[Senate Doc. 512, No. 247, p. 683+]

Census of Attapulgus, or Emathchee Town, May 1833.

 Names of IndiansAgeRankNo. of wivesNo of children living in familyNo. of SlavesTotalQuota of annuityRemarks
1Tustenuggo Hajo35Head chief22 5$30.00 
2Paos Tustenuggy502d chief   17.00 
3Yatta Hajo30do11 37.00 
4Contalamathla35do1  27.00 
5Echo Emalathca40do11 37.00November 9; says he wishes to go with Blunt and Yellow Hair, and is prepared to go.
6Tuseki Hajo30do1  27.00 
7Cotchaluthu50Warrior11 33.25Has a son in Kentucky, at school.
8Pocheese, (B)15Y,ng warrior   13.25 
9Lemalitchu Tustanuggee, Hajo's son15do   13.25 
10Peivathla30Warrior11 33.25 
11Leochee15Y,ng warrior   13.25Wish to go with Yellow Hair to Texas, and are prepared to go. November 4, 1833.
12Lioffeca18do   13.25
13Loafchinca, (B)14do   13.25
14Halatca, (B)14do   13.25 
15Chebana, (B)14do   13.25 
16Toney25Warrior1  23.25 
17Natta20do   13.25 
18Wilsey14do   13.25 
19Chepanee, paid to Tachen, (P.P.)14Y,ng warrior   13.25 
20Tommy20Warrior1  23.25 
21Tinca30do1  23.25 
22Op Relago         Upon inquiry, after their names were given in, I ascertained they were Creek Indians, and had claimed land under Governor Cass's treaty in the Creek nation.
26Osika25do11 33.25 
27Pumaka       This is also a Creek Indians simularly situated. 
28Aunocha21do1  23.25 
29Nocosoochokinechee30do11 33.25Wishes to, and is prepared to go with Yellow Hair to Texas.  November 9, 1833.
30Sammy14Y'ng warrior   13.25 
31Punta       Improperly given in by Paos Tustanuggee; a small child, not paid, included in statement.
32Muttathlega   1    Same as Punta.
33Istochee87Warrior   13.25 
34Chefuiar Hajo35do12 43.25 
35Occathla       Same as Punta.
36Stimmut Lathlagee18do   13.25 
37Oawithlaga, (B)15do   13.25 
38Cotchetia25do   13.25 
39Jayaka25do   13.25 
40Semissa25do11 33.25 
41Nittia, Boy10    13.25 Orphans 
42Jimmessa, Boy8    13.25
43Infotata20Warrior1  23.25 
44Tachifea16do   13.25 
45Wakiga30do1  23.25 
46Emathlachee35do11 33.25 
47Toby22do   13.25 
48Johung30do 1 23.25 
49Simkanie35do12 43.25 
50Sammy30do1  23.25 
51Yatta Hajo35do1  23.25 
52Totcheleg        These are small boys whom I declined paying, considering too small to draw, having parents, and being included in statement.  
    2215 80$185.25 


Head Chiefs, Warriors, and Young Warriors   43
Wives 22
Children 15
Add seven old women not included in list. 7
Total population of Attapulgus 87 souls

Amount of annuity paid in 1833, $185.25.  The number who have died since the annuity not given.

N. B. - Portion of annuity of those Indians of this town who wish to go with Blunt and Yellow Hair

Emathtochee $7.00
Lochee 3.25
Lioffeca 3.25
Nocosechocinca 3.25
Lofechinca 3.25
Vide letter and list, & c.   $20.00

Two or three women will go with them besides, & c.

Memorandum of those who wish to emigrate from this town:

5 warriors
3 wives
2 children and others
10   souls