[M640, roll 4, frame 608]

Head Quarters 7th Mil. Dept.
Fort Smith August 20, 1850


By direction of the Brig. Gen. Commdg I transmit you the accompanying documents, viz.

Report of Bvt. Capt. F. T. Dent 5th Infantry relative to the seizure of certain Negroes in the Seminole Nation by Creeks & others.

A statement of the facts and complaint made by a Seminole woman Eliza or Kith-lai-tsee in regard to seizure of her Negroes, accompanied by a communication from Billy Bowlegs to the Chiefs of the Seminole Nation.

A statement of the facts and complaint made by a Seminole woman Molly or Mah-kuh-tish-chee in regard to seizure of her Negroes.

And I am directed to say that copies of the same will be transmitted to the War Department and have been furnished the Seminole Subagent.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Francis N. Page
Asst. Adjt. Genl

Col. John Drennen
Acting Superintendent W. T.
Choctaw Agency