[M234, roll 291, frame 358]
Office of the Indian Agency
Fort Brooke Tampa Bay Aug 27 1841
I have the honor to inform you that since my last report, forty three Indians have been
taken, among them the chief
Hospa tarkee, and several very important sub chiefs of scattering bands,
who have joined him within the last year, this chief with seventeen prime picked men, met
to hold a talk with the Colonel Commanding, and being himself very suspicious of this
chief, who had repeatedly before deceived us, he induced him with eleven of his Warriors,
to remain with him, and send out for five others after the balance of his people, said to
be about 250 all told. Among the number above alluded to, are nine of Halleck
Tustenuggee's band all women and children, who were captured a few days since, by a
detachment from the 2d Regiment of Infantry, the balance seventeen were brought in by negotiation,
this increases my list to 263 including Negroes. There are now several negotiating
parties out, from whom we hope for favourable results; the indefatigable zeal of our most
able commander not only strikes terror to the hostile Indian but makes those who have
become our friends see the utter folly of holding out any longer and the importance to
themselves of striving to aid in our negotiating.
I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Mo. Obt. Servt.
LeGrand G. Capers
U. S. Disbursing Agt
for Indian Affairs
T. Hartley Crawford
Commissioner of Indian Affairs
D. C.