[Senate Doc. 512, vol. 244, p. 321]

Emigration of Indians
Office Commissary General Subsistence, Nov. 8, 1833


You will apply General Campbell, Creek agent west, for a roll of the Creek Indians who have removed west of the Mississippi under the direction of Chief McIntosh; and you will ascertain from the former, whether Benjamin Hawkins has any claim for the removal of the Indians, whom General C. reports to have been "brought in last spring" by him, or if these Indians were a part of McIntosh's party. I do not allude to any claim for personal services: none such will be recognized except that of McIntosh, and, if any persons have assisted him, they must look to him for remuneration; but I refer to a claim far the expense incident to the removal, for which a specific allowance per head will be paid, as you will perceive by the enclosed letter to Captain Brown.

You will also obtain a roll of those Creeks who have emigrated subsequently to McIntosh's party and up to the time of receiving this letter, who were not connected with McIntosh in the emigration; and you will forward these rolls, and any information touching the subject, to Captain Brown, at Little Rock.  Should it be necessary to pay any individual Indians, you will suggest some plan to Captain Brown by which they can elude the grasp of the speculators.

You will also forward direct to this office copies of your letters, &c.

Respectfully, &c.,
 J. H. Hook, Acting C. G. S. 

To Lieutenant J. Van Horne,
Disbursing Agent, Fort Gibson, A. T.

[Sen. Doc. 512, vol. 244, p. 321-322]

Emigration of Indians
Office Commissary General Subsistence, Nov. 8, 1833


Your letter of the 12th September has been received.  Your proceeding was a correct one in regard to McIntosh's drafts. The Secretary of War has determined to pay him twenty dollars a head for the Indians he carried over, and the same amount per head shall be paid for the removal of such other Indians as may have gone over since, up to the time of the reception, by Lieutenant Van Horne, of the letter, of which you have a copy enclosed. If it should prove that Benjamin Hawkins, or any other person, is entitled to receive payment for the transportation of any of the Indians, you will either pay such other person, or, at your discretion, withhold the money until you forward to this office a statement of the facts, and receive particular instructions.

The letter to Lieutenant Van Horne instructs him to procure from Gen. Campbell a roll of the Creeks removed under McIntosh's directions, including those who emigrated with Hawkins in the spring; to make a separate roll of the Indians who have subsequently emigrated, and to inform you of the facts necessary to guide you in making the payments. When you have received the rolls, &c., from Lieutenant Van Horne, you can pay on the order of McIntosh, and whomsoever else may be entitled, such sum as may respectively be found due them for the Indians removed, at twenty dollars each. No allowance of any description beyond this will be made except to McIntosh, whose claim for personal services will be paid by the War Department.

Two thousand dollars will be deposited to your credit in New Orleans to meet these payments.

You will please to keep a separate account of this fund as it is from an appropriation distinct from the other moneys expended by you.  

Respectfully, &c.,
 J. H. Hook, Acting C. G. S. 

To Captain Jacob Brown
Principal Disbursing Agent Choctaws, Little Rock, A. T.