[M234, roll 806, frame 229-32]

US Barracks, New Orleans, LA.
January 7, 1843

I have the honor to report my arrival at this place this day with a party of 99 Florida Indians & Negores. The Muster Roll of which I enclose to you herewith.

Very Respectfully
I am Sir
You Most Obt Svt
L. G. Capers
Dis. Agt. Ind. Affs

T. Hartley Crawford Esqr.
Com. Indian Affairs
Washington City, D.C.

Muster Roll of Florida Indians emigrated West of the Mississippi River by Brig General Worth under the direction of Lieut. F. Britton 7th Inftry on the 4th January 1843.

Names of Heads
of Families
Number and Age of IndiansNumber of SlavesTotal NumberRemarks
of 10 and
under 25
of 25 and
under 50
of 10 and
under 25
of 25 and
under 50
Oc ti arche 11 1 1   4 
E cho yahola  1  1    2 
Widows family3   1 2   6 
Oc ti arche (old man)   1  1   2 
Fixico  1 1 1   3 
Fous Hadjo  1  11   2 
Halleck Hadjo  1 21    4 
Nol culp e yahola2 1 21    6 
Hotulke Hadjo  1   1   1 
Now wee chie 1   1    2 
Hotulke Emarthlo  1       1 
Che po-- 1        1Retained at Cedar Keys
Holah tah Tustenugga2 1 1 1   5 
No cose Emarthlo  1 1 1   3 
Widows family      3   3 
Homatta Tustenuggee 1   1    2 
Nol cop o Hadjo  1 11    3 
carried forward7311110611   49 
Poos Sikee 1   12   4 
Neo Emarthlo 1        1 
Neo Hadjo chee 1        1 
Cho cote Tutenuggee1 1  1    3 
Ton ah lee 1        1 
Mico Yahola 1    1   2 
Emarthlo Hadjo 1        1 
Soc a likee 1        1 
Thlo ni/wi kee? 1        1 
Sanart  1  1    2 
O chissa Tustenuggee  1       1 
Hotulkee  1       1 
E cho Hadjo 1        1 
Noh culp emarthlo  1   1   2 
Tyra     (negress)         11 
carried forward81216110915  172 
Thlocklo Tutenuggee   1       1The party of Indians with the chief Tiger tail or Thlocko Tustenuggee
Fous Hadjo  1 111   4
Cho ko lockee 1        1
As sun Hadjo 1        1
Noke fo hah 1        1
Char co Hadjo 1   21   4
Ya hola Hadjo1   11  1 5
Tustenuck Hadjo 1  111   4
Co loc tee11  11    4
Halpat ta Hadjo 1        1
John Crews   (Interpretor)        1 1 

I certify that the foregoing is a Correct Roll of Indians, turned over to Lieut F. Britton 7 Infy for transportation West.

Cedar Keys Flo, January 4 1843

L G Capers
Dis Agt Ind Affs