[M234, roll 291, frame 318-20]

Muster Roll of Florida Indians to emigrate West of the Mississippi River, under the direction of Maj. W. G. Belknap, U. S. A. in the month of March 1841.

Names of Heads of FamiliesNumber and Ages of IndiansNo. of SlavesTotalRemarks
under 10of 10 and
under 25
of 25 and
under 50
of 10 and
under 25
of 25 and
under 50
over 50MalesFemales
Echo e math la
 21 221   8 
E math lo chee 1 3  22   8Died at New Orleans Barracks March 30, 1841 a boy under 10 years.
Par hose fixico
(sub chief)
4421174 1 24Died at sea March 24 1841 a man over 50 years. Died at New Orleans Barracks March 3- 1841 a child under 10 years.
Wax e hadjo1 1  11   4 
Ho lock tar tustenugge 1  22    5 
Tus ke he ne hee che 2  111   5 
Cos e hadjo  1 22    5 
Par hose e ho lar 21  11   5 
Con charte tustenugge 322 232   14 
E on tow hadjo32 1 2    8 
Lar pe marth la?14  1322  13 
Tuste nugge micco
(sub chief)
 21  11   5 
Tus e ki har che, or Hicks1 1 111   5Died at New Orleans Barracks March 31 1841 a boy under 10 years. Died at Ft. Smith Aks a woman under 50 years April 18 1841.
Ne ar thlocko, or Hicks  2   11   4 
E ho lar che11   1    3Died at Apalachicola W. F. a boy under 10 years March 22 1841.
E har tustenugge 1  2 1   4 
Co we hadjo11   1    3Died near Bine Bluffs, Aks. a child under 10 years April 9 1841
E ho le math la211 2211  10 
Ar luck e mar cho be, or Doctor1  1312   8 
Hoth le po e micco 211 2 1  7 
Fuck e luste21 1 2    6 
Par sack e marth le 11 1 1   4 
Micco har ge 1   1    2 
Tuste nugge luste1 1 2 1   5 
Ar me ke 22 13 1  9 
So kin tunne21211 1   8 
Spanish Indians6   5661  24The warriors of this party were killed in battle by Lt. Col. Harney
Dennis        235 

Indians   211
Slaves       6
Total   217
Deaths       7
Total   210

I certify that the above is a correct Roll of the Florida Indians emigrating west of the Mississippi River under the direction of Maj. W. G. Belknap U. S. Army. (Triplicates.)

LeGrand G. Capers
Disbursing Agent
Indian Affairs

Ft. Gibson, Aks.
April 19th, 1841

Major Belknap arrived at this Post on the 19th inst. with the Party in his charge, and I am satisfied that the number as above stated is correct

W. Arbuckle
Brig. Genl. U.S. A

Muster Roll of Florida Indians who arrived at Ft. Gibson Arks, under the charge of Maj. W. G. Belknap, U. S. A. on the 19th April 1841.

Echo e math la (Chief)3238
E math lo che3227
Par hose fixico (Sub chief)661022
Wake hadjo1124
Ho lock tar tustennuggee 235
Tus ke he ne hee chee1135
Cose hadjo1225
Par hose e ho lar1135
Con charte tustennuggee 25714
E on tow hadjo3 58
Lar pe marth la34613
Tustennuggee micco (Sub chief)1225
Tus e ki harcho (Hicks)1113
Ne ar thock lo (Hicks) 1124
E har tustennuggee1124
E ho lar cha11 2
Co we hadjo11 2
E ho le math la12710
Ar luck e mar cho be1258
Noth le po e micco1157
Fuck e luste1 56
Par sark e marth le1124
Micco hadjo11 2
Tuste nugge luste1135
Ar me ke2259
So kin tun ne3148
Spanish Indians 111324
Dennis (negroes)23 5

Fort Gibson Arks
June 18th 1841

Geo. W. Clarke
Issuing Agent