[Senate Doc. 512, No. 247, p. 677+]

Census of Choconicla, (the Indian town ruled by Yellow Hair, formerly ruled by Vaccapichassie, or Cowdriver, alias Mulatto King,) taken in May 1833, at payment of annuity, with notes and remarks, made November 9, 1833.

No.Names of male heads of families.AgeRankNo. of wivesNo of children living in familyNo. of SlavesTotalQuota of annuityRemarks. - All these except in regard to payment made November 9, 1833.
1John Yellow Hair, or Nocose Ahola20Head chief1  2$30.00Wishes to go with Blunt, and is prepared.
2Yohola Heyo302d chief1  27.00Wishes to go with Yellow Hair and Blunt, and is prepared; his wife will stay.
3Conipehola20do14 67.00 
4Tallassee Mathla20do11 37.00 
5Lathla Hola302d chief13 57.00 
6King, or Vaccupachassie, or Cowdriver, the mulatto70do11147.00Slave called Tom. 
7Cotcha Hajochee30do12 47.00 
8Coosa Hajo27do1  27.00Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
9Conip Hajo25do11 37.00 
10Tustenuky Cochochinickee30do11 37.00 
11Yaholatehee, or Factor50Warrior1  23.25 
12Citchosee30do11 33.25 
13Nocosa Chopca35do1  23.25 
14Nocosa Hajo35do   13.25Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
15Hichita Mathla35do   13.25Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
16Nocoshoochie35do   13.25Reported sick; paid to Yellow Hair. November 9, stated to have died since payment of annuity in May.
17Chowastia50do1  23.25Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
18Yahaja25do1  23.25 
19Charley20do12 43.25 
20Fushajo30do   13.25 
21Chatto Hajo26do12 43.25 
22Isaac15do   13.25Wishes to go with John Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
23Insapa35do1  23.25 
24Insapa Hajo25do1  23.25November 9, stated to have died since payment of annuity in May.
25John Attaway25do   13.25Reported sick; paid to Insapa Hajo.  Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
26Micochee45do 2 33.25November 9, stated to have died since payment of annuity in May.
27Assahe20do   13.25Reported sick; paid to Yellow Hair.  Wishes to go with Yellow Hair, and is prepared.
28Sampson50do14 63.25 
29Lewis14do   13.25 
30Jacob his son14do   13.25Do.
31Untulla50do   13.25Do. November 9, stated to have died since payment of annuity in May.
32Amattaha45do12 43.25 
33Siaboska25do1  23.25N. B.- Four women are stated to have died this summer since payment of annuity, and also six children; in all, with said warriors, making fourteen souls.  
34Tony25do1  23.25 
36Tommy14do   13.25 
37Clemmy12do   13.25Do.
38Charley13do   13.25 
39Tepiga, Tigertail's nephew12do   13.25 
40Sucky13do   13.25 
41Parney14do   13.25In addition to those named above, there are some unmarried women and eight children ready to go with Yellow Hair, and most probably eight or ten more men, and see Attapulgee's, or Emathlocee's town, from which some also wish to go.
42Murkay, orphan13do   13.25 
43Mahoneesehay13do   13.25 
44Aischasehy, Walker's son10do   13.25 
45Davy13do   13.25 
46Poty11do   13.25Paid to his father.
 Folotiga, widow of Heatuga, late head chief      7.00 
 Wisey, Attun, Tustalle, Sunday, Josiah, Weeky, Tohole, Conappee, Ben; nine boys were paid one dollar each, by direction of head chief Yellow Hair      9.00Paid to Yellow Hair


Head Chief, Second Chiefs, Warriors and Boys46
Nine Boys receiving $1 each9
Totoliga, Hiatiga's widow1
Five old widows and four free negroes, not included in said list.9
 115 souls

N. B. - Four have died in this town since payment of annuity in May 1833; also four women and six children.  See remarks made November 9th, 1833.