[M574, roll 13, frame 6-14, letter D9, special file 96]

Washington City D. C.
Jany. 26, 1847


I have the honor to enclosed for your information, a letter & accompanying papers from a Seminole woman relative to her Negro property, now among other Negroes protected by the Military.  The letter & enclosures were rec'd by me not long after my arrival in this city, but were not submitted to you, for the reason, that until lately the subject was not referred to your Bureau and are submitted now with the hope that your report on the subject will immediately call forth an order from the proper person to the Commandant at Ft. Gibson to withdraw his protection & return the Negroes to the Seminoles.

The authority of Genl. Arbuckle to issue such an order for their protection was a letter from Genl. Jesup who had no right to interfere in the matter.

That the Indians have been deprived of their slaves is evident, and if the records of the War office do not make it as evident that it was done according to law, then an order should issue immediately for their restitution to the Seminoles.

This sir, is one of the subjects connected with the Seminoles which justify my longer absence from my sub-agency than the 60 days.  And sir, is a matter of more importance than probably you are aware of, having a direct bearing on the feelings and conduct of the Seminoles, not to say anything of the ultimate condition of the Negroes.

It was only a few days ago I was referred by the President to your office on this subject which will account for my addressing you at this time.

I am informed of the fact that Maj. Armstrong has been requested to report on this matter, but feel confident in saying that he can give no information which is not already before the department.

I request the papers accompanying this letter may be returned to me, as of consequence to this Seminole woman.

Very Respectfully
Yr. Obt. Servt.
M. Duval
Sem. Sub-Agent

Hon. Wm. Medill
Commr. Ind. Affs.
Washington D. C.

(Recorded in Seminole Sub Agency office in Book A, p. 3
Thos L. Judges, S Agt. S. Indian, April 7, 1843)

The following named Negroes are the property of Harriett Bowlegs and this list is made out with a view to prevent them from being sold or take from her in consideration of her having complied with the treaty of Fort Dade, which specified that property captured by our troops should be restored to the owners provided the complied with the treaty.

1 Primus, 2 Old Davy, 3 Ned, 4 John, 5 Jack, 6 Adam - Daily, 7 Noble, 8 Boston, 9 Dennis, 10 Sharper, 11 Maria wife of Ned with her children, 12 Polly, 13 Amy, 14 Davis, 15 Rufile, 16 Jim, 17 Dahlia, 18 Eliza, 19 Flora mother of Dennis, 20 Juba, 21 Abby or Cumba, 22 Hagar, 23 Fanny, 24 Lucy, 25 Adam, 26 Bella, 27 Jacob.

Micanopa his X mark
Holattocher his X mark

Al--r Cummings
Col 4th Inf.

Maj. 4th Inf.

(Recorded in Seminole Sub Agency office in Book A, p. 5)

The following Negroes belong to the Indian woman Harriet Bowlegs and her daughter Betsy.

1. Old Primus who remains in Florida as Interpreter by order Genl. Taylor Com. Of.
2. Old Davy
sold to Cudjo3. NedNed was not sold to Cudjo, but is still Harriett's property,
4. John
5. Jack
6. Adam
dead7. Sam?brothers [7-9] 
dead8. Scipio
9. Noble
10. Boston
11. Dennis
12. Sharper
13. Murriaor Maria wife of Micco potoka Ned & her children
14. Polly
15. Amy
16. Davy
17. Rufile
18. Jim
19. Infant  who is named Dahlia, since which, there is another child born named Eliza
20. Floramother of 11 Dennis
Sold to Cudjo21. ----wife of King Cudjo, mother of 3 & 4 (Ned & John) and her children
Sold to Cudjo22. Sam?little boy
Sold to Cudjo23. Matal--?infant
24. Jubadaughter of Flora 20 & her children
25. Abby or Cumba
26. Old Rosemother of Jack, since dead
27. Hagarmother of Boston 10 & her children
28. Deliagrown, by Toney
29. Fannygrown, by Toney
30. Lucy
31. Adam
32. Bella
33. Jacobman

Jno. Casey
A. Agent Seminoles

Seminole Agency
Tampa Bay Flo.
30th Sept. 1837

Of the Negroes at Fort Pike La. in 1836 & 37 the following were captured by Genl. Jesup & by his order restored to their owner in consideration of her compliance with the Treaty of Fort Dade in 1847.

Old Rose - since dead

and the following came in voluntarily during the Treaty & were seized -- June 1837 by Genl. Jesup.

Daly, Noble - both men

Jno. Casey
A. Agt. Seminoles