[M234, roll 291, frame 327]

New Orleans Barracks
April 4th 1841


I have the honor to report to you, that, I arrived, at this point, on the 29th Ult., with 205 Florida Indians and 6 Indian Negroes, 100 less than General Amistead wished and expected to send at the time I wrote you last.  They all embarked today on the Steamer President for Fort Gibson, Ark. under the direction of Maj. Belknap 3rd Infy., assisted by Lieut. Sprague 8th Infy. & Asst. Surgn Barnes U. S. Army, with every prospect of a fine run.

We lost on the passage and since our arrival here five, all of whom were sick before we left Florida.

I herewith enclose you a Muster Roll of the party that left today.

I shall leave this place on the 6th Inst. for Tampa Bay, where I hope to find another party ready for emigration.

I am sir
Very respectfully
Your obt. servt.
LeGrand G. Capers
Disbursing Agent
of Indian Affairs

To the Com. of Indian Affairs
Washington D. C.