[Senate Doc. 512, No. 247, p. 674+]

Executive Office
Tallahassee, November 13, 1833


Enclosed are five statements or lists showing the population of each of the Indian towns on the Appalachicola, designating the number of women, children, & c., and all those ready to emigrate, and those who refuse to go; the deaths since the treaty with Blunt in 1832, portion of annuity paid to each town in 1833, and other information which it has been deemed useful for me to procure for the use of the department and of the Executive of this territory, and also a general statement compiled from the foregoing.  Not having access to the old pay rolls, (they being in posession of Major Phagan,) and being without data of every kind to aid or correct my labors, and having to rely solely upon the answers of the Indians and the interpreter to my verbal inquiries, it cannot be expected that my statements are wholly without error.  I believe, however, they are substantially correct; and I flatter myself the department will find them useful.  A note to the general statement compiled from the particular lists, contains a rule for the apportionment and distribution of the annuity, which I consider just, and which will save great difficulty hereafter, if observed.

I am, respectfully,
Your most obedient servant,
James D. Westcott, Jr.
Acting Governor, &c.

Hon. E. Herring
Com. of Indian Affairs, Washington City, D. C.

Census of Spane Watka, or Davy's, or Cochrane's Town, May 1833, with also notes made November 9, 1833.

 Names of IndiansAgeRankNo. of wivesNo of children living in familyNo. of SlavesTotalQuota of annuityRemarks
1Davy46Hd. chief1  2$35.00Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c., November 9, 1833
2Olathla Hajo30Sd. chief 1 27.00Do.
3Cotcheticcico b  11 37.00Is dead, and also his child; none but his wife to go, she is ready; November 9.
4Conchattee35 13 57.00Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.; November 9, 1833.
5Talladig Hajo c30 25 8 These are second chiefs entitled to $7 each; the have, however, gone to the Creek nation; gone to a town called Tewathlee, in the upper nation.  Jim Bryor or Tustanuchee Emathlee, a Creek, induced them to go, and said he would pay their expenses; November 9, still absent.
6Coathlocco c35 1  2 
7Charly Emathla c25 22 5 
8Foosa Hajo30Warrior   13.25Ready to emigrate; got a canoe, & c.; November 9, 1833.
9Nocoosa Hajo b35 11 33.25Dead, and also his child; his wife is ready and willing to go off; got a canoe.
10Miccopoilga35    13.25Ready to go off; got a canoe, & c.
11Oso Hajo35a12 43.25Refuses to go; has gone to the Seminole nation, and took his wife and children with him; November 9.
12Nocoosa Emathla30a23 63.25Do.
13Chenasti Hajo40a   13.25Do.
14Timmocca b20    13.25Dead since May 1833.
15Senojathchu18 1  23.25Going, got a canoe, & c., November 9.
16Cochus Haja c40 1  2 With Coathlosso and others in Creek nation; went off before May 1833.
17Holathlu Halthla c40 11 3 Do.
18Tallahassee Hajo c30 1  2 Do.
19Alithka c30   111 Do.
20Foosa he Mathla b35 13 53.25Wife dead since May; ready to go; got a canoe, & c.
21Scona13?    13.25Ready to go; got a canoe, & c.
22Simsumca22    13.25Do.
23Sitochu24a   13.25Gone to Seminole nation since annuity.
24Sofet ga15a   13.25Do.
 172263 $98.25 
Add the quota due absentees had they been present, not paid37.75 

The first three were entitled, had they been present to $7 each, and the three last to $3.25 each - $37.75; being absent, they were not paid, and the amount was distributed among the other Indians; these Indians are the immediate descendants and relations of old Cochrane, who is mentioned at the treaty of Camp Moultrie, and dissatisfied with the treaty made by Davy, & c., although Coathlocso signed it. See treaty in annuity of 1823-3.


Head chiefs, warriors, & c. 24
Total number of town in May, 183363

d   Memorandum of those who died previous to May 1833, and since the treaty for emigration.
1. Ock Jonalatta
2. Octa Hajee Hajo
3. Polea
4. Coxus Hajo
5. Tuki Emathla
6. Forchatchee Micco
7. Corshadjo
8. John Boy
Some of these I understand were women and some children, but I can not distinguish them.

d8Dead previous to May, and since treaty.
Add63Population in May 1833, as above stated.
71Number of souls in town at the time of the treaty in 1832, and making the number 256, with Blunt's Indians as specified in treaty.
Deduct23Gone to Creek nation.
35Gone to Seminoles.
Deduct6Dead since annuity.
d  Deduct8Died since treaty, and previous to payment of annuity.
Leaving21Souls ready to go off.

7Warriors gone to Creek Nation.
5Warriors gone to Seminole nation.
13Number of souls gone to Seminole nation.

Mem. - Those gone to Seminole nation are connexions of Octa Micco and are near the Withlabuchy.
Their portion of the annuity as above in $16.25.
b Memorandum of deaths since May 1833 - 6 men, women, and children, as above stated in notes.