscogee or Creek nation of Indians
S.rp. 323 (33-1) 707
- Memorial of Samuel Blackburn and others, complaining of conduct of Creek Indians
S.doc. 132 (16-1) 27
- Northwestern Tribes and Creeks: military operations and expenditures
Ind.aff. 36 (2-2) ASP07
- Northwestern Tribes and Creeks: preliminary articles of Treaty of Greenville
Ind.aff. 65 (3-2) ASP07
- Number of company officers of army in service against Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida in 1836; number and rank who resigned; number of companies of several arms in service in
Florida in 1836
Mil.aff. 733 (24-2) ASP022
- Number of Creek Indians engaged in hostilities against United States during 1836 and 1837
S.doc. 173 (25-2) 316
- Number of Creek Indians removed west of Mississippi River
H.doc. 74 (20-1) 171
- On Georgia claims, memorial of Creek Indians
H.doc. 56 (22-1) 217
- Order of Governor Blount for regiment of Tennessee militia for service in Creek war for 6 months
Mil.aff. 386 (20-1) ASP018
- Orders and instructions authorizing employment of Indians in military service of United States against Seminole Indians in Florida, and number so employed
Mil.aff. 742 (25-1) ASP022
- Orders from War Department authorizing calls for volunteers and militia from several States and Territories to suppress hostilities of Creek and Seminole Indians in Florida; numbers from each State; whole numbers of regulars in militia, and periods for which they were paid
Mil.aff. 721 (24-2) ASP021
- Owens, Hardiman, intruder on Creek Indian lands, in relation to death of
H.doc. 149 (23-1) 256
- Payment of certain claims for depredations and spoliations during hostilities with Creek and Seminole Indians, in 1836 and 1837
S.rp. 226 (33-1) 707
- Petition of citizens of Georgia, for Creek Indian depredations
H.doc. 143 (22-1) 219
- Presidential message on charges against Creek Indian Agent
H.doc. 248 (20-1) 174
- Presidential message on Creek Indian Lands in Georgia, survey of
H.doc. 76 (19-2) 152
- Presidential message on differences with Creek Indians in Georgia
H.doc. 127 (19-2) 153
- Presidential message on payments to citizens of Georgia, under 4th article of treaty with Creek Indians, of 8th February 1821
H.doc. 268 (20-1) 175
- Presidential message on treaty of 15th November 1827, with Creek Indians
H.doc. 238 (20-1) 174
- Presidential message transmitting correspondence on causes of difficulties between Creek and Seminole Indians since removal
west of Mississippi river
H.exdoc. 15 (33-2) 782
- Presidential message transmitting report of causes of difficulties between Creek and Seminole Indians
H.exdoc. 58 (34-1) 853
- Presidential message with claims of Georgia and Creek Indians, under treaty at Indian Spring
H.doc. 80 (20-2) 185
- Presidential Message with copy of treaty with Creek nation of Indians, concluded 15th November, 1827
H.doc. 210 (20-1) 173
- Presidential message with copy of treaty with Creek Nation of Indians of 24th Jan. 1826; copy of treaty superseded by same,
signed at Indian Springs on 12th January, 1825
H.doc. 165 (19-1) 139
- Presidential message with instructions and correspondence on treaty subsequently concluded with Creek Indians at Fort Jackson
H.doc. 17 (19-1) 131
- Presidential message with letter from Governor of Georgia and documents relative to differences with Creek Indians
S.doc. 47 (19-2) 145
- Probable number of Creek warriors engaged in hostilities against United States during 1836 and 1837
Mil.aff. 780 (25-2) ASP022
- Proceedings of Legislature of Georgia on treaty made with Creeks at Indian Springs, with speeches
Ind.aff. 249 (19-2) ASP08
(Large document in 22 parts)
- Proceedings of military court of inquiry in case of Major General Scott and Major General Gaines, pt. 2: Major General Scott -
delay in opening and prosecuting Creek campaign, p. 202
Mil.aff. 738 (24-2) ASP022
- Proceedings relative to treaty with Creek Indians for lands in Georgia
H.doc. 72 (18-2) 116
- Provision for carrying into effect treaty with Creeks
Ind.aff. 239 (19-1) ASP08
- Relative to execution of act for relief of certain Creek Indians
H.doc. 200 (20-1) 173
- Relinquishment of claims of Creeks to lands in Georgia
Ind.aff. 253 (19-2) ASP08
- Report of commissioners, investigating causes of hostilities of Creek Indians
H.doc. 154 (24-2) 304
- Report on Creek Indian title to lands in Georgia
S.doc. 69 (19-2) 146
- Resolutions of Legislature, and message of Governor of Alabama, relative to lands acquired by treaty with Creek Indians, etc.
S.doc. 32 (19-1) 126
- Resolutions of legislature of Alabama for balance due second brigade of militia in war against Creek Indians
H.misdoc. 78 (33-1) 741
- Resolution of the Senate calling for a list of the Creek Indian warriors who were killed, wounded, or died in the service of the United States during the late war in Florida, with a statement of the arrears of pay due them.
S.doc 55 (30-1)
- Resolutions of Legislature of Alabama on titles to Creek Indian lands
H.doc. 46 (27-3) 420
- Respecting adjustment of claim of friendly Creeks
Ind.aff. 159 (15-2) ASP08
- Respecting claims of friendly Creeks
H.doc. 98 (15-2) 22
- Sales of public lands acquired from Choctaw Indians
Pub.land 1227 (23-1) ASP033
- Satisfying claim of friendly Creeks
Ind.aff. 147 (14-2) ASP08
- Slaves imported by Indian agent, General David B. Mitchell, contrary to law; opinion of Attorney General
Misc. 529 (17-1) ASP038
- Southern Tribes: correspondence from agent
Ind.aff. 32 (2-2) ASP07
- Southern Tribes: negotiations, military preparations against, and estimates of army
Ind.aff. 9 (1-2) ASP07
- Southern Tribes: speeches, negotiations and treaties on land boundaries
Ind.aff. 4 (1-1) ASP07
- Southwestern Tribes: depredations; persons taken prisoner, wounded, or killed, names list
Ind.aff. 34 (2-2) ASP07
- Southwestern Tribes: friendly Indians murdered by whites
Ind.aff. 45 (3-1) ASP07
- Southwestern Tribes: military operations against
Ind.aff. 42 (3-1) ASP07
- Southwestern Tribes: outrages against by militia
Ind.aff. 5l (3-1) ASP07
- Spain and Indians: boundary and trade negotiations, right to navigate Mississippi River, and relations
For.rel. 66 (3-1) ASP01
- Spain and Indians: negotiations on relations
For.rel. 69 (3-1) ASP01
- Spain and Indians: negotiations on treaty with Creeks
For.rel. 63 (2-2) ASP01
- Spain: Indemnification - Limits and Florida negotiations - Amelia Island - and case of Ambrister and Arbuthnot inciting Indians
For.rel. 311 (15-2) ASP04
Spanish and French ordinances affecting land titles in Florida and other territories of France and Spain, with index
- Pub.land 735 (20-2) ASP032
- Spanish interference with Creeks
Ind.aff. 30 (2-2) ASP07
- Statement of amount necessary to carry into effect stipulations of the Creek treaty of March 24, 1832
S.doc. 59 (23-1) 239
- Stephen Cantrill, commander of expedition into Cherokee Country, claim for compensation
Ind.aff. 81 (5-2) ASP07
- Supplemental article to treaty with Creeks in Georgia
Ind.aff. 236 (19-1) ASP08
- Supplies furnished expedition against Creek Indians by Chickasaw
Claims 83 (4-2) ASP036
- To establish and organize Territories of Cha-lah-kee, Muscogee and Cha-ta, for Cherokee, Muscogee or Creek, Seminole, Choctaw, and Chickasaw nations or tribes of Indians
S.rp. 379 (33-1) 707
- To provide payment for certain depredations of Creek Indians on property of citizens of Georgia and Alabama
S.rp. 244 (34-1) 837
- Treaties with Ottoway, Wyandot, Creek, Shawnee, and Seneca Indians
H.doc. 210 (22-1) 220
- Treaty with Creek Indians
Ind.aff. 174 (16-2) ASP08
- Treaty with Creeks
Ind.aff. 152 (15-1) ASP08
- Treaty with Creeks at Indian Springs on land cession, with speeches
Ind.aff. 222 (18-2) ASP08
- Treaty with Creeks, replacing treaty at Indian Springs
Ind.aff. 228 (19-1) ASP08
- Wabash, Creeks, Cherokees, Chickasaws, and Choctaws: speeches and negotiations on land boundaries
Ind.aff. 2 (1-1) ASP07
- Wyandots and others: treaties
Ind.aff. 108 (9-1) ASP07
- Senate Document 512 @ "The Century of Lawmaking" website. Document 512 reproduces "Correspondence on the emigration of Indians, 1831-33". This document contains a transcription of the 1832 Creek Census in book No. 247, pages 239-394. The complete document can be purchased in book form here.