[M271, roll 3, frames 906-7]

" Description of the Negroes brought into the Creek nation by a detachment of Indian Warriors under the command of Col. Wm. Miller, an Indian of the Creek nation, from Florida. Viz) "

No. Names Age Height   [Former owner, state or territory
in which, he or she resided]
Feet Inches
1 Hector 55 5 8 black Paupaul, St Augustine  
2 John 55 5 9 black Paupaul, St Augustine  
3 Hector, Jr 18 5 10 black Paupaul, St Augustine  
4 Patty (wife of Hector) 40 5 5 black Paupaul, St Augustine  & three children Affa, Juan, & Sarah
5 Tyrah 22 5 2 black Paupaul, St Augustine & one child 
6 Hannah 24 5 4 black Paupaul, St Augustine & two children
7 Jeffery 36 5 10 black Robert Gilbert, do  
8 Frederick 27 5 7 black Robert Gilbert, do  
9 Bob 21 5 7 black Robert Gilbert, do  
10 Mag 30 5 2 black William Harvey, St Johns River  
11 Nancy 40 5 2 black John Loftin, do & three children (Loftin since dead,
now the property of Mr. Hartly)
12 Billy 45 5 5 black John Addison, St Augustine  
13 Abner 25 5 6 black John Addison, St Augustine  
14 Nancy 25 5   black John Addison, St Augustine  
15 Dianna 13 4 10 black John Addison, St Augustine  
16 Lewis 23 5 10 black John Addison, St Augustine  
17 Mary 25 5 2 black John Addison, St Augustine  
18 Hannah 46 5 4 black John Addison, St Augustine  
19 George 65 5 10 black John Addison, St Augustine  
20 Cato 27 5 8 black Don Santo, do  
21 Caty 28 5 4 black Fatio, do  
22 John 25 5 7 black Stephenosa, St Augustine  
23 Rosa 27 5 4 black Don Lewis, Pensacola  
24 Hector 50 5 7 black Stephenosa, St Augustine  
25 Price 35 5 10 yellow Peter McQueen  
26 Jim 40 5 7 black Richard,  Augustine, formerly the
Estate of Genl. Washington
27 John 39 5 10 yellow Pallasur, Augustine   
28 John 29 5 11 black Sarlarna, Augustine  
29 Charles 35 5 10 black Arradonda, Havannah  
30 Charles 22 5 7 black Kingsley, St Augustine  
31 Capt. Bush 45 5 6 black Hem choba (an Indian)  
32 Fillis 40 5 6 black Chaldais, Tampa Bay & child
33 Mary 30 5 6 black Christopher, Augustine  
34 Toby 50 5 4 black Spanish deserter  
35 Augustina 25 5 6 black An African owner unknown  
36 Manuel 36 5 10 black Spanish deserter  
37 Danas Cabas 30 5 6 black Spanish deserter, from St Marks  
38 Peter Maranda 21 5 10 black Spanish deserter, from St Marks  
39 Valentine 24 5 6 black Spanish deserter, from St Marks  
40 William 22 5 7 black Spanish deserter, from St Marks  
41 Charles 36 5 7 black Wm Johnston, New Providence  
42 Sipia 30 5 9 black Bolegs  
43 Cyrus 27 5 8 black Bolegs  
44 Ned 50 5 6 black Saffaoche Barnard  
45 Nancy 28     black Folimmia (an Indian) & two children

The remarks set opposite the names of the above Negroes are made from the information derived from themselves as well as their owners?

Jno. Crowell
Agt. For I. A.

Thla catch ca
Augt 28th 1821

[Note. St. Augustine is on the northeast coast of Florida. St. John's River runs 10 miles east of St. Augustine. Havana and St. Marks are about 15 and 20 miles north and south, respectively, of Tallahasse, Florida.]